Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Big Helper!

We spent most of Saturday outside working in the flower's a long, sad story, but we are having to completely re-landscape the front of the house. So, while Jason dug up all of the old (and many of them half dead) shrubs...Jackson and I "helped". :)

Jackson refused to keep his hat on and we had a day-long game of "put that hat back on your head"!

He's so silly! And so stinkin' cute! :)
And...let me tell you, he is one BIG HELPER! He threw dirt everywhere! :)

Splish Splash Splosh!

What is it with little boys and mud puddles!? :)

Jackson loves to splash!

And he could have cared less that it was freezing in that water! He was wet from head to toe and was a little icicle by the time I forced him to come inside and warm up! I had to strip him down in the garage he was so wet, and when we got inside he said, "Bath? Bath?" so we went and warmed up in the tub!

Splish Splash Splosh!
(And just so you know...Mama got a little wet while getting this awesome picture! Thank goodness for my waterproof iPhone case!)


Just a splashing...and loving every second of it! :)

Smart Boy!

So Jackson has been learning his letters and sounds for a while now. He can identify pretty much all of his letter (except he will never say F...), and he knows the sounds to many of them.

And if that isn't impressive enough, he can also find letters even when they are upside down or backwards. I think that's pretty crazy at two years old! Not to mention, he can make things he sees into he will see a 4 and turn it upside down and call it a H, or a 9 looks like a G.

And he pretty much spells out everything he sees. Logos on shirts, things on TV, he reads his books to us...anything that has a letter on it, he calls it out! He loves his letters! (Doesn't care for the numbers as much, but he's learning them too!)

We are working on saying our alphabet too...but usually I just get every other letter. You know, I say A, he says B, I say C, and so on...but STILL, he's only TWO! Smart boy, right?

Well...the most impressive thing is yet to come! Listen to this!!

We have been playing a lot with sidewalk chalk (but Jackson likes to color on things other than just the sidewalk...the house, the truck, my car tires, etc...but I digress.), and we write out the alphabet and he calls them out to us. The other day, he got a piece of chalk and drew a line and said proudly, "It's a L!" Oh my goodness, it is! And we were so proud of him!

The next thing we knew, he was back by the letters pointing at the ground, saying "It's a Q, It's a Q!!" but we knew we stopped writing before we got to Q. Jason says, "No buddy, that's a C." when we saw it! Jackson took his piece of chalk and made the C into a Q! We were stunned!

I mean, that's crazy smart, right? Especially at TWO-years old!
(I think he gets it from his mama!!)

Look at that beautiful Q!

Sweet face!

Is that not the sweetest face ever? I think it has to be!

My boy has got it MADE! :)

Just relaxing on the couch, snuggled up in his blanket, watching a little "Leap Frog: Letter Factory", learning about his letters! :)

Good times!

'I no want to!"

My poor guy might just be a little spoiled, because he doesn't have to go to school/daycare but usually 2-3 days a week on a normal week. Last week my big guy had to go 4 days in a row (because I had to work 3 days, and we had to take his daddy to the doctor the other day - strep is no fun! Poor daddy...).

Jackson is never really a morning person unless he gets to wake up on his own (which is not the case on school days), so I'm used to him being a little grumpy. He whines and cries and says things like "No. No. No!" and "Why oh why oh why!" while I fight him to get clothes on him in the mornings. the time we actually make it to school, he's awake and much happier. No matter how grumpy he starts, I always get a big grin when I open the car door to get him out at the daycare.

Thursday was the exception! Thursday was his fourth day in a row, and when I opened the door he gave me the "sad face"! Oh no...mama can't handle the sad face this morning! When I asked him where my smile was he proceeded to say, "I no want to!" I tried to convince him that he was going to have a blast at school, but he just kept saying, "I no want to!"

It was the worst!

Fortunately, "Dora the Explorer" was playing in the cafeteria when I dropped him off and distracted him long enough for me to get out the door.

Friday was a "stay home day" so now everything is good!! :)

Movie Night!

We don't generally let Jackson watch a ton of TV at night (maybe an episode of "Thomas" before bed), but we decided to have a "movie night" last night, and let Jackson pick out what he wanted to watch. Of course he wanted to watch Cars 2 for like the millionth time...and what better way to watch your movie, but from on top of your daddy's shoulders!? :)

He's always moving. Like always. Even when he's it's nothing new when he wiggles while watching his movie too. But this time, he wiggled up on the back of the couch, then crawled toward his daddy, then figured out a way to sit on his shoulders! His daddy is such a good sport! :)

Cheese dip love...

Mmmmmmmm...   :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day - 2013

Happy Valentine's Day from my little "Love Bug"! :)

Valentine's Day picture!
Tell me how much you love it!?!? :)

* * * * * * * * * *

Jackson had a Valentine's day party at school.....and he signed up to bring cupcakes!

How cute are those cupcakes?! (Thanks Kroger - I so did NOT make them!)


But...we DID make Valentine's for his classmates!
"Valentine, We go together like MILK and COOKIES!"


Dressed in his "Valentine's Best" getting ready for his party!
His t-shirt says "I'm a lover not a fighter"!


Wearing his hearts...too stinkin' cute!!

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My present from my "original" Valentine! Thanks Jason! Love you! :)


The Valentine card Jackson made this year...

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And...hugs from my littlest Valentine! :)

Who can believe how much he has grown! He's turning into one big kid!

* * * * * * * * *

And what good post would this be without a few "outtakes" from the Valentine pictures! I know I make it look "easy" when I only show you the good ones, but (sometimes) there are 50+ outtakes for every "perfect" picture you see! He's a mess! And...boy is he busy! He doesn't sit still for anything! :)

But....I sure do love that kid! And...his daddy! I sure am one lucky girl!

Sleeping Angel...

My sweet boy....asleep in my bed!
If only I were still asleep too!

So Silly...

Just goofing around! :)

"Uh oh!"

You know you are in trouble when you hear a crash and a sweet little "Uh Oh!" from the next room! Luckily this was the only casualty! Poor coaster... :(


Bubble time! :)

Thanks. A. Lot! :(

Turn your head for one tiny little second...and this happens!! :(
Thanks a lot Jackson. Thanks. A. Lot!!

But what you don't see is that I was sitting in the chair directly beside my tea glass!
He was proud of himself too!'s not just "Jack" the tractor in my glass..."Thomas" the train is in there too, but he's too immersed to see him!!

Oh the joys of raising a little boy! He is a mess. A mess, I tell you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Half Birthday to Jackson!

February 9, 2013 - Is Jackson's half birthday! He's officially two and one-half years old now!

And we celebrated on this beautiful day by doing a little drawing with side walk chalk!

2 and 1/2 years old! Who can believe it?! Not this mama!


And...he literally is growing up WAY TOO FAST! We measured him on his officical growth chart and he's grown a smidge over 5 inches in less than a year!

Unbelieveable. Simply unbelievable!
Maybe Jason was right on all those sleepless nights....I think we must have had a growth spurt in there somewhere! :)

Wagon Riding!

Wagon time on a beautiful afternoon! :)

Are you sure we can't sleep in??!!

My sleepy head didn't want to wake up to go to school! He went back to sleep on the couch between getting dressed and getting in the car and I even put his shoes on him and he didn't wake up! That boy was tired! Guess he should have slept during the night, huh?

He woke up momentarily before getting in the car - just long enough to cry and say things like "no... no... no want to" and "why oh why oh why?". Lovely way to start your Monday off isn't it? :)

After sleeping all the way to school in the car, I was sure I was in for some water works at the daycare, but Jackson was a big boy. He whimpered and whined just a little...

I didn't want to get up and go anywhere either buddy!

"I do it!"

Before every meal, we have Jackson bow his head and we say the blessing. He usually puts his hands together, squints his eyes closed (but starts peeking after a few seconds), and sometimes sneaks a bite off his plate! But here in the last week or so, when we get ready to say the prayer he says, "I DO IT!" He doesn't actually say the prayer, but he lets it be known that he is participating!

Such a sweet soul! I love that kid! :)

Hide and Seek!

Where's Jackson?! :)

He sure does hide good! :)

My Little Daredevil!

That little daredevil!
He can't just ride the "naahhhh" (or horse) anymore - he tries to stand up!
He's a mess!

Sleepless nights....

Oh the dreaded sleepless nights. They are rough on all of us. And it always seems to happen on work nights. Luckily, Jackson has a good daddy, who gets up and sleeps on the couch with him when he has trouble falling back asleep! This is where I found him the other morning when I got up to go to work!

Rough night. We are all exhausted!

Coloring Fun!

Jackson is starting to enjoy coloring! He likes to eat the crayons too sometimes though! :)

And I have to count all the crayons and make sure we put them ALL back up because he cannot be trusted. Not to mention I have heard horror stories from friends with toddlers and rouge crayons (...oh sweet Emily!)  :)

He's a pretty good artist! Right now he specialized in abstract art! (I think his daddy helped him with the drawing in the picture just a bit!)

Can you see us!?

Can you see us? We were hiding!
Although I'm pretty sure that even if you couldn't see us, you'd be able to hear all that giggling! Hehehe... :)


Silly boy! :)

Such a man...

Chillin', just a watching tv in the recliner!
Such a man already! :)

Napping Angel!

I could literally take a sweet picture of this boy sleeping everyday!
I love to watch him sleep! He just looks so precious! :)


Today...Jackson crawled up on the couch, wiggled himself under some pillows and went to sleep on his own! I guess he was still tired from another restless night!

Sweet dreams buddy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lincoln Log Drummin'

Every time we visit Rosebloom, Jackson has to spread Lincoln logs all over Mimi and PawPaw's house! After just about every inch of their house is covered in toys, he finds himself two big Lincoln logs and Mimi two little Lincoln logs....then they do some serious drummin'! He always gets the big "drumsticks" and Mimi always gets the small ones! It is too funny! :)

The drum slow for a while, then fast; they drum loud for a while, then quietly! They have a whole routine! After a few minutes, Jackson throws both arms in the air and says, "WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" then he's done....

He's so silly!
(And...Mimi and PawPaw's coffee table will never be the same!)

Mmmm mmmm mmmm...

Delicious! Chocolate + peanut butter = as delicious as he knew it would be! :)

Jackson's Paper Plate Art

Good job buddy! :)

My Little Hunchback!


Jackson's daddy stuck a ball in the back of Jackson's PJs...and he looked so silly!! He was too funny too! He just ran around the house pointing at his back saying, "The ball! The ball!!". :)

My sweet little hunchback!


Mama sure does make for a good parking spot! :)

New Silly Face! :)

That boy of mine is a MESS! :)

They really do grow up way too fast...

Isn't it just amazing how fast they grow!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sunday Funday with cousin Abe!

We had a fun afternoon playing with Abe...

 ...riding the ranger!
(Aren't they the cutest?!)
Wonder how long they will be able to "double buckle" with the rate those two are growing! :)


...playing with the Cozy Coupe!
Jackson pushed Abe all around the yard! :)
That's one strong boy...because Abe's getting to be a big kid!

...sharing the Cozy Coupe!
I think that is a one-seater Jackson! Definitely not enough room in that car for both of those big Moorman boys! :) And...I think poor Abe was being squished!


That's one tight fit! :)


Since they both couldn't ride, we went back to pushing!


...playing with Mojo!
Just seconds after we snapped this picture, Mojo turned around and licked both of them in the face! Yuck! But, I think I was the only one who minded! :)


...sharing toys and playing with tractors!
Aren't they the sweetest thing you've ever seen? They played so sweet together!

Love it!