Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun with pumpkins!

My sweet baby boy! Such a cute little pumpkin!

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Mama's Big Helper!

Jackson "tried" to help with the laundry....but I think he may have been more of a distraction than a help! :)
I couldn't even get him to help me fold up the sheets! :)

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Jackson and Cole

On Sunday, we got to (finally!) meet Cole Beckwith! Cole is about 3 weeks younger than Jackson and he is just the sweetest thing! Clay and Julia-you have a precious baby boy on your hands....and I think we may have double trouble in a few years! :)

Here's one of the sweet pictures we took of these "new best friends"!

Here's one when the boys were like "Mom! Could you PLEASE stop taking pictures of us!!" :)

I just love them!!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sleeping baby....

Man, I hate to have to wake up that sleeping angel, but its time to get ready for school! It's rare I get the opportunity to wake him....usually he beats me to it! In the words of my mama...."get your head out of bed!" :) Rise and shine Jackson!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"I love my mummy!"

Love that smile! It's the best first thing in the morning! :)

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jackson's 2 month check-up

Jackson's 2 month check-up:
Our big boy was so good at his office visit this month. He acted like a perfect gentlemen...well, at least until the part where he had to get his shots! :'(

Jackson....all laid out on the exam table playing with his daddy. He was so funny...making the silliest faces! We hated to have to give him all those vaccines!

Jackson did really good with his shots....not sure his Mama and Daddy did as well! He got pretty mad during the shots, but got over it just as fast.

Jackson's stats from this 2 month check-up (10/15/2010):
Age: 9 weeks
Weight: 13 pounds 10 ounces (wow!)
Length: 23 inches
Head circumference: 16 inches
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Jackson and Alivia

Cute little twinkies....dressed just alike! :)

All snuggled up with Alivia.....she's such a good babysitter!
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Baby Mohawk!

We got all cleaned up after our bath....and decided to try out a new hair-do!

Ha ha ha! I love it! :)

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All dressed up for the Moorman Family Reunion 2010

My little man at the Moorman Family Reunion. We got all dressed up and got to meet a bunch of relatives at the cabin! He got lots of hugs and kisses!!

First time ever wearing shoes! (Thanks Uncle Patrick and Aunt Candi)

Marlie and Jackson....just hanging out!
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Baby Skeleton

Jackson...all dressed up for Sydney's costume birthday party!

Our skeleton has a heart! Is that not the cutest (and fattest) skeleton you've ever seen? :)
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Thursday, October 7, 2010

My little pumpkin.....

My sweet little pumpkin!

My two handsome men!

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Jackson LOVES to talk to his daddy!

Oh...and, check out Jackson's first pair of blue jeans! :)

Mr. Milky Mouth

Hello. My name is Mr. Milky Mouth! :) I love to eat!

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Blue Eyes????

Am I going to have blue eyes?? Not sure yet....but maybe. (They do seem to be getting lighter.) I will be so surprised it they are not brown!

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Sleeping on Daddy....

This is how Jackson likes to sleep on Jason. He loves sleeping on my chest, but rarely will with Jason. He often just wiggles around until he is in some crazy position like this. Doesn't look very comfortable to me....but it must be! :)

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