Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Monday, April 22, 2013

"This-a-way Daddy!"

Jackson is very opinionated these days and he often tries to direct his mama and the car, in the house, out for a doesn't matter! He says, "Let's go 'this-a-way" Daddy!" and points in the direction he wants you to go! It is pretty funny! :)
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Fun afternoon with Mama!

Jackson and I spent the afternoon together at the was such a beautiful day, we had to get outside and play in the sunshine!

My handsome boy!

Watching the ducks in the pond on his favorite "resting spot"!

The ducks walked right up to him today! They better be careful! :)
He was so excited....and maybe a little scared too!
He kept saying, "Hey look! There's a duck! Hey there "quack"! Woah...look at that DUCK!"

And we did a lot of running!
Jackson has earned the nickname... "Jack Flash" now!
He keeps me on my toes!
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Showing out!

Showing out for HIMSELF as he watches his reflection in the glass of the entertainment center! He find himself very amusing... :)
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Has anyone seen Jackson!?

....I can't seem to find him! He was just right here... 

Oh my goodness...There he is! I found him! Silly boy!
(Now....go pick up all those toys that used to be in that toy box!)
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Just a boy and his dog!

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Playdate with Emily!

Jackson played with Emily (and her mama Brandi) while I went to the eye doctor the other day...I think they all had a better time that I did! :)

Slides, sand, and pretty girls...three of Jackson's most favorite things!! :)

Wagons and sidewalk chalk!



It looks like a day of Jackson's favorites!
Jackson says, "Thanks to Mrs. Brandi and Miss Emily for such a fun day!"
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Monkey Preschool Lunchbox!!!

Jackson LOVES playing the app 'Monkey Preschool Lunchbox' on my iPhone! And he's pretty good at it too! Thankfully, it's educational and he's learning letters, colors, matching, etc. Only problem is...sometimes he doesn't want to give my phone back!


The funniest thing is....sometimes he has a hard time with the app because he accidentally gets his finger (from the hand holding the phone) on the screen, then it doesn't recognize that he's touching the screen to play the game. And this makes him so frustrated!! He will reach over, grab your finger, and touch the screen with your finger instead of his to try to make it work! Completely hilarious...and quite brilliant! :)
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A day in the life...

....isn't this how everyone relaxes at the end of a long day? :)
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Dinner and a Movie!

Thank goodness for the iPhone! I don't know how our parents did it...without technology :)
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My Little "Artist"!

How do you like the new "art" on my kitchen wall? :)
Jackson says, "Who says sidewalk chalk is JUST for sidewalks??!!"

At least is wasn't marker, or crayon, or pen...
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Marlie came to visit for the weekend...and Jackson loved making her laugh! He made silly faces, and smiled, and giggled all supper long! He put on a show for us!


All smiles for Marlie! He loves his cousins!
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Sweet Cheeks!

My sweet boy...Don't you just love those sweet cheeks?!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Jackson said, "Nack!" and he decided that muffin looked yummy!

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School pictures!!

How stinkin' cute is that?!?!
I am impressed that she got one good shot, much less FOUR! My boy is a mover and a shaker and doesn't sit still for pictures least not for ME!

Love it! He is so cute!
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A Monkey and a Zebra!!

My little monkey...wrestling and giggling with his zebra!!
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Alivia's Visit!

Alivia came to visit Easter weekend, and we had a big time!
(and she was a very big helper!)

Jason and Alivia (and Jackson) did a lot of wrestling!

Silly boy!

Early morning snuggling! Sweet cousins!

And....we had to re-landscape the front flowerbeds. Alivia and Jackson helped. Well...Alivia helped and Jackson played in the dirt! :)

I think that shovel may be a little too big for you there buddy!

That one is much better!! :)

Alivia was a good babysitter! And we found all sorts of critters....frogs, snails, rolly-pollies, and a snake!

Pizza for supper! Mmmm mmmm!

After all that hard work, Alivia treated ourselves to a manicure and pedicure! :)

Fun times!
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One cool dude!

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My sweet boys!

Sweetest. Thing. EVER!
I love those two boys so much! :)
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