Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Monday, June 30, 2014

"Let's look out the wind-dow!"

One morning, Jackson opened his eyes, he looked at me, then popped out of bed and said, "Let's look out the wind-dow! Hey look mommy!! It's outside!" :)

Water Bug!

My boy LOVES the water!

But it wears him out! :)

10-year anniversary trip!

Mommy and Daddy took a trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for our 10-year anniversary while Jackson spent some time with the grandparents! We had a great time, saw some beautiful scenery, toured lighthouses, and took a ferry ride (just to name a few of our adventures), but we sure were ready to get back home to our sweet little red-head before it was all over! :)
On the plane.

Picturesque landscapes!

Awesome seashell finds!

We climbed to the top of a 10 story lighthouse!

Waiting for the ferry! He took a nap, I took our picture!

Riding the ferry to Ocracoke Island!

Fun times with my first love!
But boy oh boy, were we glad to see this beautiful face when we got home! :)
* * * * * * * * * *
Who can believe it's been 10 years since we got married!? Crazy how fast time flies when you are having fun!? We've done a lot in the past 10 years...lived in 4 different towns, I finished pharmacy school, we bought our first house, and we had our beautiful baby boy. We are blessed beyond measure!

Two peas in a pod!

Now tell me those two aren't a mess! :)
They are both in hog heaven!

Ring Pop!

iPad with Granny!

Granny spoils Jackson just a little bit and let's him play on her iPad. Whatever game she had for him to play on his day, he thought was HILARIOUS! Look at the smile! And he was giggling out loud! :)

Poppa's Office!

Jackson and I visited Poppa at work one day, and Jackson "investigated" everything!
He checked everything out, and even made Poppa use the calculator! He's a mess! A mess, I tell you! :)

Rosebloom fishing!

Mother's Day - 2014

My sweet boy made me some goodies on Mother's Day at school! I sure am one lucky mama!

And Marlie and Alivia gave me beautiful flowers! Very thoughtful! Love them!

Where's Jackson?!

Has anyone seen Jackson? I seem to have lost him! Oh, wait! There he is! :)

Redbird's Game!

Our very generous neighbor (and my daddy's boss), invited us to attend a Redbird's game at Autozone Park. Jackson was so excited and exclaimed, "I LOVE BASEBALL!!" several times on the way to the game!

Checking out the field!

Best attempt at a picture with mommy! :)

Precious boy!

Popcorn and Jackson thinks he has the best seat in the house!

Uncle Patrick and Jackson are a pair! Double mess! :)

Group pic! :) Silly boy!

Jackson loved the fireworks show! It was pretty awesome!

Leap Frog Camera...

Here are a few of the fun pictures that I found on Jackson's Leap Frog! His pictures are always fun to look at and occasionally you can make out what he was trying to take a picture of! :)

Sergeant Rick!

Jason's cousin Ricky was recently promoted to sergeant by the Grenada Police Department so we had a party to celebrate!
Jackson played hard!!

Jackson and his PawPaw

We are all very proud of Ricky! Especially Jackson! :)

Fun times! Sweaty boy!

Donut Love!

The kid loves a donut. Loves them. And who can blame him? They are delicious!
He wakes up in the morning and some times "pink donuts" are the first words he speaks for the day! He's a mess!

Sleepy head!

He would never sleep in like this on a stay home day! I have to wake him up every single morning before work, but he's up early on my off days. Go figure! :)

Front porch picnic!

When it's been raining for days, and the yard is soaking wet and your boy really wants to have a picnic...what do you do? Improvise! Front porch pb&j's it is!

Mommy and Jackson!

I love when my boy gives me big hugs when I get home from work!!

And, I love hanging out with him on stay home days!

And, I love early morning snuggles!
I sure am one lucky mommy!

"Time for your 'check-up'"!

Jackson got his flash light and climbed up in his daddy's lap and said, "Daddy. It's time for your check up! Let's look at your eye. Looks good! Look at your nose. Looks good! Look in your mouth. Looks good! Now let's check your heart. Sounds great! Now that's your check-up!"
Smart boy. Future doctor? :)

A little gardening...

Jackson and I took a trip to Lowe's (not for flowers), and Jackson saw this orange flower pot and wanted to plant some "fowers". We took a trip around the garden department and decided on the "green one" and the "purple one". Then, we came home and Jackson helped me pot them. They turned out pretty cute! And my helper is pretty darn cute too! :)

What's wrong with this picture?!

Typical shopping trip with Jackson....

Tornado Warning!

So we have had one stormy spring and even summer this year. It has rained WAY more than it usually does this time of year in The South. And, when it's stormy outside, it means we have a stir crazy little boy who desperately wants to get outside to play!
One such Sunday, we were under a tornado warning and we had to improvise! We spent the afternoon outside in the garage, making houses out of boxes and drawing all over the place with sidewalk chalk!
We know how to have a fun time even in bad weather! Don't you love that little smile peaking out his "window"? :)

Late night!

Jason was out of town (for something...hunting I believe), and Jackson just refused to go to sleep. I tried to get him to agree to go to sleep in my bed, but he just wouldn't have it. So after a few hours of begging and playing his game, he finally gave it up. And if you can see the time on the clock, it was WAY past both of our bedtimes!