Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh, the infinite joys of being a parent to a little boy!

Oh, the infinite joys of being a parent to a little boy!
Day before yesterday, Jackson poured MY glass of tea all over him (among other things) and I had to change his clothes because he was completely soaked. As I am trying to change him, he wiggles away from me and streaks through the house completely naked! Then this (see picture) is what I find him doing only seconds later...pee'ing on his green chair!!! Oh my...
Now let's add "Don't pee on your chair!!!" to the list of words I never thought I would ever say! :)

Where's Jackson?!?!?!?

Where's Jackson?!?!?! Has anyone seen my Jackson?
One of our favorite games!
See if you can find him... :)


My child is beginning to think this is HIS bed! He crawled up in my bed and went to sleep AGAIN today!
All by himself...
Wore out!

Lunchtime fun!

"Lunch was delicious Mom!!" :)

Sweet boys!

My sweet boys! I sure am one lucky girl!
I just love them both!

Tickle Monster!!!

Watch out!! Here comes the "Tickle Monster"!!! :)

Jackson LOVES going to the bank!

Jackson LOVES going to the bank...well, he loves the sucker he gets when he goes to the bank!
Too bad most of our checks are direct deposit! :(
"This thing is delicious Mom!"

Baseball star!

My future slugger! And quite possibly a lefty...


I think he's got talent. What do you think? :)

Dirty boy!

That's one good daddy and one dirty boy!
Jackson got VERY dirty playing in Granny and Poppa's backyard this dirty that he had to have a "semi-bath" in the bathroom sink!
Now that's dirty!

Farm Animal Legos!

Jackson loves his farm animal Legos his friend Emily gave him for his birthday! So cute...

Jackson likes to make his own animal might have a horse/rooster or a pig/lamb or any combination of the four! :)
WARNING: Those things HURT if you step on them! Jackson and I both have learned this lesson the hard way!

Toy basket or chair?

Toy basket? or chair? Jackson say, "BOTH!" :)

Mama's chair

My big boy sitting in my chair from when I was a little girl! (It has survived for the past 30 years...hopefully it survives my rough and tough boy!)

The things you find in your bathtub....

Oh the things you find in your bathtub when you live with a toddler! :)


Peekaboo snuggle time with mama! :)

"Crazy Hair Day"

My little book worm reading one of his favs..."Crazy Hair Day"!

First wasp sting!

Crazy thing is...he cried only for a minute (and you know a wasp sting HURTS), but then he was more upset because we made him go inside to tend to his sting!
That's one tough kid!

The Good Book

Doing a little the Good Book!
Hope this is a good sign! :)

Happy 2nd Birthday Cole!

This past weekend Jackson (and his daddy) got to celebrate our friend Cole's 2nd birthday (while I was at work)! Who can believe these boys are already TWO!?
Doing some riding!
Don't you love Jackson's expression?

Cole's train cake! How awesome!

Riding in the train...

Jackson, Hollis, and Cole
Now that's how you can tell Cole's parents know how to throw a good party! Wore out! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's fun with sidewalk chalk! :)

Jackson got sidewalk chalk for his birthday and we took it with us to the park this weekend!
Jackson drew some awesome "pictures" and we had lots of fun. By the time we were finished, we had a lot less chalk, we all covered from head to toe in pink, blue, yellow, and green chalk dust, and had a couple really cool pictures! :)

It's Super Jackson!!

Bigfoot sighting! :)



Stay home day!

Jackson and I both enjoy "stay at home days" because we get to spend the whole day together. Jason always asks what we have planned for the day and the usual response is "whatever we want"! :) And that's just what we did today... :)

Swinging in the big boy swings at the park!


I'm sorry but if this face doesn't make you smile there is just something wrong with you! :)


Big smiles!


"What is thiiissssss??" :)


Ever since (literally) the day he turned two years old, Jackson has refused to take a nap for me. This is a big change from even the day before his birthday, because he has been a good napper for months, even years. Today (while I was on the phone with Comcast *sigh*), Jackson was making LOTS of noise and playing in my bedroom. All of a sudden, I realized that he was quiet...which is usually a sign that he is up to no good. I walk into my bedroom and this is what I found! I could not believe it!

You just never know what that boy is going to do! Maybe this is a good sign for bedtime tonight because last night was terrible. He seriously refused to go to sleep (even in the bed with us) and after we tried for literally 2 hours we gave up. Jason went to bed because he had to work today and I just sat up with him until he finally wore out...which was at 12:30am! I can tell he had not just finished working a 12-hour shift...


How does this happen?

How does this happen? I mean that hammer was REALLY stuck. I had a hard time getting it "un-stuck", especially since Jackson was yelling at me the entire time because I wasn't moving fast enough for him.

Oh boy!

Veggie Tales!

My boy has the most impressive Veggie Tales library of any two year old that I know! (and this is not even all of them...)

Ha... Now you are all singing the theme song in your heads! "Veggie Tales, Veggie Tales, Veg-gie Tallleeeessss!" :)

Poppa's gonna get you!! :)

Can't you just hear that laugh!?!? :)

Not excited...

...about his first day back at daycare after a weeks "vacation" with the grandparents! I wish I could say this was the worst that it got, but unfortunately that is not the case. We had a talk about having to go back to daycare on multiple occasions before drop off time, but it didn't seem to help. Needless to say, Jackson acted very ugly and hurt my feelings something serious when the time finally came... :(  Oh well, I didn't really want to go back to work either if you want to know the truth....


Sweet Cheeks!

I just love those cheeks! :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hidden balloons!

Two balloons left over from the birthday party last weekend, and where did we find them? In the DRYER of course! :)

Got home from vacation, started washing the dirty clothes and look what was in the dryer! Seems like a good place to hide them to me too! :)

I just love that kid! Things like this just make me smile! :)

Donut time!

Mmmmmm mmmmmmm..... :)

Weeble: kids toy or deadly weapon?

Weeble: Kids toy or deadly weapon?

My vote: a little of both!
That thing hurts if your two year old throws it at you! (Not being mean of course; Jackson has a new favorite game...lets throw everything in the air!)

Consider yourself warned! :)

Ready. Set. Jump!

So...we watched a lot of Olympics this year and I think Jackson picked up a trick or two along the way!

Look at my little gymnast go!

Ready. Set...


Whew....that was fun! :)

Jackson and Maddox!

Hanging out with Maddox! :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Nashville/Chattanooga, TN Vacation - 2012

Jason and I decided to go on vacation again this year and let Jackson spend some time with the we took a little trip to Nashville, then Chattanooga, TN.

This was the day we left as Jackson headed off with MiMi and PawPaw...I text MiMi minutes after they left and said, "I already miss him!" and that was the feeling the entire trip! At least it was good to know that he and both sets of grandparents were having a ball while we were gone.

Our first stop was Nashville...

...where Jason and I went for our first visit to the Grand Ole Opry!

We got to see Eric Church (among others) at the Opry. It was pretty cool, I do have to say...

The next day, we got up and headed to Chattanooga, but we stopped in for a visit at the Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchburg, TN on the way...

Touring the distillery...and no, there was no tasting involved in our tour! :) It was pretty interesting though... And, I am WAY taller than Jack Daniel. The picture at the bottom was a life size picture of him; I've got him beat by several inches! :)

And after Lynchburg, we continued on toward Chattanooga....

...and we found our very own-real life Thomas the train! :) I know, I know, but what can we say? We are parents to a toddler and we watch a lot of Sprout! :)

While in Chattanooga...

Our first stop was Ruby Falls.

Touring the cave!

At the underground waterfall! Just amazing...

Once we finally resurfaced, we got to see the view from the tower on top of Ruby Falls. Very pretty! (and I'm not just talking about Jason!) :)

Our next stop was the Incline Railway...

...where we road the train up (and down) the mountain!

Very steep!

While on top the mountain....

...we took a little stroll around Chattanooga. It was an awesome day to be outside; sunny, not too hot, and breezy!

Our next attraction was Rock City on top of Lookout Mountain...

Beautiful views! The one above is called "Lover's Leap" - it was my favorite!

Touring the gardens/seeing the sights!

There is one point on Lookout Mountain where you can see SEVEN states at once! Pretty cool.

Later that night...

...we went to dinner downtown and walked around the town and riverfront. The best part? Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream! Mmmmm mmmmm.....

By the time we got home, I/we were missing our boy something serious!

He seemed happy to see us when we picked him up from Granny and Poppa's house (lots of good hugs and kisses exchanged), but in true Jackson fashion, this conversation followed in the car on the way home:

Mama: "Did you miss Mama and Daddy while we were gone?"
Jackson: "NO!"

That does seem to be his answer for everything these days so I didn't take it too hard! You could ask that kid does he want ice cream and his first instinct response always seems to be NO! At least I know he had a good time with MiMi and PawPaw then with Granny and Poppa! :)

Even if he won't admit it....he was pretty happy to see us too!

He couldn't wait to wrestle with his daddy! :)

And after we got home (after supper of course)....

....Jackson got to eat one of his gifts we picked him up on our travels. His very first Moon Pie! And he loved it...what am I saying, of course he loved it! It's a Moon Pie! :) He also got a couple of t-shirts (not pictured) from the Grand Ole Opry and the Moon Pie General Store!

* * * * * * * * * *

And...what was Jackson doing while we were gone?
...the one thing I know for sure is that he did a little drumming on his new drum set that I made MiMi and PawPaw take BACK home with them after the birthday party! :)

Vacation was fun, but we are sure glad to be back home together!