Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trying to find a comfortable position....

...for a nap! Had a rough night (those darn teeth!) and my baby needs some rest. His Mama could use a nap too but no such luck for to work I go. :( It sure is a good thing baby chairs come with straps or Jackson would have been napping on the tile!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

9 month check-up

Jackson's 9 month check-up was on Friday the 13th! didn't prove to be unlucky this time because...NO SHOTS! Who hoo!

Jackson weighed in at a whopping 24 pounds and was just a touch shy of 30 inches long!

Looks like my healthy BABY boy is turning into a healthy BIG boy! Too fast too....

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Awesome shirt :)

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Determination.... *VIDEO*

Look at that baby go! :)

Jackson just recently started pulling up on EVERYTHING and this is one of his new tricks. That boy LOVES a remote control and he will do just about anything to get his little hands on one! Determination.... :)

Jackson + remote control = LOVE :)


I think Jackson has the cutest pajamas ever!
There are more....but these are some of my favorites! :)

Monster trucks!

Bulldogs.... :)

"I get my skills from my DAD!" :)

I just love it!

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Baby boys sure can be MESSY!

Baby boys sure can be MESSY!
And....Jackson's Daddy thinks he has found the most efficient way of cleaning up after him!
Pretty ingenious if I do say so myself! :)
Not sure what Jackson thought about the whole situation though! :)

His expression is just priceless!

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Just couldn't resist sharing a picture of my sweet little man snoozing!
He is just too stinkin' sweet!
Love him, and love the position! :)

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I love PUFFS!!

My big boys is doing so good feeding himself his puffs! Those things must be delicious, becuase Jackson LOVES them! :) He misses his mouth a lot less these days too! First few attempts at feeding himself left more puffs in his lap and on the floor than in his belly! He's learning fast that's for sure! :)

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I love my pillow pet!

Jackson loves his pillow pet puppy!
He wrestles with it, chews on it, and uses it as a prop when it's bottle time! :)

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One clean baby....

Don't you just love the robe?! :)

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Happy Mother's Day

Jackson was so sweet to his Mama on my first Mother's Day!
He even wore his "My Mommy Rocks" t-shirt in honor of him Mom!
He gave me sweet presents and even made me his very own card!
He is such a sweet heart! :)

Such a fun loving baby! Couldn't you just squeeze him?!?! :)
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pulling up....

Watch that baby go! He goes after what he wants these days!
Oh our world had changed!
Check out these actions shots of my man in motion! :)
The last picture is the absolute best! Do you think he is proud of himself or what??!! :)

Love it!
The only problem is....he hasn't quite figured out how to get back down.
We have had a few tumbles....I think it hurts his Mama and Daddy much more than it hurts him! :)
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Happy Easter!

Family picture - Easter 2011

My favorite!

Yep. He just had to eat some grass!

I just love those fat little arms and legs!

I just love that red hair! :)

Who knew this kid would love trying to eat rocks! :)

"This rock looks tasty!"

"Can I have my rock back please?"