Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Playing in the rain!

Jackson loves to get outside and play in the rain! So what if he was in the backyard running around in nothing but his underwear?! :) 

Genetics are amazing!

So if you know me, then he know that I have always played with my hair. Like always....ever since I have had hair! I try to control it, but it just happens.
Sometimes Jackson is so much like me it is scary! :) Check out this video of my sleepy Jackson playing with his hair. Now you tell me genetics aren't just amazing!

My little slugger!

My little slugger! He can really hit! Check out how cute his is and how awesome his videos are! I see t-ball in our future next year!
Jackson says he LOVES baseball! He asks to play all the time! :)


Where is Jackson?!

And why does he have a paint brush!? Hahaha. He's a mess!

Just hilarious!

Just hilarious. He keeps me laughing! :)

Just to make you smile!

So we've been "spring cleaning" and preparing to get ready to sell our house and my little helper keeps me laughing!
If you don't smile when you turn around and see a cute little red-head in nothing but his Calvin Klein boxer briefs covered from head to toe in yellow smiley face stickers then there is something wrong with you! :)

"Big boy" celebration!

Jackson had a "big boy celebration" for successful potty training (cross your fingers we can keep it up), and he wanted "cake and candles" so that's what he got!
My friend Sara from the bakery at Kroger hooked us up with the cutest little soccer cupcakes!

He was so proud of his cupcakes!

I love that proud smile!

What a mess!

This is what happens to a previously clean room when his mommy is momentarily distracted. I asked him "What happened?!" and his response was, "This room is so mess! You need to clean up!"
Side note: it might have taken him all morning, but you'll be happy to know that HE cleaned it all up! Not ME! :)

Sleeping Jackson (and sleeping WITH Jackson)! :)

Sleeping Jackson just looks so stinking sweet!
But....sleeping WITH Jackson is not always pleasant! Just about every night Jackson finds his way into our bed during the middle of the night and he crowds is daddy every. single. night!
I don't know how Jason deals with it. I can't handle it. Drives me crazy! 
We have a king sized bed. and that's how much room Jason is left with! Sometimes not even that much! :)

Bug bites!

Got home from work and was greeted in the garage by my sweet (and obviously tasty) little guy and the first thing he said to me was, "Hey Mommy!! Look at my bug bites!"
Oh. My. Goodness! He must be one tasty little fella! assured after a little Benadryl and some steroid cream we were back to normal. Worst part was he had only stepped outside like three minutes when that happened! Mosquitos LOVE him!


Jackson ran up to me and said, "Hey wook mommy!! I'm a KNIGHT!"
Oh buddy....I don't think that's a knight's crown!
(NOTE: it is a part of a previous Halloween of his mama's; don't worry Poppa or Uncle Patrick, he does not have a princess crown of his own! That's mine! Hahaha!)

Ahhhh!!!! It's a SHARK! (or a dinosaur, or a alligator, or a monster....)

Ahhhhhhh!!! It's a SHARK! Watch out! :)
Now THIS is the way to get ready in the morning. I much prefer the "fun-loving, full of imagination" Jackson over the "sleepy, grumpy, whining" Jackson that I see most mornings!
He's got a fabulous imagination these days! He's so much fun!

I love that smile on that happy face!

Can I get a ride?! :)

Daddy is a good sport; and obviously, very strong!

Time out!

After being super ugly and landing himself in time-out, and after pitching a good one while in time-out, Jackson needed some big hugs from his mama. I love the hugs, but I don't like how we got here!

Jack and Suki

Jackson has such a fun time with his cousin Laney (who he - and her mama - calls Suki), and he thinks that her big brother, John Riley, is the coolest guy he's ever met. And I'll have to admit, I think they are both pretty awesome too! :)
Jackson and Laney (aka Jack and Suki!)
Aren't they the cutest?

Laney taught Jackson how to jump and let me tell you, that kids has hops! She and Jackson (and John Riley) did some running and jumping and even a little playing in the rain on this visit!
I love that he has cousins near by to play with!

Thank the Lord for donuts!


Gun Show!

Anybody need tickets to the "gun show" as his daddy would call it?!
And ironically, Jackson was showing me his "musckles" and that he was "big/stronger" while wearing his "Tough like Dad, but smart like Mom" t-shirt! :)


Now that's some good sleep! Mommy and Daddy's bed just sleeps better than his...

Finger Painting!

Jackson loves to use the "paintbrush"! He's quite the artist! :)

Stay home day!!

Every day is a fun day with this little guy!
Jackson loves to "play" the games at Wal-Mart and Kroger...too bad they are always "broken"! Wonder how long that one is going to work! ?!

Look at that cool dude in his shades!

And this is what it is like to eat with Jackson...why is he laying out on the bench with his feet in the window?! Only Jackson knows! :)

And Jackson requested to "drive the wheel"! He was so proud of himself! :)
And I got some rare snuggles from a very sleepy little guy! I love times like these! So sweet.

And an up close picture of the most beautiful red eyelashes and tiny little freckles! Love.