Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mid-South Fair - 2012

We spent the afternoon at the Mid-South Fair in Southaven! It was Jackson's first trip to the fair, and he found all sorts of interesting things to "Oh! Wow" about! :)

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They had a "Kid Zone" with a petting zoo! :)

Look at those goats! :)

This guy wanted to get up close and personal!

This place is cool, Dad! :)

Jackson and his Dad at the fair!

Taking a carousel ride with Mama!

Jackson and Mama in front of the Ferris wheel!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Little Ninja!

My little acrobat! I am so not kidding, this child is unbelievable! I only thought I gave birth to a baby boy, but in fact his has got to be part NINJA!

That child was playing under the kitchen table one second....I leave the room to go to the bathroom...I walk back in mere seconds later, and find him not only in his high chair....but standing up in it!! I had a fit! He was so proud!

I seriously cannot figure out how he possibly just climbed in that chair. I've seen him try and fail multiple times. The only logical explanation is that he used one of the other kitchen chairs to climb on top of the table and then climbed from the table into the chair. Amazing. And terrifying!

What can I say, that boy has mean ninja skills! And I literally cannot turn my head for one second! :)


Think he really wants a snack?! :)

Moorman Raceways...

Saw this idea online and decided to give it a try...and after we (finally) got all the masking tape down, Jackson played on his "racetrack" for a solid hour without making a peep! He loved it!


Driving his car on his racetrack!


Racetracks are not just for cars! He drives his tractor on his track too! :)

Getting ready for bow season....

Jackson is getting everything set for the upcoming bow season with his Daddy and PawPaw! :)

Although, I'm not sure your supposed to have a car in the tree stand with you! Or be in your PJs! :)
He'll figure everything out in time! He's just a beginner this year!

Park Time!

Jackson and his daddy visited a new park in Hernando the other day...and it looks pretty cool! :)


"Lord, I was born a ramblin' man..." :)


My sidewalk chalk artist! :)


"Weeeeeeeeeeeee........!!!!!!" :)

I'm one lucky girl!

I sure am one lucky girl! This is what I woke up to this morning! My handsome husband snuggled up with my sweet baby boy (and his dog, of course)! Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?! :)



Just a cruisin' around town with Mom with the windows rolled down! Yeah for fall!

Uh oh...

I have a sneaky suspicion that someone was trying to take his own diaper off again!
What do you think? :)


So....I was on the phone. That always seems to lead to some interesting story because Jackson either A) Can't stand it or B) Sees it as his "opportunity" to get into to something while I am distracted.

So...I was on the phone in my bedroom. Jackson was playing in the living room with his toys. A few minutes later, he joins me in the bedroom...dragging his (empty) toy box behind him. NOTE: this means there are Lego's everywhere! He dances around the empty toy box for a few seconds, then decided to get inside of it! Unfortunately for Jackson, he has grown way too big for this activity! And...he got stuck! He was not happy about it either! My boy was in distress!! Luckily for him, his Mama was near and I came to his rescue...but not before I snapped a quick picture of him. And, I am happy to report, no one was harmed during this incident (neither Jackson, nor the toy box)! :)


It's Thomas!!

Look what we found at the Goodwill that we just could not live without! It's THOMAS!! Jackson spotted him way before I did...and just pointed and said, "Wow! Wow! Oh, Wow!!" And...considering it was only $'s now OUR Thomas! :)

Yeah! The Goodwill is awesome! :)

Chicken Leg?

Look at that boy eating on his first chicken leg!
Mmmmm mmmmmm good! :)

My little monkey...

Look at that little monkey climb! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Veggie Tales LIVE!!!

Yep. You read that right!
We went to VEGGIE TALES LIVE at Hope Church in Cordova!


Mama, Daddy, and Jackson getting ready to watch the show!


My sweet boys!


We got to see... Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and Junior Asparagus (among others) in person!

And they sang a ton of our favorite silly songs...The monkey song, His Cheeseburger, Everybody has a water buffalo, Barbara manatee etc...

 It was very exciting! We had a great time and there were TONS of kids there!


Watching the show!


AND...we got Jackson a Larry t-shirt! Don't you love it!? :)

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And so I'll leave you with the lesson each show teaches you...
"God made you special, and He loves you very much!!"

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We knew Jackson enjoyed himself that night, but the next day he showed us just how much! Jason was getting Jackson dressed for school, when Jackson found the Veggie Tales Live flyer (see first picture above) on the kitchen table. He said he grabbed it and started grinning and said, "Wow! Wow! Oh, Wow!" and just kept talking to him about it. Then he just HAD to carry the flyer with him in the truck on the way to school (and he talked and wowed to Jason about it the entire way there). Once they got to school, Jason took the flyer and put it in the floorboard of the truck to get Jackson out of his seat, but as soon as he sat him down on the ground, he reached around and got it again! Jason asked him if he wanted to take it school to show all of his friends, and Jackson grinned and ran toward the front door! (NOTE: that never happens. Ever.) Jason then said Jackson ran all the way to his class and was so excited to show everyone that he got to go see Veggie Tales Live! He said he was just a jabbering about it, showing it off to everyone when he left! :)

I sure am glad that he enjoyed himself, but it is so not fair that Jackson cries hysterically EVERY morning I have to take him to daycare, and the one morning Jason takes him...he grins and laughs and runs into class. Very unfair on my part I do have to say!!



Mama and Jackson: Ready to watch some Alabama football!

"The Dip!"

We took Jackson for his first visit to the Velvet Cream in Hernando (also known as "The Dip"), and he seemed to enjoy himself! :)


Jackson said, "Wow! Wow! Oh, Wow!" :)

Super Jackson!!

My little "Super Hero"! :)

Giving it a try...

...good try buddy!

Sunday afternoon stroll...

Cruisin' around the neighborhood with Mama and Daddy on our Sunday afternoon stroll!
Lazy Sundays are the best!


Ride 'em, cowboy!!

Giddy up Daddy! :)

I. Don't. Want. To. Go. To. School!!

This is the sad face I have to deal with in the mornings when it's time to go to school! :(

This particular morning, Jackson woke up about 4:00am and didn't go back to sleep until about 6:30am. Unfortunately for him, we had to leave the house for school/work by 7:00am and he was NOT ready to wake up! Me neither neither!

Poor guy. It just hurts my heart...

Ant bites!

Well. It was bound to happen... Jackson got in a fire ant bed! And...OUCH! They got him good! He had about 15+ bites on his arms, legs and hands before his daddy could get them off of him! Poor thing!

But after a dose of Benadryl, he was just fine! Only a few of them were bothering him the next day. It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but he had 3 bites in a row on his left hand that were sooooo itchy!

"Put up your dukes!"

My two boys "fighting"!
Jason says, "You better put up your dukes" and Jackson goes to jumping around and fighting.
It's hilarious!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How does that happen?

I walk out of the room for one second, walk back into the living room and this is what I found. I mean seriously? How does that even happen? Incredible.


Donut Time!!

We took Jackson to the Donut Shop for the first time this weekend!

He LOVED his first Donut Hole! :)


In the words of Jackson, "Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm!!"
Jackson was a big fan of the donuts. He kept trying to get the donut box off the kitchen counter the rest of the day! :)

"Where's my donut??!!??!!"


"Thanks Mom and Dad! This donut is delicious!"


Loralee's 3rd Birthday!

We got to celebrate at our friend Loralee's Princess Party this weekend!

Jackson had a blast jumping in the "Fun Bounce" even if it was shaped like a princess castle! :)


Jumping with "Princess Loralee"! :)

"Hey Dad! Look at me!!"
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Loralee had a super cute - super girly party! :)
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At the end of the party, we lit sky lanterns! It was pretty cool! Jackson just pointed and said, "Wow! Wow! Oh, wow!!"
Thanks for letting us celebrate with you Loralee! Happy birthday! :)