Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Jackson's 3rd Birthday Party!! big boy turned THREE and we had to celebrate!!
And we celebrated with a ROBOT birthday party! Or "Bobot" as Jackson called it! :)

Table decorations for the robot birthday!

....with 3D napkins and plates! So cool!

3D glasses for everyone!

Jackson's robot birthday cake! Ms. Veronica outdid herself again! :)

The robot cake from all sides! Awesome!

And we had cupcakes! Jackson's favorite! We had to hide them until the party and then have Mimi "guard" the table until the party got started because Jackson just couldn't resist them! He'd say, "Caaakkkkeeeee!!!" and move his arm really slowly to try to snag a cupcake! Hilarious. And - don't worry, he ate his fair share after the party started!

Robots and rockets and spaceship cupcake toppers!!

"Happy Birthday Jackson" banner!

Another view of the robot birthday table!

Refreshments: including "cosmic cookies", "computer chips", "mega-bytes", "dip sticks", "micro-chips", "robot bolts", "nuts and bolts", and a "fueling station"! :)
Jackson said it was "yummy"!

Party favors! Lots of cool robot stuff and robot men (made from juice boxes and candy)!

Bryce and Ian with their "Juice box robots"!
And we had TONS of family and friends over to celebrate!
Jackson was so excited with all of his guests!!

He was PUMPED when is cousin Abe showed up! :)

They literally ran loops around my house they were so excited! They were too funny!

Jackson and Abe taking a break to play with their airplanes at the kiddie table....a very rare moment they were still the entire afternoon!
"Where's Abe? Has anyone seen Abe?!"
Jackson found him!! Hahahaha! :)

We had one good looking crew over to play!

Sweet sisters! Emily played hard and Addie slept like a rock the entire party!

Aunt Ju, Liv, and Marlie

Syndey - in 3D

Marlie loving on her PawPaw! :)

Granny and Poppa came too! And Jackson's great-grandmother Turner!

Bryce - in 3D! :)

Sadie, Jack, and Hollis - in a heated game of "keep the balloon off the floor"!
Balloons are hours of entertainment! We still have several floating around the house days later and we are still having a ball with them! We had balloons at last year's party too and we just popped the last one the weekend before this party! Those are some good balloons! :)

Alivia - isn't she pretty! :)

Jackson and Mark!
Don't be fooled my this picture - he wasn't still for long!
Next was....PRESENT TIME!!

Now tell me how lucky I was to find matching robot birthday wrapping paper!?!?! Lucky! Thanks Dollar Tree! :)
Jackson really got into presents this year. Up to this point, he got a little excited, but then moved on. This birthday he was PUMPED! He got so excited!

First present - in a Lightning McQueen bag and inside was an airplane!
He literally squealed so loud I will bet the neighbors could here him! He was so stinking excited! He just ran around the room from person to person saying "Airplane!!! Open it!!" Hilarious and priceless!



"Look at THHHIIIISSSS!!!!"

"Woody!!!! Open it!"

"Open it! Open it! Open it!"


Big smiles!


I love the crowd of kids huddled around! We had to keep pushing them back to get the next present open! It was so much fun!

"What IS it!?"

Playing in the paper is fun too!
And the present from mommy and daddy....

"A bicycle!!!!"


Jackson and Abe both trying to ride the new bicycle!

Family picture
(He is never smiling in our birthday family picture...guess he doesn't want to slow down to even take a picture with his mommy and daddy!)

Blowing out the candles!
Look at those lips!
Love it!!

"Happy birthday" song to Jackson!


Cupcake time!

Happy boy!

That cupcake was "yummy"!

"I think I'll have another..."

The boys...hanging out!

Now that's entirely too many presents for one little boy turning THREE!

Mommy and daddy being silly!

Cool dude!
Now with all of our new toys!!

My grandmother (Jackson's great grandmother) was not able to make the trip from Alabama but sent the cutest gift!
She sent a piggy bank (shaped like an elephant = awesome), and a lot of money in change! How fun!

Jackson LOVED putting all of his change into his new piggy bank!

And it kept him busy for a while! :)

Playing under the desk with Mimi!

"Look's Buzz 'Ightyear!"

Jackson's birthday board!
This was the best smile I could get from him - he was engrossed in his new Toy Story movie and was a tad bit tired after all the excitement of the day!

Finally got some snuggle time with my "big boy"!
And Jackson's "Third Year" book!
I am already loving looking back at his past year books!
Still so hard for me to believe he is THREE.
He's growing up crazy fast!
I just love him.
He's such a fun, cool kid - and maybe a little stubborn - but I sure am lucky to be his mommy!
I can't even remember life before him!
He's so much fun!

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