Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Flu Shot Time!

It had to happen. It just had to. Today was "Flu Shot Day" for Jackson. :(

This was the face he made when I finally broke the news to him...

Entertaining himself in the pediatrician's waiting room...

Jackson was such a big boy!
He got a bandaid and TWO cookies because he was such a brave boy!
He sure is one tough guy!

Happy Halloween - 2012!

Happy Halloween!

Jackson's Halloween T-shirt!
"I VANT YOUR CANDY"!! Hehe! :)

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Pumpkin carving time!

We picked out some good ones this year! :)

And there is no "bones" about who is the winner of the the 3rd Annual Moorman Family Pumpkin Carve...

(The little pumpkin is Jackson's. He picked it out himself at school; I helped him carve it!)

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Sydney's Birthday/Halloween costume/pumpkin carving party!
Always a good time...

Jackson was a train engineer! He drove Thomas the Train! :)




How cute is he?!?

Melissa outdid herself this year with the decorations and food!

So cute!


And there were some awesome costumes! Flash, Cat-woman, a knight, vampires, etc...not to mention the cutest little train engineer you've ever seen! (I still can't believe he kept his hat and scarf on the entire party!)


And we carved some beautiful pumpkins! Well...Beth, Sarah, and Sharrika carved; I supervised/helped!

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Halloween at Kroger Pharmacy proved to be a very spooky day...We all dressed up as Zombie Beauty Queens (each with our own beauty queen title...I was the "Sweet Potato Queen"!)
*Special thanks to Melissa for the make-up and Sarah for the hair! I would not have been so spooky without their help!

The smiling picture of the group.


The "dead" picture of the group. I mean...we were zombies you know! :)


"Sweet Potato Queen" zombie!

And a closer look at the group! We all looked awesome, and we freaked a few patients out along the way. I don't imagine anyone thought they would get a flu shot from a zombie when they decided to come to Kroger that day! :)
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Trick or treating!
Well...trick or treating didn't happen this year. And, not because we didn't try. Well....I was at work most the night, and Jason tried his hardest to get Jackson to cooperate...but Jackson had other plans. Jason literally fought him to put on his costume, and Jason said he "acted like it was made of fire" he screamed and cried and pitched a huge fit while he had it on that he finally decided to abort the mission for the night. Oh's your own fault Jackson! At least we went to the Halloween party earlier in the month and got some pictures of him in costume. That boy of ours sure can be stubborn! Is this what they refer to as "The Terrible Twos"?? I think so! :)