Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jackson's 18-month check-up!

Friday we went to see the doctor for Jackson's 18-month check-up and this time it was just a physcial...NO SHOTS! Yeah!! :)

He enjoys driving the car before we go in to see the's amazing how much he pays attention to what you are doing because he tries to turn all the knobs and pull all the levers he sees you messing with while you drive! (He'll be driving before I know it!)

Once we got inside, he raided the diaper bag and found a bunch of snacks! :)

In the exam room, he was fascinated with the blood pressure cuffs! I told Jason this was the moment he decided to go to medical school! :)

The check-up went great! We are still in the 90-100% range for weight and height; and we are growing into that big ole noggin! :)

18-month stats:
Weight: 31 pounds 7 ounces
Height: 33 and 3/4inches - I think it's a little longer than that because he was scrunched up and fighting the nurse who was measuring him!

After his check up we went to Wimpy's to eat lunch...

....where kids get FREE ICE CREAM! Mmmmmm.....

Next stop was Granny and Poppa's house!

Good day and a good check up!

"Got one hand in my pocket...."

Jackson just walked around the other morning before we left for school with his hand in his pocket like he was a big boy! His daddy made me check his pockets for a pocket knife or a frog or something, but this time there was nothing in there but his hand! :)

Arkabutla Lake

It has been such nice weather for the past week or so, we took Jackson out to Arkabutla Lake to play at the park and run around! He loves to roam free!! :)

Swinging with Daddy!

All smiles! :) :)

Who gave you those kisses!?!? :)

Jackson came home from playing with Granny and my Aunt Glenda this afternoon....and look what I found! Wonder which one of those ladies have been kissing on my sweet baby boy? I have a sneaky was both of them!! :)

Not what I meant by "Let's clean your plate if you're done"!

I need a live-in housekeeper with this messy little boy!! Oh wait...I think that's me (and his daddy)! :)

Today as we finished up lunch, I told Jackson to hold tight for a minute while I cleaned off his plate so he could get down. He decided to help out by throwing all of his food on the floor/blinds. Not cool.

Sweet boy!

Is that not the sweetest way to watch Veggie Tales you've ever seen? :)

I just love that sweet boy!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Oh my my my........

Grocery Shopping at Kroger!

"What's on sale this week at Kroger??
Hmmm...egges are 2/$3.00...awesome!" :)

New ways to sit in the Finding Nemo chair at MiMi and PawPaw's house!

Silly boy! :)

Jackson's FIRST trip to the ZOO!

Friday, we took Jackson for his first trip to the Memphis Zoo!

Jackson ate animal crackers while cruising around in his wagon!

Then we had a picnic lunch!

Jackson liked the petting zoo! He pointed at all the horses and goats! :)

Jackson had the best seat in the house! He got comfortable!! 

Jackson and Daddy

Jackson and Mama - in front of the elephants!

One of Jackson's favorite attractions at the zoo!!
He discovered it while running around like a crazy person when we let him out of the wagon!
There were some kids (I'm guessing about 2nd grade) on a field trip on Friday and Jackson NEEDED to get out of the wagon and run around with them when we crossed paths....I think he had a better time watching those "wild animals" than the real animals! He was so funny....  :)

My boy didn't need any help to get a better look at the zebras!
(and yes....there are people in the exhibit with the zebras....weird)

Silly boy! :)

He wanted to push the wagon himself at one point to.....wouldn't have it any other way! Can you say HARD HEADED! Wonder where he got that from??

Looking at the monkeys....well more accurately the apes!
We learned the difference from Silly Songs with Larry - Veggie Tales....
"If it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey,
even if it has a monkey kind of shape.
if it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey;
if it doesn't have a tail...
it's not a monkey - it's an ape!"

And speaking of apes.....check out the last picture....Jackson (and I) have the same color hair as the orangutan!! Hilarious! I have a long standing relationship with one of the orangutan's at the Memphis Zoo - we have been "acquaintances" since I was a kid myself - he scared the mess out of me when I was about 7 or 8! :) He's one of my favorite animals at the zoo; and he's always glad to see me too!! I'm sure he'll be one of Jackson's favorites too!

Just to make you SMILE! :)

Jackson LOVES to run around the house naked for a few minutes after his bath! LOVES it! Isn't that the  cutest little tushie you've ever seen!? :) He doesn't get the run around long without his diaper...he cannot be trusted!!

Napping Baby...

Jackson has been having a tough time sleeping through the night for the past few weeks, but he has not had any problems napping! He gets to sleeping so good, you have to go wake him up after about 2 hours...who knows how long he'd sleep!

My day off last week, I had Jackson napping on the couch beside me for a while. He got to sleeping so good, it didn't even wake him when he rolled over and ROLLED OFF THE COUCH! He better be glad I was sitting right beside him, because I caught his leg and helped him not hit the floor at full speed! He slept just like this for another hour! Then I had to wake him up so I would have someone to play with!

Wish he'd sleep this good though the night for us! I think we were spoiled when he used to sleep so good! :)

Juice Box!



"Hey, Mom! This spaghetti is DELICIOUS! Did I get any on me??"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just like Dad!

....daddy's shirt and daddy's iPhone!

What a difference a YEAR makes!

Caught Jason and Jackson napping a few nights ago....and this picture got me thinking. What a difference a little over a year makes! Boy has Jackson grown!

February 2012

October 2010

Amazing how fast they grow! Just amazing....