Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas - 2011

Christmas 2011 was a whole new experience for Jackson! This year he had a blast looking at the Christmas decorations (he did so good with the trees - I'll have to admit, I was worried he would tear them to pieces), opening presents, and playing with boxes!

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Our Christmas celebrations started at Granny and Poppa's house! - Stone Family

Family picture!

Jackson had a stack of presents as big as he was! Actually bigger! :)

His presents were so big he couldn't resist climbing on them!

Big smile! :) :)

Opening presents! Ripping some paper!

Thanks Uncle Patrick and Aunt Candi for my Tiny Toms! Love them!

He would rather play with the paper and the boxes than anything else! :)

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Next was Christmas Eve lunch at Aunt Julia and Uncle Chick's house - Moorman Family

Cheesin' with my Pawpaw!

Is that MY present?!

I love my "dog"!

Love the Christmas sweater vest! :)

Boy did that kid love the boxes! :) We joked that we shouldn't have bought presents because he loved the boxes so much, but seriously...he would rather play in the boxes than anything else! It was pretty darn cute I do have to say!

He loved opening the presents so much, he tried to "help" everyone else open theirs! I can still hear him yelling at his Aunt Julia when she told him that wasn't his present to open! Hilarious! :)

Sweet picture of Jackson and Alivia!

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Christmas Eve night took us to Jason's Uncle T's house to celebrate with the rest of the Moorman family...

Not sure if I want to smile...

Okay Mom...I give in! I can't keep that smile in for long! :)

We were so excited to get to spend this Christmas with our newest cousin Abe (and the rest of his family too)! :) 
Jason and Jackson with cousins Mark and Abe!

Moorman boys already!
They got to wiggling and fussing and pushing and shoving - it was so funny to watch!

Finally a good picture without all the rough-housing!

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After Christmas at Uncle T's we headed back home in hopes that Santa would come see Jackson this year!

Jackson must have been good because Santa left him some goodies!
Think he was excited?

Loving his combine tractor! Didn't take him two seconds to figure out if you push the button it would wiggle and snort! He loved it! 

He also got a "shape fitter" toy from Santa. You know the put the square block in the square hole kind of toy. Well about half an hour after we took these pictures he brings the box and a couple of shapes to me. I sat down and showed him ONE time how it worked and he GOT it! But after about 3 times of putting the shapes in the appropriate slots (and then me opening the box to get them back out), Jackson realized it would be much easier and make more sense to open the latch to the box and just throw them in instead of worrying with finding the correct shaped hole! That boy of mine! He's a smart one! I always say - "work smart - not hard!" :) Just hope that makes his smart and not lazy! :)

Jackson reading his new "Jack and the Beanstalk" book!

NOTE: Jackson is generally not an early riser. He's actually darn right hard to wake up on a normal day to get ready for school. But...on Christmas morning, Jackson woke himself up at 6am! Jason and I couldn't do anything but laugh! I went and got him out of his bed and he just grinned at his presents! It was the sweetest thing! Also - not pictured in his Santa loot is an awesome dinosaur pop-up tent!

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After Santa, we hit the road to Alabama for Christmas day lunch with Granny's side of the family!

Jackson and his cousin Liam!

Sweet boy!

Jackson, Logan, Liam, and Ariel - playing with Ariel's awesome new toy!

Cousins! (From left to right) Liam, Jackson, Ariel, Logan, and Jamison.
That's one good looking group of kids if I do say so myself! :)

Family picture!

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Christmas day supper was spent with my grandmother (on Poppa's side of the family)...

Jackson helped Poppa open both of their presents! Poppa used Jackson to "cheat" and open his presents early! Sneaky!

Jackson had one HUGE present! He had to stand on the table to open it!

This is one BIG box!

Loving the box! Again... :)

It's a zebra! He hoped right on that thing and rode it around the room! :) Thanks Grandmother!

Back in the box again...

These boxes are just so much fun!! :)

My two handsome guys!

All smiles...even though we had a long couple of days!

Wish we could have stayed to visit longer in Alabama, but we were back in the car for the five and a half hour trip home the next day -- back to work! I wish grown-ups got a Christmas break too!

Snuggled in for the long ride home!

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Merry Christmas!

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