Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

First Shave with Daddy!

Jackson's first shave with his daddy!

Now tell me that isn't the sweetest thing you've ever seen!
His expression is priceless! He's so proud of himself! :)

Fall Fun Day!

Fun fall day outside playing in the leaves!



How does that happen?

A few mornings ago, Jackson woke up a little early and crawled in our bed to a little early morning snuggles. He was sleeping good (head on his daddy's pillow) when it was time for me to wake up. I went to take a shower, came back and this is how I found him!! :) He was in exactly the same position, except this time his feet were on the pillow! I sent Jason this picture and said "You better be glad he took a bath last night!" :)


Roll Tide!

Watching the game with Mama! Roll Tide! :)



"Baby you're a song, you make me want to roll my windows down, and cruise..."
from the song Cruise by Florida-Georgia Line

Jackson loves cruising around with the windows down! :)
I think he likes all his hair blowing in the wind! :)


Mark Your Calendars!!!

October 25, 2012:

Mark your calendars! Jackson went teetee in the potty!! Whoo Hoo!!

Jason put Jackson on the potty before bath and guess what happened!? Yep. First teetee in the potty!

He said Jackson was so proud of himself! And he was still grinning when I got home from work when I was bragging on him! :) But...unfortunately, he has not shown any further interest in potty training since then. You ask..."Jackson, you want to use the potty?" and he says "NO!"

And...unfortunately, Jason and Jackson were so excited about the using of the potty, that Jason didn't get a picture of him. So....this one will have to do! This is what he looks like normally when you ask him about potty training. :)


No flash photography!

"Hey Mom! Stop taking my picture!"

Sorry buddy. Can't do it. You're just so darn cute! :)


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Big Hugs for Mom!

Sweet boy! I just love him! :)

House Slippers!

Jackson got some new house slippers and he LOVES them! I mean LOVES them! He was so excited when he put them on that he grinned and jumped and ran all over the house! He was so funny.

He wouldn't even take them off when it was nap time! :)
So sweet! :)



RAWR!! Jackson is a monster! :)

Playdate at the park with Emily!

We met Emily (and her Mom) at the park to play one afternoon last week!

Jackson and Emily both enjoyed watching the ducks!

Jackson tried to catch them! (Classic Jackson move!)

Emily was much sweeter and just watched them...and pointed and said, "DUCK!" :)


Jackson playing in the park! He kept rolling around on the ground! :)

* * * * * * * * * *

Emily was the sweetest thing and she brought Jackson his very first Cherry Limeade from Sonic! I think he liked it, but he made a silly faces when he drank it.

She also shared her tater tots with him! It was quite possibly the sweetest thing I have ever seen!

She's a keeper Jackson! :)
Sharing tots!
Just precious!

Apples are delicious!

Mmmmm mmmmm!! Apples are delicious!

Moorman Family Reunion - 2012

Moorman Family Reunion - 2012


He's a wiggler these days! Makes it very difficult to take a good picture!
But, he's still pretty darn cute! :)


Jackson and Daddy!


Look at this pumpkin!!


My red-headed baby boy!


Jackson and Mama


Like I's really hard to take a good picture with him these days! Ha! :)


He played so hard with Abe and John Riley! Sweet (and rambunctious) cousins! :)


Wore out!


Time for a nap!

* * * * * * * * * *

What a difference a year makes! He is growing up WAY too fast! Crazy, huh?

"I vant your candy!"

Count Jackson says, "I VANT YOUR CANDY!" as he gets ready for Halloween! :)


Oh boy...

Jackson has become quite opinionated these days about his clothes/shoes. I have no idea where this very strong opinion came from, but boy oh boy is it here!

He pitches one huge fit if he is not in the mood for whatever it is that you are trying to put on him! I mean he acts crazy if you try to put a pair of pants on him!

This morning...he decided he didn't want to wear his shirt anymore. So...he decided to try to take matters into his own hands and take his own shirt off. He got so mad when that didn't work out for him!


My Big KId!

My boy is growing up so fast! He looks like a big kid now...wasn't he just a little baby? Like just yesterday?!


Daycare Fun!

Jason likes to sneak in to daycare and watch Jackson playing with the other kids when he picks him up in the afternoons. Usually they are just playing with their toys, but on this day they were sitting around listening to Ms. Kim read them a story.

This is proof my child has the ability to sit still! :)



How stinking cute is that? Is he not the sweetest thing? :)


He tricked me...

He tricked me into taking a nap with him! He went to sleep on my arm, and wiggled every time I tried to move to get up! That stinker! :) Oh well...better enjoy it while I can. :)


Pool Noodle Sword Fighting!

He is one valiant opponent! :)


Jackson has a new found love for apples!
You'd think we ad given him candy, he grins so big! So cute.


Sweet boy!

Resting on his nap mat with his balloon!
(and YES! those are the same balloons from his birthday party! Crazy, huh?)


Big kid!

My big boy acting like a big kid at daycare! :)

Snoozin' on a rainy Sunday afternoon...

Good times! Sweet boy!

Cereal time!

Why is it that cereal is just so much better from Daddy's bowl?! :)

"Thanks Mom..."

"Thanks for lunch, Mom! I'm done...and I'm so stuffed I think I'll kick my foot up on the table!"
Oh that we've graduated from the high chair, we've got to learn some table manners!