Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Milkshake Time!!!

Mmmm mmmmm good! (Those of you who have ever been near Jackson as he eats you know he's actually making "mmmm mmmmm" noises too!)

Good stuff!

Jackson and his "dog"!

Jackson loves his Snoopy...only he calls him "dog"! He sleeps with him every night, snuggles with him in the mornings, and carries him around! So sweet! ;)

So Funny! :)

Jackson thinks the hand vacuum is so fun! I try to tell him it's not a toy, but when he and his daddy have this much fun, I'm not sure he's going to listen to me!

Isn't that the funniest thing? I love his expressions! :)

Temper Tantrum.

Hello "Terrible Twos"!

Out of nowhere my boy has developed himself one serious attitude! And he does not like to be told "no"!

Here's a little peak into one of those tantrums for those of you who are thinking, "not that sweet baby boy!"

Might I add this little fit happened while we were in Sam's. Jason even told some lady who was looking at us like we were trying to abduct Jackson, "We're not stealing him. But he might be for sale...for cheap right now!" :)

King of Cool!


Just like a big boy...

Jackson likes to crawl up into the recliner, kick back, and read him a good book! :)

Soccer Star! *VIDEO*

My little athlete! Look at that boy kick that soccer ball! I don't know where he got it (I'm positive it's not from me!), but I think we may have one heck of an athlete on our hands!

Happy Valentine's Day - 2012 I was getting logged in and ready to blog tonight, I realized I never actually POSTED his Valentine's Day post....I made it but never hit post! Sorry! Better late than never, right? :)

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Happy Valentine's Day!!

Jackson's Love Bugs for his grandparents!

Jackson's Valentines for the kids at school!

Mama's Valentine from Jackson and Daddy! :) I've got some sweet boys!

Jackson's Valentine to Mama and Daddy from school... So sweet! :)

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Oh what a difference a year makes....


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daddy's Big Helper!

Jackson helped his daddy was the car this afternoon! He was a huge help! :) Well at least he had a good time and was pretty cute with all of his "helping"! He played in the suds and only dumped the bucket out once!


Our newest word is "Hippo"! Jackson has a book with flaps that hide the animals and you have to guess who it is by looking at just the ears and Jackson says "Hippo" when we got to the hippo page today!

It's amazing how fast he learns!

Snoozing with the window down!

Now that's the life! :)

Such a man....

Hehehe :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bathtime Fun!

Having a good time with our family of rubber duckies! He likes to line them up on the edge of the bathtub...but then he throws them in the floor. He thinks it's so funny! :)

Right after I took these pictures, he threw them all in the bathroom floor and then as I turned around to pick them up...he wiggled HIMSELF out of the tub! Oh my....

What's going on with that diaper?!?!

Now how'd that happen? :)

Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?

Our newest favorite book! ;)

Sweet cheeks!

Aren't those the sweetest cheeks you've ever seen?!?!? :)

Too bad he wouldn't pay me any attention while trying to take his picture...he was too busy watching Veggie Tales!! He loves him some Bib and Larry!! :)

The King!

His Royal Highness! :)

Watching Veggie Tales!

The best way to watch Veggie Tales! :) And he thinks Larry is so funny! :)