Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Jonah and the Big Fish"

Jackson LOVES books.
He loves to read them.
He loves to play with them.
He loves to push them around the house.
Sometimes he talks to them.
Sometimes he throws them.
Sometimes he tries to eat them!

Tonight the book of choice was a Jackson-sized "Jonah and the Big Fish"!


But....then he tried to eat it! :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Marlie Weekend!

Marlie came to spend the weekend with us! Here's how it went....

We started off playing with the baby.... :)

Blue eyed baby!

Jax and Marls hanging out....eating some Cheerios!

Then Marlie took some snap shots of my man....
Cheesin'! :)

My big boy likes to eat!

Then Marls took some pictures of me and Jackson....started off good.

Airplane...  :)

But then....Jackson started pulling hair!!
OUCH!! :(

* * * * * * * * * * *


We treated ourself to AnnOlivia's cupcakes.
Who knew glitter tasted so good?!
Home of the Glitter Cupcakes ( .....with flavors like banana pudding, peanut butter cup, chocolate covered strawberries, vanilla cheesecake, and cookies n cream! Mmmmm.......

Before bed.....Marlie was sweet enough to read some of Jackson's favorite books. Snappy Smile Crocodile, Five Silly Monkeys, and Little Bee to name a few!

Only downfall for the weekend: my happy little baby got SICK! :( Not cool! Poor thing just cried and had the worst time. You know my boy is sick when he doesn't wake up smiling in the morning and when he refuse to eat! Took him to the minor med (not how we intended to spend the day) and seems as if he has a "baby virus" that causes ulcers in the back of his throat! The silver lining....the doctor gave him possibly the best prescription ever! POPSICLES! I think I would sell twice as many rx's if more doctors prescribed like him! :)

He wasn't too sure about the cold popsicle at first....but then he warmed up to it! :)

Messy! We both had chocolate all over us! Sticky... (Note the chocolate on my shoulder).

But it sure did taste good!

* * * * * * * * * *

After a rough night (for Jackson, Jason, and I....Marlie slept like a baby...well, not like MY baby, but you know what I mean), we went to spend the afternoon in Rosebloom with MiMi and PawPaw.

Jackson was feeling somewhat better, but was still a little grumpy. His poor throat still hurts sometimes and his appetite was not completely back to normal, but I think we are on the road to recovery.

While MiMi and PawPaw played with/entertained the baby, Marlie and I finally got to paint our toenails. Seems like a simple thing to most, but is almost impossible when dealing with a sick 10 month old baby. The blue paint was supposed to "shatter" but it was way too hot outside to work like it is supposed to. But still...pretty cool color. I joked that I think it will glow in the dark it's so bright! 

Marlie was sure we could help Jackson start walking this weekend....and we practiced some and he took some little half-steps, but being sick slowed our progress a bit. Here is a couple of shots of his practicing. Can't believe he will be walking so soon. Completely unbelievable....but then again, who could believe Marlie could be THIRTEEN already. Time flies....

By the way...excuse the lack of clothing on my baby. It was really hot and he was drooling a lot!

We've been working on drinking more from a sippy cup, but Jackson decided he wanted my water bottle instead! He had a ball with it! I think he liked it because it was cool...and he was sweaty!

After we go cooled off, Jackson had a good time playing with his turtle (thanks to my Aunt Glenda)! You push down his shell and it rolls across the room. I would say, "Ready. Set. GO!" then let it go. He just giggled out load every time! His laugh has to be one of the best things ever!! It is just precious!

Finally, we wound the day down with some hugs for Mama (and everyone else), and went to meet Aunt Julia after work. Hated to see Marlie go, but we had a good time during her visit.

Missed you's your turn next! Love you girls! Hugs and kisses....

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Boys love trucks!

My boy loves to push his firetruck around!

Bath time trick.

Jackson's new favorite thing at bath time is to stretch out and put his hand in the water while I'm running his bath. He loves it....he's so proud of himself. Makes me very nervous!

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I need a bath....

Crazy hair before his bath! My baby loves a bath!

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Snoozing with Mom....

Got the treat to sleep in this morning with my little one. He sleeps in his own bed and I love our occasional snuggle time. Jason was up early working on surveyor stuff (I don't begin to know what he's doing in there) and Jackson just couldn't stand it. He needed to be with either his Mom or Dad....and Mom won!

Big thanks to Jason for the sleeping picture! Nice...

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Snugglin' :)

I'm so lucky! :)

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Baby Einstein trance!

Jackson loves him some Baby Einstein! He will stop whatever he is doing to watch it when he hears the music come on! I made the mistake this morning of turning the dvd player on BEFORE I changed his diaper! He was not too happy....guess he was worried he'd miss the best part of the movie! I have to say though, that Baby Einstein is a pretty good babysitter for about 20 minutes...just long enough to get a good shower! Thanks to the creators of Baby Einstein! I don't really see what's so intriguing about it, but Jackson seems to like it! :)

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Just woke up....

Wish I had a smile on my face like this one when I first wake up! As I'm sure most of you know, I am not a morning person. But this smile makes getting up worth it! Love it!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is what I caught my sweet boy doing the other morning while I was getting dressed in the next room. He was so proud of himself! He has grown up so much over the past few months and let me tell you...that boy is FAST! If he wasn't mine...and I hadn't seen it with my own eyes...I would never have dreamed a baby could move so fast! He's like a little rocket. Especially when he wants something...or he's doing something he knows he shouldn't be! He's wearing me out! :)  

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Love that smile!

...and the messy food face just makes it all that much better! There is no way not to smile when you see that face! It's just not possible.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

My boys...

These two hands hold the key to my heart!

I love my boys!!!
I can't imagine life without either one of them; I sure am one lucky girl!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Jackson and his daddy on Father's Day! My two handsome boys....

Family picture!

"I love my Daddy!!"

Uncle Patrick and Aunt Candi got some love too!

Today was not just Father's Day, it was also Poppa's Day too! :)

Poppa getting some "kisses" from Jackson on Father's Day!

So sweet!

 * * * * * * * * * *

So....I had to work today (boo!) and I missed the Father's Day lunch. And...Jason did not take a single picture of Jackson and Pawpaw on Father's Day! Can you believe it?!

Luckily, I have some sweet Pawpaw/Jackson pictures from Easter to share! :)

Two peas in a pod!!

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Jackson says, "I love you Daddy, Poppa, and Pawpaw!!!" :)

He sure is one lucky boy to have such good men in his life!
I pray he grows up to be a little like all of them!