Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Future Football Star!

Jackson is a serious athlete!
And this mama thinks he's a football star in the making!

He says, "Run Mommy, RUN!!!!"

Look at him go!

Future football star - for sure!


I love it! :)

Sweet, sleeping baby!

Look at my sweet, sleeping baby!
He's getting so big!
But doesn't he look like an angel!?
I just love him!

Popcorn for Supper?

What did my boy request for supper by name? Yep. Popcorn. I can't even tell you the last time we made popcorn in our house, but that is what the boy wanted for supper - so that's what he got! It's rare that he requests certain foods, so that when he does you know he means it!

And popcorn was all we could get him to eat!

So...popcorn for supper it is! :)

Uncle Bam's Farm and Blake Jam!

So there is a sweet little resident of Rosebloom who has recently been diagnosed with leukemia (his name is Blake and he was only about 18 months when diagnosed). Well, the community of Rosebloom and the town of Grenada kicked it into high gear and started fund raising to help Mr. Blake and his family with cancer treatments, etc.

We had a blast at the "Blake Jam" fund raiser at a Rosebloom local farm called "Uncle Bam's Farm".

They had a bouncy castle and Jackson and Abe had a good time jumping!
Look at those boys go! I was tired just watching them! :)

And they had a swimming pool full of kernels of corn! The boys had a blast playing in the corn. They just dug around, swam around, and jumped around in it! :)

Only problem was...Jackson kept getting what he called "acorns" in his pants! Hahaha! :)
When we changed him later that afternoon, corn fell out of his pants! :)


How cute is Abe?
And how funny are those Indians in the background!? Hilarious.

Fun times! And for a good cause! :)

Sitting still only because there were Cheetos involved! Mmmm mmmm good!


We did a little tire swingin' and a little hayride ridin' too!


My little Indian!

Fun afternoon with the family while supporting a local family!
Good times and for a good cause!

School Pictures - Fall 2013

Look at my big boy!!

Is that photographer a miracle worker or what?
Do you have any idea how hard I work to get good pictures of my boy!?!?
He would NEVER sit still and smile like that for me! Never. Ever.

I stand amazed!

Is he handsome or what!?


"Driving" his shopping cart at Kroger! I hate pushing this cart, but his daddy lets him do it! Jason always says he is going to push, but somehow I always end up pushing it anyway! least he loves it! :)

Hurry! Hurry!! Hurry!!!

Hurry! Hurry!! Hurry!!!
That's what Jackson says when he wants you to hurry up and hide! :)

Jackson's MiMi is such a good sport when he is always making her hide under the blanket!

Haha! Pretty funny if you ask me! :)

Waking up is HARD!

My boy...he doesn't like to wake up. It doesn't matter what time of day - 6am or 6pm - he doesn't like it! If it's not his idea to wake up, or if he's just not ready, then he's not having it! Sadly, I have to admit, he got that quality from me. Waking up is just hard! But the one big difference between us is that  I like to go to sleep! He might not like to wake up, but he doesn't like to go to sleep either! You really should be one way or the other - because it can be pretty rough on your mama!


My view one stay-home day! I sure do love that boy! And he loves Toy Story! :)

Fun with Granny and Poppa!

Jackson always has a ball when he spends the afternoon with his Granny and Poppa. Poppa built this awesome swing set in the backyard and Jackson loves it!

Jackson loves for his Granny to build sandcastles...then he pretends to be a giant or a dragon and stomps them! That kid loves the sand! :)

And...look at that smile! He loves to swing! So much fun!


Computer Time!

They have computer time in Jackson's new classroom and this is what I walked in to find one afternoon! Look at my big boy working on that computer! He's growing up on me...way too fast!

My Handsome Boys!

I'm one lucky mama! :)

Spaghetti is delicious...and FUN!

Spaghetti is delicious...and FUN! :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Sweet Boy!


Happy Halloween - 2013

Happy Halloween!

Jackson actually had two costumes this year due to our immense love of Toy Story!

Woody and Buzz Lightyear!

I mean....seriously, how awesome is that!?
He made a good Woody and Buzz!

Although I was off work for Halloween, I took Jackson to school in time for his Halloween party.

I dropped him off and had plans to pick him up in an hour (when the party was scheduled to be over), but Jackson was having so much fun he REFUSED to leave with me! I couldn't believe it! He was having a blast (as you can see from the pictures from his party above), so I left him for a few more hours to play.

We picked him up in time for trick-or-treating!
Thankfully it stopped raining just in time to hit some houses!

And after the trick-or-treating was done, we "treated" ourselves to 50 cent corndogs from Sonic, then passed out candy to the neighborhood kids!

Happy Halloween!

Flu Shot Time!

Watching some toons while waiting on the dreaded flu shot!
But Jackson was such a big boy!
He said, "Ouch! That huuurrrttt!" and then he was over it!
Helped that he got a cookie and a sticker for being so brave!
Then we had ice cream after lunch!

Donuts with Mommy!

So early one morning on a Jackson/Mommy stay home day, we (well...I) decided we should go to the donut shop for breakfast. Jackson wasn't sold at first, because he wanted to watch Toy Story for the thousandth time! :) I literally had to google donuts and show him pictures on my iPhone before he agreed to get dressed! Hahaha! THEN...he was on board!

"I want thhhiiiissss one!!"

Jackson got a donut hole and he said it was "YUMMY"!!!

I agree...yummy!

It's doesn't get better than a strawberry sprinkle donut on a monkey plate to start the day! :)

Oh wait...I stand corrected! The only thing that can make it better, you ask?
I told Jackson we need to wait until we said our blessing before he ate his donut and he usually just repeats (most) of the prayer after we say it. Today he bowed his head and said, "Good. Great. Food. Plate. Jesus name! Amen!!" all by himself!

It was the best thing ever!

Just precious.

Good stuff!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

"That's a COOL BIKE!!"

Now that Jackson has moved up to the big kid room, they have "bike day" every Wednesday. This particular day was the first day Jackson got to participate. Mama didn't have to open, so we got to daycare a little later than usual, and the fun was already in process.

Jackson was excited about taking his bike to school, and as we got his bike out of the trunk, several of the other kids lined up on their bikes and watched as we pulled out his bike. It was hilarious - the kids just sat there and stared until one little boy finally said, "Wow! That's a cool bike!!" and Jackson just grinned from ear to ear!

Made my day! :)



So...the neighbors have a trampoline.
And they invited Jackson to jump...might be the biggest mistake! :)

He LOVED it! :)


He had so much fun! He asks to jump all the time now! :)

Big boy!

My big boy is wore out!
When did he get so big!!??

Sweet moments!

It's not often that he's still, but doesn't he look like the sweetest thing!?
And he loves his Buzz Lightyear! :)

Quote of the Day!

ONow that Jackson is very verbal, I'm adding a new type of post - Jackson Quote of the Day!

Today's Quote:

"No Mommy...I'm s'eepy! Let's go back to bed!!"

Don't  I wish buddy! Don't I wish! :)

Pumpkin Patch Fun - Cedar Hill Farm - 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun at Cedar Hill Farm - 2013
Isn't that a cute little bunny??!!  :)

That is one HUGE pig! Wow!

My handsome boys waiting on the pig races!

Train ride on "Thomas" as Jackson called it!


Walking hand in hand with my sweet boy!

Pony ride! My little cowboy kept yelling "YeeHaw!!" while he was riding! Hilarious!
Big ole slide! Even daddy got in on the action!
Mama declined this time because last time I ended up injured! My poor elbows... :)
My little pumpkin!

Rock wall! My dare devil!

Hay ride!!

Getting ready to try our hand at the corn maze!
Jackson leading the way in the corn maze!
He would say, "Let's go...thisaway!!"

Mama and Daddy...just trying to keep up!

Jackson finally got tired in the corn maze and had to have daddy carry him for a while!
We were lost!! :)

I just love him!

Pumpkin patch!

He found a little pumpkin!

"Check it out!!"

Sweet cheeks!

Always on the move! But seriously....aren't those some huge pumpkins!?

Got some cool, funky pumpkins and had a fun day at the farm!
Beautiful day!