Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chillin' with PawPaw....

Good times.... :)

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Dancing in a chair....

No clue where this new "trick" came from, but it was hilarious! MiMi and PawPaw have this Finding Nemo kids table at their house (which Jackson has never shown one ounce of interest in...until this weekend). And, he pulled one of the chairs out in the middle of the living room, climbed up on it, and proceeded to dance a little jig on it! He had the best time and he thought he was too funny! He just giggled and danced, giggled and danced! It was all fun and games until he wiggled himself off into the floor. He wasn't down long though before he was back in that chair showing off again. What a ham! :)  

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Snack Time!

Jackson (somehow...still can't figure it out) managed to get the container of goldfish off the table all by himself! He was so proud of himself! And...I had to chase him down and pry that container out of his death grip too! My boy is serious about snacks! :)

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Fruit: It's what's for breakfast!

Pineapple and Apple Jacks (that counts as a fruit right?) :)

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"Thanks Mom and Dad..."

"Thanks Mom and Dad....that supper was so delicious I think I'll wear it on my head!"

Can you guess where his next stop was? Yep...straight to the bathtub! :)

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Devilish :)

I said "no no Jackson" and "we do not play with the fan" approximately ten thousand times this morning. Guess I was wrong. :) My boy just needs to play with the fan cord for some reason. His daddy would say, "he's a fan of a fan" (while grinning bc he thinks he's so clever!) :)  

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sliding... :)

Jackson, Jason, and I went to Arkabutla Lake and played on the playground earlier today. Our boy LOVES to swing and slide and run and play! His cheeks were so rosey and his hair had some serious static-cling from all that sliding! He crawled up the steps like a big boy (only stopping when distracted by random leaves etc on the steps) and slid down the slide (well....okay...maybe he had a little help)!

How funny is he!? Check out the hair! Hilarious! :)
He had such a good time and we had just as much fun watching him!
When did my baby become such a big kid?? Remember this post from about this time last year? Oh how he has grown....

Bedtime Story

My sleepy-head "reading" his book before bed!

He loves that book so much that he has pretty much destroyed every page of it (no more pop-ups)! You can catch him roaming the house with the bed off a dump truck or a wheel from a tractor! The book is just never going to be the same, but he loves it anyway! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

"Please cookie"

During our afternoon snack, Jackson looked up at me and said "please cookie" as clear as anything. I swear. I was stunned. My polite little boy has been saying "thank you" for some time now, but this was the first "please" and the first request for anything. long as you don't consider grunting and fussing a request. :) Needless to say, I gave Jackson some more animal crackers! I could not believe my ears.

My baby boy is growing up so fast! Is there any way to slow time down....just a little? :) and :( all at the same time!

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Mama's Little Helper

I sure hope he always wants to help! :) He wanted to "help" with everything I did today...and I mean everything. What should take about 10 minutes takes about 4 hours with his "help", but he's just so darn sweet! :)

Not to clean, freshly swept, freshly mopped kitchen floor had juice and animal crackers all over them within the hour! Oh well.... :)

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My little goat!

Jackson is ruining his bed with those chompers of his AND he took a giant bite out his football today. I (thankfully) walked in the room as it happened and I was able to retrieve the football from my little goat's mouth. Trouble.

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Baby Einstein Love.

It just never gets old. He loves it.

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Carseat napping...

Jackson has such a sweet cousin! Alivia made sure the sun was not in my baby's eyes so he could take a little snooze earlier today. :)

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My Two Favorite Boys!

Love them! :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Moorman Family Reunion - 2011

October 9, 2011

The 2nd weekend is October is always the Moorman Family Reunion!
We went to Rosebloom to the Williamson Cabin and hung with the fam.

Jackson - playing outside! This boy LOVES it outside!

And...he LOVES his PawPaw!
(I have a sneaky suspicion that PawPaw is fond of Jackson too!)

What is Marlie talking about?? :)

Meet John Abraham (Abe)! :)
He is so stinkin' cute! And he's such a sweet baby boy!
I can already imagine the trouble our boys are going to get into!

Me and my baby boy!

Now that's one good daddy! Got to keep the sippy cup close! :)

Marlie! Isn't she beautiful?

Jason with Liv and Morgan! They all played pretty hard!

Jackson played hard too! :)

Say "Cheese!" :)

Jackson is such a fun kid! And we all have so much fun playing with him and watching him change each and every day! :)

I can hardly stand it...he's so darn cute! Who could resist that smile?

* * * * * * * * * *

A few months ago, Jackson started playing the 'round and 'round game (remember this post?) Wednesday night that boy spun around, and spun around, and spun around! He was so drunk that he was stubbling (and occasionally falling) around and giggling the entire time! He would just grin from ear to ear when Jason and I clapped for him and when Jason sang "spin around, spin around, spin a-round!" :)

Here is the "crazy face" from all the spinning! :)

* * * * * * * * * *

BEST part of the night, you ask??
Jackson started smiling when I'd say "Smile for the camera" or "Say cheese"!!
I took several pictures to make sure it was not just a coincidence and that I was not just imagining that he was "cheesin'" when I asked him too. But I mean...he has been photographed A LOT in his short 14 months of life! It was only a matter of time...

Check out those smiles! Don't you just want to squeeze him?? :)

The best laid plans....

Jackson was having a good time crawling on and then off of his horse tonight while he had it on its side. Not sure but he somehow flipped it on its side and decided to play with it differently than I'm sure was ever intended by the manufacturer. It was all fun and games until it happened....he got stuck! Then the fun was over and he started hollering for his maaaaaaa! The good news is I was able to save him and neither Jackson nor the horse were harmed during this adventure! Jackson was pretty irritated with the horse after his entrapment, but we later all made up and took an actual ride on the horsie! :)

You know what they say about the best laid plans... :)

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Halloween PJs! :)

"Official Candy Inspector"...with his big ole belly! :)


"I'm hooked on candy"...with his pirates and skeletons. :)

I love PJs! :) and the sweet little man that wears them!  

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My little Superman!


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Friday, October 7, 2011

Tired of riding in the truck....

....sad face. That is except when we are playing peek-a-boo! That game never gets old! :) We're almost home buddy! :)

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Uh oh...." finally happened. Jackson dropped Jason's phone tonight....and crack! There went the screen. Sure is a good thing that Jason had his phone in that super protective Otterbox phone cover *insert sarcastic tone*. This not so effective phone cover (at least in this incident) is reported to protect your phone in extreme conditions (like you can run it over with a car and it will keep your phone safe). Guess it was never tested against 13 month old little boys who love cell phones! :)

In the words of Jackson, "Uh oh..."

Guess Jason is getting a new phone after all.... I think its a conspiracy for Jason to get rid of the phone he despises so much! :)

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Funny boy...and stubborn!

Jackson is so funny sometimes. And, he can be pretty stubborn too! He could not be bothered with waiting for his mama to finish putting his shirt on the other night. I got one sleeve on and then he escaped! He couldn't wait on me...he just wanted to play with his race track! Or...maybe more accurately, he wanted to play ON his race track. He gets a kick out of sitting on that thing!

He's showing off that belly for sure! He's so funny! I just love him.

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