Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our very sleepy boy!

And here are some examples of Jackson's Thanksgiving artwork! I think he's very talented!

"Hey Mom - Can I have some more cereal?!?!"

Not sure how it's even possible that he reached the cereal container. I just turned around and he was trying to open it!

 Can you say "go go gadget arms"? :) 

First Bloody Nose.

So. Last Monday, Jason calls me at work and tells me our boy has had "an accident". (I know I'm a little I said; computer issues - for some reason my email/phone posts have not been updating) Seems as if Jackson tripped over his own feet and landed face down on the kitchen tile. And there was blood. A lot of it according to his daddy and from the looks of Jason, I think be may have been right! He said he just cried and cried and wouldn't let him put him down. He said he kept saying "Ooooouch. Nooooooo. Maaammmmaaaaaa". I couldn't wait to get home to love on him! When I walked in the door he ran to me and gave me the biggest hug! We got him some ibuprofen and some big hugs from mom and dad and fixed him right up! :) Pretty sad though. :( 

Computer Genius!

Jackson L O V E loves a computer. He NEEDS to "help" or "see" whatever you are working on. He can do things on a computer that I not only didn't know was possible, but that I could never do again and have no idea how to "undo". For example, on two seperate occasions he has hit certain keys on the computer (while the desktop was locked) and made the computer read options OUT LOUD to me. Seriously. Who knew that was even an option?!

Note from the picture....he's changing the contrast settings on my screen. *sigh* :)   

Watching a little TV!

The other morning, Jackson crawled up on the couch, grabbed the remote control, snuggled into some pillows, and watched him some Veggie Tales for a while!

Such a big kid!

Look at those feet! :)

Daycare Incident Report: Numero Tres

(I'm a little behind on this one...been having issues with my email updates), but my baby came home from daycare with another bite! This one was a bad one too! According to the paperwork I had to sign, my sweet little man was playing by himself with a toy and some not-so-sweet kid decided to bite him to steal his toy! How about asking please? trading? negotiating? Nope. Not in the toddler room...straight to taking things by physical force/biting. Not cool.

And to answer the question you are thinking....I have been reassured he is not being repeatedly bitten by the same kid. Now he's been bitten by 3 seperate little piranhas!

Monday, November 28, 2011

15 month check-up

It's that time again...15 month check-up!
Jackson was in a good mood; playing in the waiting room until.....

Until....his daddy told him what was coming... :)

"Did you say shots?!?!"

" thank you!"

"I think I'll pass!" :)
He fought a good fight and tried to escape...

...and he got away for a little while. :)

In the room, he was all smiles at first. I think he enjoys being naked! :)

But the smiles did not last long once Mrs. Pauline came in with those darn shots!
He very much dislikes being held down! I think that's the worst part for him!

I wish I could say that he bounced right back from the shots, but not this time :(
He ran fever all night...

....and most of the next day. But after this long nap and snuggling most of the day with mom...he's back to normal!

Here are his 15 month stats:
30 pounds 3 ounces
32.5 inches

Obviously with those numbers that puts my BIG boy in the 90th plus percentile in all categories! :)
Dr. Narayanan says "he's healthy and looks good!" :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dancing a jig!! *VIDEO*

Jackson has "dance time" each day in the toddler room at daycare, and they have been teaching my boy some MOVES! Jackson doesn't have the ability to control it....when the music starts; he gets to dancing! Doesn't matter what type of could be country, rap, Veggie Tales theme music, or a jingle to a commercial on tv....that boy takes to dancing! It is completely hilarious! :) He starts bending those knees, swinging those arms, and bouncing around! I have tried for a long while to catch it on film, but whenever I try he stops and looks at me like I am crazy! He also gets distracted pretty easy...hence the 3 dancing clips I have posted for your viewing pleasure! Today he cut a rug listening to the Zac Brown Band and Eric Church on the radio (see videos below)!

Who knew my boy had so much rhythm!?!?

Don't you just love it?!

Cutting a rug!!

Now for the videos! :)

He's so funny, I can hardly stand it! :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What to build? What to build?!?!

Jackson was a HUGE help on our shopping trip to Lowe's!

"Now....what can I build with this?? Decisions. decisions..."

* * * * * * * * * *

Once we got home...Jackson helped his Daddy with his tools!

"I'll handle the drill Dad!"

"This is just the piece of wood I need!"

Watching his Daddy very closely! He was very intrigued! :)

Started getting dark (the lights came on...) so we had to go inside!
But...we had a lot of fun "building"! :)

NOTE: Jackson was not posed for a single picture in this blog. He was caught "in-action" in all of the shots (what did parents do before camera phones??). He is literally into EVERYTHING! and he wants to "help" with EVERYTHING! :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Puffs plus lotion

Jackson + Runny/Sneezy nose + Puffs plus lotion = best friends

Poor guy.  

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The new "top hat"!

He refuses to wear an actual hat on most occasions, but he will wear a plastic bowl on his head all day long! :) Oh my...

I took these pictures last night....and I just looked over at him while I typed out this post and he's wearing his bowl on his head again! So funny! :)

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"Did I get any peaches in my hair?"


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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fun times! *VIDEO*

Jackson and his daddy have so much fun together! Watch those two boys playing! :) Pay close attention to Jackson's foot...he keeps putting it up there for Jason to blow on! Too funny. Jackson has the best laugh ever! Love it! :)

Watch them in action! Be sure to have your sound on! :)

My Handsome Boy!!

It doesn't get much cuter than that!
Can you say HANDSOME! :)

Our Little Lion!! *ROAR*

Happy Halloween!!

Check out our little LION!

* * * * * * * * * *

Sunday night, we went to Granny and Poppa's house to trick-or-treat!
Needless to say, Jackson was a hit! :)

Look at that tail! :)


Beautiful eyes....

Kisses from Granny and Poppa!


Getting some love from Granny and Poppa!

* * * * * * * * * *

Monday night was Halloween and we got all dressed up to trick-or-treat with our neighbors!

Jackson even had some whiskers!

And, he tried to get in the candy bucket on several different occasions....

....even though he had a pretty nice haul in his own pumpkin!

And, yes Poppa....we have been thoroughly "inspecting" his candy to make sure it is safe for him! :) Only the best for my boy!

* * * * * * * * * *

Here are the results from the 2nd Annual Moorman Family Pumpkin Carve:

I think it's pretty clear "WHO" the winner was again this year! :)

Here's my acceptance speech: "I'd like to thank my of the world's best pumpkin carvers....for all her years of love, support, and pumpkin-carving training!" :)

* * * * * * * * * *

One year later...

2011 - 14 months

2010 - 2 months

Growing up way too fast!!