Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Worst. Day. Ever.

December 30, 2011.

The day started innocently enough with a trip to Mimi and Pawpaw's house (early) so Jason could go hunting. Early that morning, Jackson took a spill and ended up with a bloody nose. Not a bad one, but still a bloody nose. Then he tripped and bumped his eye on his toddler chair - just a scratch though. About mid morning, we realized he was developing some sort of rash (or either he had been bitten by some type of bug) - with his sensitive skin you can just never tell! A little after lunch, Jackson broke free from the adults and decided to take matters into his own hands. He tried to climb back up on the 4 wheeler unassisted, but instead grabbed the (very hot) exhaust pipe in the meantime. So now we have a very upset boy with a burned right palm. There was a lot of crying and fussing for a long while after that one! I paged our pediatrician (to see if we needed to take him to the hospital), but Dr. Narayanan just told us how to bandage it and called us in some Silvadene cream to a pharmacy in Grenada. We finally got him all bandaged up and calmed down and thought the worst was behind us. Rough afternoon let me tell you! Hurt his mama and daddy's feelings something serious!

Later that night, after several uneventful hours and eating out with the family, we think we are in the clear. Not the case. Jackson was not a big fan of the bandage on his hand and tried on numerous occasions to remove it. He couldn't stand it! While running around Mimi and Pawpaw's house later than night, Jackson tripped on something and landed on his face. He cried for just a minute and was back at it again. Not but a few minutes later, Jason and I noticed his lip was swollen. At first we thought it was from his tumble, but it didn't take long to realize we were not that lucky! His sweet lip just kept swelling to an amazing size! Needless to say, we freaked out!! The right side of his lip was GIGANTIC in minutes and after a few minutes of watching the swelling progress even after giving him Benadryl, we were in the truck (flashers and all) on the way to the ER!

Based on history and others stories from the Grenada Lake Medical Center ER, we were not excited about taking him there, but it was our only choice at the time. I jumped out of the truck with Jackson and ran into the ER and said "My baby is having an allergic reaction. I need someone to look at him NOW!" Expecting to have to fill out paperwork and show proof of insurance before before being seen, I was pleasantly surprised I didn't have to cause a scene to get a medical professional to check out my baby! Within one minute of uttering the words "my baby is having an allergic reaction" he was in a room AND being attended to by two EMTs, two nurses, and the doctor! Crazy fast treatment! Before Jason even had time to park the truck and get inside the building he had a pulse ox monitor on his foot and the doctor was checking him out!

After another dose of Benadryl, a little prelone, a shot of epi, and a few hours of observation, we were on our way home with the diagnosis of sulfa allergy. Seems he must have cut the inside of his lip a little during his tumble and then ingested some silver sulfadiazine cream while trying to chew his bandage off his hand. Terrifying. There goes the NKDA label for my boy - sulfa allergy documented now! It took about 8 hours before his lip went back down to a normal size! Needless to say, we were some stressed out parents! Jackson (who never sleeps with us - ever) slept in between us all night long! Well - he and Jason slept while I laid there the majority of the night making sure my baby was still breathing!

It was one of the longest days ever. Praise the Lord he responded to the medication and now he's back to normal...well except for the burnt hand and a few scratches!

Is this what it's like to raise a boy?!? :)
If so...I'm not sure if this mama can handle many more days like that one! Whew...I'm tired!

I love boxes!

Big boxes, little boxes, boxes of any color!! Jackson loves them! He's too funny! :)


Think the new tent might have a rad bit if static cling?! :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

All smiles!!

Wish I woke up like that!! He's such a morning person! Nothing better than that smile when he first wakes up! Just precious!!

Gazing at the fish tank

Marlie and Jackson checking out the fisheys in their fish tank! :)

Headed to Aunt Julia's house on Christmas Eve!

Looking good in my Christmas outfit!
(See Christmas post for more pictures from our many Christmas celebrations!)

Little Camo Dude!

Thanks Mimi and Pawpaw for my new *warm* camo! Love it!

Bubble wrap! *VIDEO*

He had so much fun with the packing bubble wrap that he found in a box! I mean he had a blast!! :)

Quick video of Jackson playing with the box packing! He had so much fun!

All smiles even when he's sick!

Hopped up on steroids and albuterol!! He's the sweetest kid ever! Oral steroids make him so affectionate! He can't seem to pass out enough (of what we now all refer to as) aweee weeee hugs! I just love him! We seriously have the sweetest kid ever!

Daddy's Boots!

Just a tad bit big still!! :)

Bronchiolitis stinks.

Our sweet Jackson seems to have developed the same nasty cold/cough that I had (have) from last week. Oh no. Usually he shares with me not the other way around! Poor guy. We took him to see Dr. Vaghela on Tuesday and we had to start some breathing treatments to help with the coughing. Needless to say from the pictures Jackson was not a fan! He did not want to sit still, he did not want that smoke blowing in his face, and he wanted to get out of there!!! Hurts my feelings so bad. He makes the saddest faces. :(

He felt so much better afterwards though!

Nap time with Mickey!

Is that not the sweetest thing you've ever seen? I went to check on him during his nap and this is how I found him! Not sure how those two got in that position, but I can hardly stand it he's so cute!! :)

(storage upgrade worked! - back in business)

"Insufficient Storage Quota"

Just when I thought I worked out all of my mobile posting problems...a new one has developed! It seems as if I have documented my sweet Jackson's everyday life to the maximum (free) capacity of my google account. Turns out when I post pictures to the blog (which is part of my google account - email, picasa web albums, and blog) it stores those pictures to my account and I only have a limited amount of storage gig to be exact! Well I reached my one gig limit (that's a lot of pictures!) with my last post. Now I will have to pay a whopping 5$/year for an additional 20 gig of storage space. Seems pretty reasonable to me considering how much I love this blog (and hope that y'all do too)!

With that took me several days and many frustrated hours to figure out why my iPhone app refused to post my adorable pictures of my sweet baby boy...sooo I'm a little behind. According to the blog's support website it may take a few days before my account is updated with my new storage limits. Get ready for a flurry of posts when that day comes! :)

Sorry and I'll get to posting again ASAP! Thought you'd like to know. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Think my sweet baby boy may have snuck into the bathroom at some point?? This is just one little example of why the bathroom door is shut at all times in our house!! Or else... :)

Mischievous Boy!

Oh my.... :)

He did pick some of them back up and put them back in the drawer when he was finished!!

He has such a good time playing with things that are not his toys! :)

Fort Spectacular!!

Came home from work on Friday...walked into my house...and found both of my boys inside one serious fort!!! Impressive....I know!!! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Playing Inside the Box: Part 2

Seriously...he loves this box. It's one of his favorite toys right now. He loves it!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just having a little breakfast with my Mom!

Isn't he the cutest thing? Well I sure think so! Who cares if he's mine! :) a new phone (yeah iPhone!) and hopefully my issues with posting are behind me! Got the "blogger app" and so far so good with the if you couldn't already tell! :)

The Forbidden Cabinet

There is one kitchen cabinet without child safety locks in our house. One cabinet. And Jackson knows it. He NEEDS to be in it. He gets in trouble numerous (if not hundreds) of times a day for getting into that cabinet. He just can't control himself....there is just so much good stuff inside there! :)

Today, however, Jackson formulated a brilliant plan to get inside the cabinet. He decided if he had a REASON to go in there then it would be okay. I found him putting his sippy cup in the cabinet, closing the door, and running off to play a while...all while his plan fell into motion! :) A little while later, he returns to the scene "just to recover his sippy cup of course", but then decides to "investigate" the other contents of the know "since I'm already in here and all"! Oh my my my.... He's a smart one. Maybe too smart!

Too bad for him, his mama is pretty smart too! :)

What am I going to do with him? :)

Granny Kisses....


How'd you get in that chair?!?!

All by himself!!

Worst part was the first time I caught him doing this little trick was when I found him with one knee up on the table within seconds of him crawling on top of my kitchen table! Not good.

Trouble just waiting to happen.

Straw drinkin'!!

Learning to drink from a straw. Doing pretty good too as long as you hold the cup (he wants to turn it up like a sippy cup)! :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hershey's Kiss!

Chocolatey goodness. :)

Drinking and driving.

Bad. :)

One saltine cracker. Just one....

How is that mess possible with only one cracker? Leave it to my boy. Now if only he could push a broom! :)


My little "Cookie Monster".

He got that box off the counter (somehow) and opened it himself!

Taking matters into his own hands. :)

Playing inside the box.

Makes me wonder why I'm buying him presents for Christmas...should probably just get him boxes and wrapping paper! He loves it! :)

Kroger Christmas Party 2011

Last night was the Kroger Christmas party...and Jackson had a ball! He played hard with all his friends! He was up late (1130pm before he got in the bed) and was out like a light the second his head hit the pillow! :)

Here is sweet picture of Jackson and (his future girlfriend?) Emily! Aren't they so cute? They were born 5 days apart (Jackson likes older women!)! But Em's daddy says he has a very long questionnaire to fill out before she can be his "girlfriend"! :)

I think she's saying, "my daddy says boys have cooties!" in the second picture! Her daddy would be do proud! :)

My Little Hamburglar!!

First "Happy Meal"! He loved it!

My sweet little Hamburglar!! :)

Where is the toy that came with his happy meal you ask? Where my kitchen drawer last time I saw it! :)

Daycare Incident Report: Number FIVE!

Seriously. Number five.

But this was Jackson's fault. Seems as if he got bitten on the hand as he stole someone else's snack off their plate at snack time! Oh my goodness!

Still hurts his mama's feelings though!

Note: picture is not from that day. Just a sleepy morning headed to daycare I thought I'd share! He does not like to wake up early and go to school. Tell me about it buddy! I'm no morning person either!

Now that's MY boy! :)

But....that's no phone Jackson! It's my label maker! :) Too funny!

"Ohhhh weeeee"

Jackson is so sweet! And he loves to love on his pillow pet (and his mama)! :) When he gives his Ruff a squeeze he says "oh weeeee"! It's just so darn sweet! I love that boy so much!