Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Monday, February 28, 2011

6 months old!

Jackson is 6 months old! Here are some pictures. I know, I know...its a lot of them, but he's just so darn cute that when I start taking's hard to stop! :) Does he not have the most beautiful smile you have ever seen?! ...and check out that red hair! I just love him and each and every one of these pictures makes me smile! There are my favorites (yes...there are many, many more)!









I know he's mine, but I think he is just the cutest thing!

Sippy cup!

First drink from a sippy cup. Haven't quite got the hang of it just yet...still need some practice.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

6 month check-up

We started the visit good (see picture of Jax and daddy playing in the waiting room), and got a good report from the doctor. Turns out our little chunk (20 pounds and 27 inches) is not as big as we thought....only 70th percentile. I would have lost money  betting he'd be at least 90th percentile! :) Worst part of the visit was those darn shots. The expression on his face (see picture of him in my lap) says it all...he's like "they are going to what?! Someone should have warned me before I agreed to come here!". I think its harder on mama and daddy than it is him (although he's not happy at all in the last picture)! He gets mad when the hold his legs still...then is over it just as fast.

All-in-all we had a good 6 month check-up....and no more shots until 12 months! Thank goodness...we hate those things!

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Playing outside!

We are so happy for warmer weather! We finally got to go outside and play! Look at that red hair! And just like true Jackson form...he kept trying to get off his blanket to attempt to put grass in his mouth! :) I don't know about yall but I just love that kid!

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Play pen, pillow pet, and Baby Einstein!

Jackson...watching some Baby Einstein and loving on his pillow pet! :)

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Learning to sit up

Jackson is starting to get the hang of this whole sitting up thing. Still hasn't completely mastered it just yet....but we are working on it!

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So. My baby is on the move! So much so that we had to put his play pen back up because he can no longer be trusted to "stay put" when we leave the room. He has a huge quilt to play on, but of course always finds some reason to roll all over the room. We have his blanket on the floor in front of the entertainment center and his play pen is clear across the room in front of the fireplace. Jason and I were both sitting on the couch the other night and Jackson was playing on the floor with his toys. We look up not a few minutes later and this is what we saw. Somehow....still not sure how...our baby boy ended up across the room, half under his play pen. Still have no clue how he backed under the thing, but he was so proud of himself! We watched him to see what he would do and he somehow figured out how to pull his legs up to his chest and wiggle his way out. He then rolled over and put his feet on the recliner...then started kicking it. He was so proud of himself rocking the chair all by himself. Hard to believe he's so to really keep my good eye on him now!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy 1st Valentine's day to our sweet little "love child"! I am so blessed to have the two best guys in the whole world! I sure do love my boys!

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