Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

7 months!

I know its hard to believe, but Jackson is SEVEN months (actually almost 8 months...better late than never, right??)!

He is changing and learning's like you can sit and watch him learn new things. I swear somedays its like he grew up over night!

Here are some fun "Jackson facts" about our growing boy:
  • He is ~22 pounds and 28ish inches long.
  • He is growing in a very nice head of RED hair. Poor thing had a cowlick just like his Mama though.
  • He "talks" up a storm....lots of "da da da da daaaa" these days. (No "ma ma ma maaa" yet)
  • He loves to eat. His favorites do NOT include green beans, but we are learning to eat them.
  • Still no sign of any teeth, but he produces large quantities of drool each day!
  • He can sit up unassisted and play with his toys for the longest.
  • He just started crawling...and boy can that baby move! He actually  more "commando crawls" than anything, but it doesn't hold him back. He's actually pretty darn fast!
  • He has started getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Only time this is a problem is when his head is too close to something...ouch!
  • He just moved up to a size 3 diaper...newborn diapers seems so small now!
  • He is a very happy, content baby. He loves to smile and isn't one to complain unless he's hungry or sleepy. We just pray he keeps this temperment through the "terrible twos"!
  • Speaking of sleeping, he (for the most part) sleeps through the night...waking up somewhere around 6am (give or take a little either way). He actually slept until 7:15 on Monday!
  • Bedtime is usually around 9pm...can't be any sooner than that or his Mama wouldn't get to say goodnight of the nights she has to close at work.
  • He sleeps in his "big boy bed" aka the crib in his nursery, and his new favorite sleeping position involves his little tush straight up in the air. Too cute I have to tell you!
  • He loves to watch Baby Einstein! We have watched "Baby Noah" and "Baby Beethoven" a thousand times! We just started watching "Baby Wordsworth" and are learning how to sign! Pretty cool, I think.
  • He loves his Mama and Daddy and gets so excited when we get home from work! One of the best parts of my day...
  • He thinks his Daddy is hilarious and he giggles at just about everything he says or does. I think they are going to be the best of buddies!!
  • He loves his grandparents too! He gets so excited to hear Mimi or Pawpaw on the phone...he will chase the phone around the room talking and crawling these days! Not to mention, he can never decide who he wants to hold him...his Papa or Grannie! Its pretty hilarious watching them play "hot potato" because he reaches for whichever one doesn't have him; then back again!
  • Not sure if he loves or hates Barkley (Papa and Grannie's dog), but he wants to get his hands on him on way or another!
  • Speaking of determination, Jackson is relentless when he wants something! Tell him "no no" about putting a cell phone or remote control in his mouth or pulling a power cord to the laptop and he can think of nothing else! Determination is a good thing, right?
  • He is so strong! I knew they say there will be bumps and bruises when you have a little one...but I didn't realize they meant on ME! I have had more bruises and scratches than I can count! His all time favorite past time seems to be pulling my hair these days!
  • He's a big boy too...currently wearing 9 month clothes (and some 12 months, but they are still a tad bit big)!
Love that sweet face!

Just a little drool!

Big hands and fat feet!

Jackson loves his crocodile....his name is Snappy!

My happy baby!!

Love those cheeks! (and a little slobber!)

He is so silly! I just love him to pieces!
That's right....National Milk Drinking Champion!! :)

Jason says he may grow up to be a dentist! :)

Check out those eyelashes!

All snuggled up with his bunny taking a little nap!

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