Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Book worm!

Jackson loves books!

Here are some sweet pictures of reading books with Poppa and his daddy!

He is getting so smart too! He has always had his "favorite" books - you know, the ones he paid attention too and didn't try to wiggle away before the book was finished - but now he really has favorites! We put his books on the mantle - well because if we didn't he'd eventually rip all the pages out and hide the slobbery pieces of paper throughout the house or just chew on them until they are a slobbery mush - and that boy knows where they are when he wants to read! It's just amazing how fast he learns - and let me tell you, he doesn't forget anything! Tonight he walked over in front of the fireplace and pointed up at the mantle and (grunted) "book". I said, "Buddy you want to read?" and he just grinned. I reached up, grabbed the first book I came to, and sat down with him to read. But oh no! That was not the one he wanted. He hopped back up, walked over to the fireplace and grunted and pointed saying "book" again! I picked him up and showed him the books one by one until we came across the one he wanted on the bottom of the stack! Now tell me my boy isn't the smartest little guy you've ever seen! We then commenced to reading "Big Kicks" (or Biggie as we call it) a cute little book about a big bear (named Biggie) - who is not very good at soccer - numerous times. I would try to sneak in a new book here and there but Jackson would not have it. He wanted to stick with his old faithfuls tonight!

Looks like the list of favorite books has a new addition....add "Big Kicks" aka "Biggie" to the list!

Slumber parties and beauty pageants!

Saturday was Marlie's first beauty pageant and we decided Jackson would probably have a better time hanging with his Granny and Poppa instead of sitting still and being quiet watching the pageant. Jackson had a great time this weekend! He even got a new wagon and convinced Poppa to pull him around in it! He had to wrap up tight because it was kinda chilly and we are still treating an ear infection! He looks like he is enjoying himself doesn't he? :)

Here's a picture of Marlie after her pageant. Isn't she beautiful?! Congratulations on placing in the top 15!


Played out!

PawPaw can wear my boy out! Playing hard; napping hard! :)

Kid Cuisine!

Jackson's MiMi got him a Kid Cuisine meal for supper the other night. As you can see...Jackson thoroughly enjoyed it! Quite possibly the messiest he has ever been after a meal. The chocolate pudding was delicious! :) Good thing we took his shirt off before he got started eating!

Jackson "experienced" that meal! That is what happens when he refuses to let you feed him.

He required a serious scrub down after that one! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Daycare Incident Report: #9

Okay now. This is getting ridiculous! Jackson came home this week from school with ANOTHER bite mark on his hand! You'd think he'd stop taking things from other kids as much as they retaliate, but not yet!

Here's a sweet picture of him on the way to school that day he got bit. How could someone bite such a sweet baby?! :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So stinkin' sweet!

Snuggled up with his blanket taking a snooze!

Pucker up!

Jackson has always loved to give out kisses, but he just recently learned how to make a "kissy face" instead of just the open mouth-slobber kiss he usually passes out! I think it could quite possibly be the cutest thing I have ever seen! He gives "blow kisses" too! Just precious. Just precious I say!

Good Morning Mom!

Love morning snuggles and grins with my sweet baby boy! :)

And he loves his "dog"! He gives Snoopy big hugs and kisses!

Out like a light!

It is very uncommon that my "full speed ahead" baby boy ever wears himself out to a point that he falls asleep in the floor. Very rare! This night, we had been playing in the floor and he crawled over to me, put his head on my shoulder, snuggled up and went to sleep! It was the sweetest thing! After he got to sleeping good, he rolled over in the floor and I snapped these pictures! Don't you just love him? :) When I picked him up to put him in his bed, he just lifted his head and grinned at me, then went right back to snoozing! He is the most precious soul!!

I am one lucky girl!

Alfalfa baby!

He's gonna kill me for pictures like this one day! Too stinking cute though I just can't help but share! :)

Sweet boy...

I just can't resist snapping a picture of my sleeping boy when he looks this darn sweet! :)

My handsome boys!

Jackson and I went to Batesville to eat lunch with Jason this week! Here is a sweet picture of my two handsome boys at the Cracker Barrel!

I sure am one lucky girl! :) :) :)

Daycare Incident Report: Number 8!

Number 8. least this time no one got bit! But, Jackson did steal a little girl's paci and...she popped him in the eye! One day he'll learn you can't be taking other kids toys! The stealing of the paci was the cause of his very first daycare incident report too! Oh my....

She got him good too! His eye was scratched and swollen that night and he still has the scratch a couple of days later!

I'd leave that girl alone if I were you Jackson! :)

Daddy's birthday!

Tuesday (January 17th) was Jason's 32nd birthday! Wow! :)

We took him to lunch at Steak and Shake! Jackson got an awesome hat! Isn't he the cutest?!

Feeding himself! *VIDEO*

Jackson can feed himself with a fork! Are you kidding me? When did he learn to do that? This was the very first time I handed him a fork with his meal. They must be giving him utensils at daycare. My boy is so smart!

Lately he's been refusing to let you feed him. I mean shaking his head "NO!" and yelling at you if you try. He decided he'd rather starve than let someone feed him! Good thing we got him some kid size utensils so he can eat! :)

Look at that boy go! Scrambled eggs are delicious!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Roll Tide!

Jackson was all dressed up and ready to cheer Alabama on to win the 2011 BCS National Championship game on Monday night.

Alabama 21 LSU 0


Jackson got a Snoopy dog from his newest cousin Asher for Christmas (and his parents Laurie and Chris!) and he LOVES him! He just squeezes him and gives him huge hugs! "Awe weee" hugs even!

Isn't he the sweetest thing ever?! :)

Daycare Incident Report: Number 6 AND 7!

Yep. You heard right. Number 6 and 7 in the same day!! My precious baby boy came home with not one, but two bites today! TWO!

Jason said the first incident report said he got in a tussle over a toy (I'm pretty sure he instigated this one) and a girl but him on the arm. She got him good too! Note: it was cold today (even snowed some) and that bite mark was through a t-shirt! The second incident report said he was playing in the floor and a little boy bit him on the back (not exactly sure about the circumstances in this one). The one in his back is pretty bad can see the scraps from the teeth marks!

Poor guy. :(

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bloody Nose #2!

Poor guy. He was just a playing and having a good time this weekend then...SPLAT! He tripped and fell (face first) onto the kitchen tile (again)! We both cried for a while and were covered in blood after this one. Poor guy had a bloody nose and a busted lip too. It hurts my heart to see my boy hurt! He hurt himself good this time too. I try to tell him to slow down and he wouldn't get hurt so often but my boy is always on go!!! After a little loving from mom, some ibuprofen, and biting on a cold rag, he was back to playing and laughing and carrying on like nothing happened. Can't say the same for mom though! I am going to need medication...I don't know of my nerves can handle many more of those kinds of accidents!! :). He sure is one tough kid!! Jason and I decided that if we were him (after the now two bloody noses and numerous tumbles on the kitchen tile) that we would never step foot in that kitchen again. He does not share the same thoughts! He was running again within no time! Tough as nails I tell you! Tough as nails!!

Shape fitter toy *VIDEO*

Remember I told y'all that Jackson "figured out" his shape fitter toy within minutes of playing with it the first time? And by "figured out" I mean...learned how to cheat!? Well that's just about the only way my smart little boy wants to play with his toy now! He loves playing with it, but not in the ways it was intended to be played with! :)

Newest trick of 2012...

Jackson just realized there is a light switch on the wall behind the couch. Awesome. Well...HE thinks it's awesome. I'm just worried he's going to fall off the couch in his pursuit of flicking the lights on and off!!

He thinks it is hilarious. I mean hilarious. He's so stinking cute just a grinning up a storm when you find him on the arm of the couch in the dark. It's so hard not to laugh at him while your trying to teach him it's dangerous!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What Do You See?

Jackson has a new book to add to his list of favorites!

Now the list includes:
Five Silly Monkeys
Little Bee
Old McDonald
Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What Do You See?

The list is growing! Well...that's the list of Jackson's favorite books to READ. There is a whole other list of books Jackson loves to chew on! :)

Puzzle peices and mom!

New ways to play with puzzles (and mom)! :)

Smart boy! *VIDEO*

He's so good at his puzzle! And...he might be as proud of himself as his parents are! Love it!

Supper was "YUMMY"!

Can you see me?!?!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Pictures - 2011

A few picture from our Christmas photoshoot! He wasn't sure he was supposed to be playing with all those lights!! :)

This one was the winner! Ended up on the 2011 ornament! :)