Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sleeping angel!

Look who ended up in our bed the other night! 

At least HE looks comfortable! :) 

My sweet boy sure was sleeping good and he did NOT want to wake up to get ready for school! 

Rough night sleep for everyone in my household that night! 

But...there's just something about a sleeping baby! I love it! 

Then the very next night...I wake up to find this happening in my bed! 

Not fair that they get to snuggle while I have to go to work! And I'll bet daddy's arm is sound asleep just like my baby! :) 

Oh boy... :)

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The "Moorman Tongue"

You know there is some concentrating going on when you see that tongue come out! Genetics are just amazing! And that goes for more than just Jackson! His daddy (among others) does the exact same thing! :)

He may have gotten the "toe crossing" gene from his mama, but he definitely got the "stick you'd tongue out while your thinking" gene from his daddy!

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Sweaty boy!

It sure can get hot and sweaty when you express all that attitude! :)

But aren't those red cheeks the sweetest! :)

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Shape-fitter toy + Jackson tumble = OUCH!

And that's from the next day! That poor baby way hurt! Hurt his mama and daddy too!

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"No way!"

Our conversation while trying to take this picture:

Mama: "Smile Jackson!"
Jackson: "No way!"

I only wish I were kidding!

Spinning is hard work!

Jackson is getting good at spinning on his "spinner" at Granny and Poppa's house!

He jumps on that thing and twirls himself around and around and around! And considering the weight he's spinning around, it makes sense that he'd be exhausted!

Spinning is hard work! Whew....he looks tired! :)

"Sword-Fighting" with PawPaw!

PawPaw didn't know what he was getting into sword-fighting with my boy! He is a valiant opponent!
He is good with a "sword" that's for sure!

He loves to sword-fight! It can be with anything really...a golf club (see above), a spoon, a fly swatter, a paper towel spool, etc. Anything really! :)

Just yesterday he got one of his golf clubs and walked over to his MiMi and said "fight"! I think we may be in for it! :)

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My boys... {2012}

Father's Day 2012

Father's Day 2011

My boys... I love them both so much! :)

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Father's Day 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Jackson sure is one lucky guy to have such great men in his life!

And...I'm pretty lucky too! Those are my four favorite guys ever! :)

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"Stinky Face"

Jackson giving his Aunt Julia the "stinky face"! That boy refused to smile for her! If it's not his idea; he's not doing it!

Ranger Time!

My little country boy loves to be outside! And he absolutely loves to ride the Ranger! He can't get enough of it!

Luckily you have to push the break peddle and turn the key at the same time to start it if he'd just take off on his own!


Trying to take a nap while porch-swinging with his PawPaw! :)


Not what you want to see when you walk in the bathroom! Poor defenseless towel hook! It never had a chance with my little one.... *sigh*

But it does kind of look like a smiley face if you try to find the silver lining in the situation! :)

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Bigfoot sighting!

Wow! Big huge foot on my sweet "little" baby! And it seems he inherited the "toe-crossing gene" as well! :)

What a difference a year makes!

Oh what a difference a year makes! Incredible! And also impressive that racetrack has withstood the beating it's taken over the last year and a half! He loves that thing!

How could my baby boy have grown so much in just one year?!

June 2012

June 2011


"What do it do?!?!"

Jackson's favorite phrase is "What do it do?!?!". He asks that question about a hundred times a day! He's very inquisitive that child of mine! He wants to figure things out and do things for himself. He seriously can watch you do something one time then he knows how to do it (or at least he tries to)!

He's a smart one!


What do you think this face means?!?! :)

I'm not sure I even want to know to tell you the truth!

But...isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?!? I think so.

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Jackson loves giving hugs! Especially to his daddy! He's such a sweet kid!

Dirty boy!

Dirty boy! Jackson loves throwing dirt! And just moments after snapping this picture he hit me with a handful! I guess this is what it's going to be like raising a boy! :)

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Boys will be boys!!

Spent the afternoon in Rosebloom and my boys got into all sorts of mischief! :)

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Watching cartoons!

Looks like a comfortable place to watch "Veggie Tales"! :)

Good times!

My boys know how to have a good time! They are hilarious! Jackson thinks his daddy is the funniest thing ever...and a this moment I might have to agree! We laughed so hard! I'm giggling right now just typing this remembering how funny those two were with that tunnel!

Hilarious. I love my boys! :)

Computer Genius?

Walked away from my laptop for seconds...and this is what Jackson did to my computer! How do you even do that?!?! More importantly...what does it mean?!?! And...he also changed some other settings that took Jason and I a good half hour to reset. I find it amazing that he can "compute" so much so fast. Seriously, I watched the whole incident go down from start to finish. He couldn't have had the computer more than 10 seconds! All while I'm yelling, "No! No! Jackson!" and running to reclaim my laptop that's now in my sweet angel's lap.

So he must be a computer genius, right? That's the only explanation I can figure out!


Playing in the rain!

My little water bug got out in the rain and splashed around on Monday! He loves the water and loves to be dirty so needless to say he had a blast! We let him out in the driveway to play in the rain and splash in a couple puddles but he soon found the down spout from the rain gutters and the edge of the flower beds! He splashed in that water and played in the mud and had himself a good time! He even found himself a stick (his favorite toy)!

He is all boy! He required an immediate bath after that experience! Actually he had two baths that night because...we had spaghetti for supper later that night! :)


My little book worm takes matters into his own hands sometimes when he feels like reading! I caught him like this yesterday evening! His expression looks like he's saying, "What do you mean I'm not supposed to be on top of the kitchen table helping myself to the book basket?!?!"

Makes me nervous! It was so much easier before he learned to climb! :)

That blue sucker was delicious!

Jackson got himself a blue sucker while we visited the pharmacy on Monday! It looks like he enjoyed it! But what you can't see from this picture is the large amounts of blue slobber that went along with those blue lips! :)

Fun with friends!

My boys and I went to eat with a bunch of friends from work on Sunday and Jackson had a blast playing with new friends Justin and Sydney!

He ticka-ticka-tickled them and giggled at them and gave them both the biggest hugs! They were so sweet! :)

"Rose-colored glasses!"

My boy sees life through "rose-colored glasses"! :)

Looking through that red lid is one of his favorite things! He holds it up to his face, looks all around, and just giggles! It's too funny! :)

Popsicle Time!

Hello summer! Mmmmm mmmmm.... :)

"Beam me up, Scotty!"

At the zoo...


Jackson + "Dog" = Love!

Best friends napping! So sweet! :)

Napping with his airplane?? :)

Sometimes you just gotta take a nap! :)

Isn't that the sweetest thing? :) I just love that kid!

"I love my rubber duckie!"

Thanks Aunt Julia! :)

My buddy!

Getting ready for school!

Handsome boy!

"5 more minutes, Mom!"

My boy does not like to wake up in the morning when it's time for school!

I don't blame you buddy! Not one bit!

"Reading" his daily progress report!

Jackson is such a big boy that he has to "read" his progress report every afternoon after daycare! I picked him up the other day and made the mistake of forgetting to give it to him after I strapped him in his car seat and he said "Mine! Mine! Mine!" until I handed it to him! :)

Big boy!