Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Stomach Virus.

So....I guess it was bound to happen eventually, but Jackson came down with the stomach virus. I can't think of much worse. The stomach virus is evil. Pure evil.
I knew it was a bad sign when I pulled in the driveway at 9:45pm after a long day at work and Jason was waving me in the house before I could put my car in park in the garage. I walked in on the beginning of a very long few days!
Just before I got home the vomiting the middle of my living room carpet, and extended throughout the night. My poor guy was sick! We slept on the couch and I stayed up with him most of the night. It was so sad.
So the next morning, we were both tired, but no more vomiting. Jackson said he was hungry and he ate breakfast and played so I was thinking we were out of the clear. He was scheduled for his first dental appointment later that morning so we got up and got dressed at hit the road.

So we walk in the dentist office, I hand the receptionist my insurance cards, and then Jackson pulls on my arm and said "My belly hurts! Mommy, my belly hurts!" So we went to the potty, just in time for the vomiting to start again! My poor guy threw up all over that little bathroom - like everywhere. The floor, on the toilet, on the wall, on himself. It was so bad! He was crying, I was cleaning vomit. He was crying saying "It's yucky! Get it off!" because he had vomit on his pants and sleeves. *Sigh* So after a little (really a lot) of cleaning the bathroom the best I could, Jackson and I headed towards the pediatrician instead of the dentist. Side note: corduroy is not the fabric of choice to be wearing while also wearing vomit. Jackson was very unhappy.
Not how I anticipated his first dentist visit to go for sure.
Once we got the Dr. Narayanan's office, Jackson started acting like he felt so much better. He was smiling and laughing and playing like nothing had ever happened. And he wanted to give me kisses. Lots of kisses. Wanted to give me kisses on the, NO!

Big smile and hugs for mommy! He was all about loving on his mommy while he was sick. (Does anyone see where this is going....stay tuned).

After we got home, Jackson needed to snuggle and take a nap on his mommy! He had a rough night and wore out much faster than normal. Like I said - the stomach virus is evil.

After we finally got up and moving again, I asked Jackson what he wanted for supper, and his response was "popsicle"! So we followed the doctor's orders and ate popsicles for supper. And yes...he definitely ate THREE! He needed a red one first, then two orange ones. If I let him, I think he would have eaten the entire box!

Then we did some good ole family snuggling! Jackson is playing his LeapPad. :)

So after his longer than normal nap because we stayed up all night, Jackson wasn't able to go to sleep when it was bedtime. His daddy pooped out much earlier than Jackson did! 

And unfortunately, he didn't sleep well once he finally fell asleep either. This is picture was taken at 3:30am. Oh my!
* * * * * * * * * *
So. It seems we are a family that shares. Unfortunately, the stomach virus did not begin and end with Jackson.
First it was Jackson. Then his Granny. Then his daddy. Then his mommy. Then his Poppa.
And it was bad. So bad. Jason and I had it at the same time, and thankfully Granny and Poppa came and got Jackson so he didn't have to witness all of that. He was still here when we got sick, and kept telling me "Mommy? Your belly hurts? It'll be okay!" He was so sweet. He even went and got Jason out of the bed to come help me one time (Jason didn't even realize I had started getting sick at this point...). My sweet, loving, kiss-giving boy was so worried about his mommy and daddy!
He even tried to cheer me up by giving me a bunch of his planes to play with.
Isn't that the sweetest thing? :)
It was a week before we all got back to normal.
The stomach virus = pure evil!

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