Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Dirt Work!

Well, dirt work started on our new place and Jackson was thrilled with all the fun!
Ready to work!

Helping move some dirt!

Watching the bulldozer push down a few unwanted trees!

All that "work" is exhausting! :)

Playground FUN!

How does a kid manage to come home from school EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. this dirty?!
According to Jackson, it happens after you "play hard"! :)
Just filthy. Every day!

Daddy's Desk...

And that's just what his daddy looks like at work too! Hahahahaha! :)

First Day of 4K!!!

So...this mama was just as nervous as a mama could be about her baby boy starting his first day of 4K! But, Jackson was super excited about going to his new school!
After we got to school, I am proud to say, there were no tears at all (from either of us)! tears at the school from this mama, but I can't say there weren't any tears at all! How can you not get emotional about your baby growing up so fast! :')

Look at that backpack....makes me want to tear up right now just thinking back! :)
I took off work so Jackson wouldn't have to go to extended care on his first day and I was so anxious waiting in the carline to pick my big guy up!

He said he had a great day and that he LOVED the playground! And considering the amount of dirt that was on him in just a half day at school, I would think he played his hardest too! :)
We were so relieved that he loves his new school!
* * * * * * * * * *
Side note: It only took one week to get my sweet little guy to get himself sent to the principal's office! I was completely shocked when I got that call at work! It seems he had a very bad day and acted out (A LOT). He not only yelled at teachers, hit another kid, and threw paint all over the place, but THEN he yelled at the principal and kept hitting his fist on the desk as he was in time out. That kid better be glad that I was the only pharmacist on duty that day, or he would not have liked it when I got to that school. Lets just say, he learned his lesson after not getting to play on the playground and getting in BIG trouble with his mama and daddy! After apologizing to his teachers Mrs. Brooke and Mrs. Pat AND the principal, he has been the sweet angel he always has been. And he better be glad too, because he wasn't going to like the path he started down! :) I still can't believe it....

"Meet the Teachers Day" at North Delta!

So this year, since we found some land and are getting ready to sell the house, we went ahead and enrolled Jackson in 4K at North Delta School in Batesville (and this is where he will go to school until he graduates high school).
We got to go "Meet the Teachers" before school started and Jason and I were a little nervous, but Jackson was excited about his new school! :) 
Walking in with daddy...

And Jackson was pleased with all the toys he found in his new classroom!

Family picture!

And this is always a good sign when you walk into a new classroom! God IS Love and so far we are loving his new school!

My happy boy!
* * * * * * * * * *
And after we got back home, Jackson needed to wear his backpack and said he was ready to go back to school! :)

Check out my big guy! :)

Jackson's 4th Birthday Party!!

Jackson's 4th birthday party was a racecar themed party picked out by Jackson himself! He loves anything with wheels, especially if it can "go faster"!:)
We had the party at Jackson's Granny and Poppa's house this year because we were working hard on getting our house ready to sell. And since we were meeting with realtors that very next week, we decided it might not be the best idea to cover it with racecar decorations. Thanks to Granny and Poppa for letting the party invade your house instead! :)
The table decorations! It's all about racing flags and stop lights this year!

And Jackson's cake was awesome!
(And delicious too! This one is all icing - no fondant. Jennifer did a fabulous job!)

And Sara from the Kroger bakery made us special racecar cupcakes! Jackson's fav!

We even had a racetrack for the kids to run and play and "race" on!

Jackson says "It's my birthday! I'm 4!"

Family picture time!

Thanks to my aunt Dianne for capturing a good group picture with Granny and Poppa!

My silly boy!

And we were so excited that my grandmother could make it from Alabama for Jackson's party!

My uncle Charles and aunt Dianne got to come from Alabama too! Jackson had a good ole time wrestling with Charles! :)

Jackson loves his Poppa!
They are resting up for the party and watching the race on the TV! :)

Jackson was super pumped when his cousin Abe showed up and he even let him help blow out the candles! 

Are they cute or what!!?? :)

The boys agreed that the cake was delicious! :)
And he got way more presents than he should have again this year! Lots of fun toys to play with!

But the hit of the day was a racetrack that took mommy and daddy a good while to figure out how to put it together! I swear some of these kid toys require an engineering degree to put all the pieces together! It would help if the directions were more than just pictures - I prefer some words too! :)

But after it was finally assembled, Jackson, Abe and Emily had a blast "racing"!

And we had lots of family and friends over to celebrate this special day!


All in all, we had a super fun day! Jackson had a blast and I love to watch him have such a good time playing with his friends and family! But, seriously, who can believe my little guy is already four years old! Where has the time gone!? It may be going by fast, but I sure am loving every minute of it! I don't know what we did before we had Jackson in our lives!