Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jackson loves to ride!

He loves it!

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It's hard work being a baby...scratch that...a toddler! :)

My poor, sleepy baby! So sweet.

He sure does play hard at daycare! This is how his daddy found him yesterday when he picked him up from school. My boy loves to jump. It is a good thing (but kinda sad for his mom) that he's moving up to the toddler room next week bc he is just about too big for the baby room toys these days.

Toddler I'm going to try to hold back the tears...

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

PawPaw love...

So sweet. :)

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Resting up!

Getting a quick nap. Resting up for some serious playing the rest of the day. Who knows what I'll get into next...... :)  

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PJs and wet grass and lots of fun!

Jackson got out in the garage this morning with his daddy (still in his PJs) but then decided he needed to investigate a few things. He splashed in the water puddles in the yard, climbed the wet, grassy hill to the neighbours house, and ran through the yard just having a ball! Jason had to chase him down numerous times! He even required a bath after that little excursion this morning! Grass was everywhere! :) He sure did enjoy himself though (even though his dino pajamas are a tad too small these days)! :)

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jackson + Maddox = Mess!

Jackson + Maddox + popcorn = big time mess!

Melissa's rug may never be the same! They were so sweet sharing their popcorn though...that is, before they (intentionally) poured the bowl of popcorn on the rug to play with it. Jackson played hard with Maddox, Ian, Sydney, Eli, and Bryce this afternoon. So hard that he missed his nap and almost fell asleep while he was eating supper!  :) Now...for Jackson...that is wore out!  

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Fever, Tylenol, and a good nap...

Have I ever expressed my great dislike for teething? Or when my baby is running fever? If I haven't, let me take this time to say....I hate it!

Jackson has been running a low grade fever part of the week and we think he's growing another pearly white, but those things sure do make him feel under the weather! And it hurts my heart to see him feel bad. Wednesday night (the day these pictures were taken) Jackson just laid with me in the floor and I rubbed his back until he fell asleep. If you know my boy, then you know that NEVER happens. He never just falls asleep unless you put him to bed. He just needed to snuggle with his mama and get some rest.

He's starting to feel a lot better now. Hopefully we are over all the icky stuff.  

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'Round and 'round we go....

Tuesday, Jackson got the pleasure of spending the entire day at home with his PawPaw. And on Tuesday, Jackson showed us his new trick. He now stands in the middle of the living room and puts one arm in the air and spins in circles until he gets dizzy, then falls down. Then...he just grins and giggles because he thinks its so fun and hilarious! Paul said it was the first time he'd ever seen him do something like that, and Tuesday night was my first time experiencing it too. He is too funny to watch! I tried to get a video but (of course) as soon as I tried he would stop spinning.

I just wonder what else he's learning at daycare? Or from his PawPaw for that matter! :)  

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jackson 12 months

So...Jackson is really 13 months, but with the amount of Internet problems we have been experiencing over the last month (you don't even want to get me started), I have been having a hard time getting these pictures posted. If it hasn't been taken on my phone, you haven't seen it in the last little while....anyways.

Jackson had the most excellect airplane themed birthday party a few weeks past, but was feeling a little under the weather during his party (those darn teeth), so I decided he needed a do-over! Here are some of my favorites!

Jackson looking cool in his aviator sunglasses and camo! LOVE it! :)

* * * * * * * * * *

Then came the sweets! Jackson looked at me like...."Do I really get to eat this??!!" when I gave him that sucker! He was such a sweet (literally), sticky mess by the end of this photoshoot! :)


"This thing is awesome Mom!" :)

Think he likes it?? I think so....

* * * * * * * * * *

Then came the cake! Poor guy was running fever and was a little fussy with his first cake, but enjoyed himself while making a mess of this cake!

Happy Birthday Jackson!

My messy ONE year old baby boy!
Can you say "bathtime"??!!!

Messy, messy, messy! I just love this kid!

* * * * * * * * * *

After a long day of playing hard, taking pictures, getting super messy, and getting a good bath, my boy was down for the count! He had to sleep it off with a good long nap with some if his best buds (Snappy and Stripes)! :)

Is he not the most precious thing you have ever seen?

There is no way you could ever meet this child and not just fall head-over-heels in love with him!
He is the most precious soul! I just love him!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Subliminal messages??

So...let's be for real.

Baby Einstein has got to have some sort of subliminal messages embedded behind all the shapes, colors, puppets, and classical music. It just has to. My boy NEVER sits this still and/or is this attentive to anything for this long. He will sit there watching the tv for the longest. He doesn't watch regular tv (ever. He could care less) and will only watch Veggie Tales for a couple of minutes before he is up and into something. It is just unbelievable. And...these pictures were taken several minutes apart, after he'd been watching it for a while before that. Not to mention, I had walked through the room several times AND cleaned up his toys all around him. Now that is what is the craziest...he follows me around like a puppy dog every time I walk through the room in any other situation. Insane. That Baby Einstein is some good stuff! (At least to I'd prefer the Veggie Tales myself!) :)

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Getting up...

Jackson might fall down on occasion, but he knows how to get himself right back up! Just got to stick that booty as high in the air as possible! Pretty darn cute to watch! :)

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Saturday, September 17, 2011


...thought he would never take a nap today! Just way too much going on that he could miss if he were asleep!

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Jackson carried Marlie's cell phone around all afternoon, and he would hold it up to his ear like he was talking to someone on the phone. You could say "hello?" and he'd hold the phone up to his ear and grin! He would just chat away talking either to or about his "Da"....still his favorite subject.  I'm not sure, but I think that's pretty smart!

Also tonight....he learned how to climb the STAIRS! He thought it was a game, and he was really good at it too! That child has no fear. None. He also thought Marlie was just automatically supposed to climb the stairs with him (because she always did to make sure he was safe). He would start up the first step....look back at Marlie and grunt until she came to climb the stairs with him. He wore us all out....and he stressed me out! :) Marlie says we are going to have to get a "puppy gate" and I think she may be right!

Completely unrelated note: Marlie quote of the day...."Antelope have weird butts!" :) She ain't right....but she sure is hilarious! I love that kid....she made me laugh so hard!! :) Love you Mar!

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Oh Marlie....

....stop tickling me with that feather! Can't you tell I'm fighting sleep right now?! :)

(photo courtesy of Marlie....while she was tickling my boy!)

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Rocking with MiMi!

Rocking on the porch swing with my MiMi and Marie!

(photo courtesy of Marlie...thanks!)

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Walk in the park....

Walking with Mom and Dad in the park!

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Just a swinging.... :)

Jackson wanted to play outside so bad today (see Unhappy. post), we decided to take him to the park to swing. It was such a pretty day and I think Jackson enjoyed his swinging! He didn't want to stop! Eventually the swinging just about put him to sleep so we had to call it a day! Fun times...  

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Jackson was unhappy about having to get back in his carseat this afternoon. Very unhappy. He flopped, kicked, went stiff as a board, etc before I finally handed him off to his daddy. This is what happened during Jason's attempt to strap that wild monkey in his seat! He did eventually have to concede to riding in his seat...although he did put up a good fight!

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Jackson and I found ways to entertain ourselves while Jason got his hair cut earlier today. He loved the spinning in the salon chair! :)

On a somewhat unrelated note, Jackson is just starting to get the hang of walking wearing shoes. He only takes a few steps without holding on to your finger when he's wearing his boots, but that is a huge improvement from the first attempt!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

"I love cooookies!"

In the words of the cookie monster, Jackson says, "I love cooooookies!" And...yep. Jackson got cookies all over my kitchen floor. And...yep. Jackson is the reason we are going to have ants. And....yep. Jackson definitely ate cookies off the floor. And....yep. Jackson is the reason we clean our floors approximately a thousand times a day! he not the cutest thing you've ever seen?! I think so!

The ladies at daycare said he was dressed up like his daddy today! (Didn't realize I dressed him like an old man today!....sorry Jason, I couldn't help myself!) :)

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"Mom! Can I go outside with Dad?!

When Jackson saw his Dad, he just had to go outside to see what he was up to. He hollered for his "Da" for a minute then decided to take matters into his own hands! :)  

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Giving Tigger some love!

Jackson loves to love on his Tigger! :) He will just squeeze his neck and give him kisses! He gets a little jealous if you give Tigger hugs too. So cute! :) I just love my affectionate, sweet little boy!

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That is not a seat!

Sitting on top of his toy box! And....yep...he got up there all by himself. top that....he got down all by himself too! He's something else! :)

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Shower Time!

Jackson's Daddy left the shower door open (just a tiny bit) and Jackson let himself in! He had a blast playing with all the "toys" he found in the shower...and he came out with one soggy diaper! (Dont ask me about that bib. Jason put it on him in an attempt to stop the slobber...but that boy still found a way to get wet! I told him, "Little babies wear bins; Jackson is a big boy!")    


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On his first birthday (8/9), Jackson would take a few steps (like maybe 4 or 5 steps at most), but not anymore! Jackson is a full speed ahead walker! The week of his birthday he started standing up on his own. Before that he could pull up on stuff, but never just stood up in the middle of the floor. After that....he was off!!! Now his is a full time walking kid! He has actually started to almost run. He does the funniest little chicken walk! Guess that means I am going to have to get the kid some shoes that fit now!

Just a standing....

The kid is in a full on sprint now...I'm going to try to get some footage of the run soon!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Seemed like a good idea at the time... :)

Jackson likes to sit ON his race track (even though I'm pretty sure that's not the way it was intended to be played with), but tonight he tried to make it spin HIM around! He pulled the lever to make the track spin, then he tried to stand up, but it didn't work out so well this time! Poor guy. Seemed like a good idea at the time....  :)

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