Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

LeapPad Love!

He loves it! Good thing it's educational! Thanks again Granny and Poppa! Y'all know my boy well!

My little helper!

He sure is cute, but he's not much help when it comes to laundry!

My muscle man!

Jackson might be heavy, but he sure isn't chubby! That boy is solid muscle! Look at those abs!

Box seat to watch the Memphis Grizzlies!

Dave (my daddy's boss and our next door neighbor) has a suite at the FedEx Forum and he invited us (along with Granny and Poppa) to watch the Grizzlies basketball game from box seats this weekend! It was our first NBA basketball game, and definitely our first time in box seats! We had a blast. Jackson was mesmerized by the game and I think he ate his weight in kettle chips! :)



It was a good, close game but the Grizzlies won. Jackson was pumped when the streamers fell from the ceilings and he just cheered "We won! We won! We won!"
Fun night with Granny and Poppa!

Pretty Picture!

Driving down the road the other day, I hear Jackson say, "Look Mommy! I drew you a pic-ture! See!? Do you see the pretty picture!?"
Oh Jackson. You shouldn't have! :)
My friend Melissa (and mother of five) warned me that one day this would happen! My windows are nasty! But you have just got to love the "toddler art"!
And my boy keeps me laughing and he keeps me on my toes! Never a dull moment!

In the middle of the night...

So have you ever been snoozing so soundly at 3:30am and then been startled awake by being hit with a huge dump truck while sleeping in your own bed!? Well I have. And recently! One day this week, this was my reality. Oh the joys of being a parent to a toddler!
But seriously, what would possess a child to bring his gigantic dump truck with him to his parents room in the middle of the night? And then throw it up on the bed on top of his mommy? His Granny says he just wanted to play, but maybe next time we choose a small, softer toy! :)
After the immediate shock was over....all I could do was laugh!
Never a dull moment with my boy. Never a dull moment.

Toddler or teenager!?

Okay. That's enough of my boy growing up so fast! Seriously. Doesn't he look like a teenager in that bed!? I can't even deal with that thought! He is growing up entirely too fast.


My boys can make a fort anywhere!
Jackson said, "Hey mommy! Look at my window!"
Forts with windows. You know you are impressed! :)

Bike Riding!

He's getting pretty good at this bike riding stuff!
So thankful for some pretty weather so we could get outside and ride!

Big Boy Haircut!

I took Jackson this week to get his haircut again (mainly because he wiggled and cried so much last time that he had a couple of spots that needed touching up). And this time he was such a big boy! Not one tear, he sat in the chair by himself, and even wore the cape! So maybe he still wasn't thrilled to be there, but he did so good! I was one proud mama! And Jackson actually left with a decent haircut this time!
And at one point he looked at himself in the mirror and said "I look so pretty!" Haha!


So I asked Jackson what he wanted for lunch and this was the conversation we had:
Mommy: What would you like for lunch?
Jackson: CHEESE!
Mommy: Um. No. We can't just eat cheese for lunch. What else would you like for lunch?
Jackson: Hmmm...How about MAC & CHEESE!?
Mommy: Okay...I guess we can do that!
That boy!


Disney Junior Live: The Pirates and Princesses Tour!

On Valentine's Day afternoon, we had a date with sweet little miss Emily (and her mommy) and went to the Disney Junior Live: Pirates and Princesses Tour! The kids were so excited to see Sophia the First and Jake and the Neverland Pirates in the show! They were both pumped about the pirates part, but Jackson wasn't too thrilled about the princesses.
When the show started (with the princesses), Jackson was entertained for a little while by all of the lights and smoke etc, but then he decided it was time to go! Enough princess stuff for him. He literally got up and said "Come on mommy! Let's go home!" Thankfully, we convinced him to stay because he enjoyed seeing Jake, Captain Hook, the crocodile, and even Peter Pan!!

My handsome boy!

Emily and Brandi! Two of my favorite ladies!

Me and sweet Emily! She is five days older than Jackson, but she feels so tiny compared to my chunk! I think she is the cutest!

Group picture! On their first Valentine's date!

And here is my Valentine! My first love...
Who would have thought that we would spend our Valentine's Day at any show put on by Disney Junior!?
The things we do for our babies... :)

My other Valentine! The second love of my life!

Family picture!

After the show, Jackson was snoozing before we could get out of traffic good. Taking himself a little nap with his chocolate covered face with his Hulk doll he got as a Valentine from Emily! :)

Valentine's Day - 2014

Happy Valentine's Day from Jackson! <3
How cute is this?!
And I just love the "Man of your dreams" t-shirt!
But...getting this picture was not the easiest! Here are some outtakes! :)

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And we made some Valentine's day art!

Here are Jackson's toilet paper roll hearts (that we learned to make on Pinterest). They turned out pretty cute!
And here are Jackson's Valentines for school. :)
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And we were so lucky to all be off work this Valentine's day and we spent the entire day together! I couldn't think of a better way!

The day started with some good snuggling with my boys!

Then heart-shaped pancakes (or poundcakes if you ask Jackson)!
Then we went to speech therapy - then lunch!

Snuggles with (one of) my very handsome lunch date(s)!

First Dentist Appointment

So we rescheduled Jackson's first dental appointment after the vomiting episode the last time we tried. I was very nervous as to how this appointment would go (especially considering he acted like we were trying to murder him when we had his hair cut not too long ago). We went to the Pediatric Dental Group, which is a super cool dentist office made for kids that has a TV room, a Xbox room, TVs in the ceilings above the hygiene chairs, and when your visit is over, the kids get a token and get to use it to pick out a toy from a vending machine! I want to go to this dentist!
And Jackson did great! He said "Ahhhhhh" like a big boy!

And he loved the "big flashlight"! He played with it while I talked with the dentist!
Future dentist, maybe? :)
But seriously, how cool is this dentist's office!?
We even got a present! A cool cup, toothbrush, and dental floss! :)

Hamburger and Mi'kshake!

I asked Jackson what he wanted for lunch after we left speech therapy the other day and his answer was "Hamburger and mi'kshake!!" So....that's exactly what we got! :)
This boy loves himself a hamburger. I swear he asks for one at least 5 days a week if not everyday!

And he opted for a "pink mi'kshake" and he said it was "dewishes"!
Fun lunch date with my little man.

Does this happen in everyone's house?! :)

So my boys were wrestling, and somehow Jackson ended up INSIDE his daddy's shirt! Hilarious. Do things like this happen at everyone's house, or is it just mine? Hahaha!

Silly boy! Silly faces!

My boy is so silly and has a new found love for taking pictures of himself! It's pretty funny! :)

Several of Jackson's silly faces that he took of himself! Hehe! :)

Cool kid!

My cool little kid on the way to school one morning.
Just chillin' and telling me "Green means GO!" and "Red means STOP!"
Smart boy!


Sometimes when you go potty and you get yourself all dressed again....something just doesn't seem right! :) I laughed so hard! Hahahahaha!

Beautiful eyes; Beautiful smile; Beautiful boy!

Have you seen a prettier smile on such a gorgeous green-eyes, red-headed boy!?
I think he is so handsome!
I just love him!

Napping and Motorcyles

Some days you just have to have your motorcycle to take a nap!

Ice Cream!!


Anybody seen Jackson!?!?

Where is Jackson?! :)


If you ask Jackson what he wants for breakfast these days, you usually get the same answer..."Let's make poundcakes!" (aka pancakes).
And Jackson likes to help. He's a good helper!

"Yummy poundcakes!"

Cousin playtime!

Jackson always has a good time when he gets to play with Abe!
Those boys are a mess! And they are always on the move...

Oh Daddy!

Jackson thinks his daddy is a jungle gym! He crawls all over him!
This is how I found them watching TV!
His daddy sure is a good sport! :)

Riding in comfort!

Now that looks comfy!