Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ready to roll!

Jackson is excited about packing up the car and heading for our beach/wedding weekend in Alabama!

And yes...he got up there all by himself! Hope he continues to be this excited about riding in that car seat!

Say a prayer for us as we travel (and for the unlucky soul who gets assigned next to us in our hotel room)!!

Happy boy; dirty face!

Been having us a good time riding in our new Cozy Coupe!

I just love that smiling face! :)

Fun-Sized Milk Shake!

Mmmm mmmmm good! Hits the spot on such a hot day! :)

8-Year Anniversary!



You never know what cool stuff you're gonna get when you inherit clothes! Who else is loving Jackson's new Led-Zeppelin t-shirt?!?! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dirty boy...

Jackson had a ball playing in the dirt yesterday! He got his trusty stick and dug and dug and dug in a pot of dirt in our backyard! He'd fill up one of his old bottles and pour it out and then dig some more!

He is all boy!

How much do you love those dirty fingers and fat little wrists?! :)

Love it!!

Napping with Aunt Julia...

Snuggled in for a good nap! :)

Silly Boy!

I don't think you're supposed to wear that floor mat like a hat! And I know you're not supposed to eat it! :)


Wow! Who's impressed? :) That boy is strong!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Jackson's new thing is he loves to tickle his mama and daddy! He runs up to you (just a grinning) and tickles you all the while saying "ticka-ticka-ticka"!

It is quite possibly one of the cutest things ever! :)

Mother's Day 2012

I sure am one lucky Mama! :)


Rice Krispie Treats are DELICIOUS!

Mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm.....


A boy and his stick!

Jackson and his favorite toy...a STICK! :)

Sweet Boys!

Jackson loves his daddy! And Jason loves his boy! And I'm one lucky girl to have the both of them!


Jackson is one lucky (well dressed) dude!! He has inherited a ton of clothes this summer! And the box Jackson is lounging on is only a small portion of all of that boys clothes!

Jackson says a big "THANK YOU" to Maddox and Liv for hooking him up with his awesome wardrobe! ( he's not wearing girl clothes Poppa - Alivia spotted her cousin's baby clothes being put in storage and said "Jackson can wear those"! That girl is always looking out for her baby cousin!)

"God is good; God is great..."

Saying the blessing...

It's one of the sweetest things ever! We have him bow his head and say the blessing...but usually about halfway through the prayer he (slowly) sneaks out a hand and grabs a bite of his supper! It's just precious! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jackson and Cole...growing up!

We were lucky to get to visit with the Beckwith family tonight...and BOY have our boys grown! Just where has the time gone?

Take a look at how much our guys gave grown in about a year and a half. Quite amazing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Just a giggling! :)

So last night, Jackson was hanging out watching a little Poppy Cat before bed and he thought that show was hilarious!! On the show they were playing "keepsey upsey" and trying to keep a ball in the air, and Jackson was literally laughing out loud!! He thought it was so funny!

Jason and I just sat back and grinned at one another. It was so awesome! One of the best things ever to hear my boy laugh! I just love watching him grow up. :)

My boy is a genius!

I really do think he's bright. Well...most of the time. :)


What do you mean I can't just eat the food on YOUR plate at lunch? I think I'd rather eat yours than mine. :)

FYI: we had exactly the same food for lunch! :) It's just better when it's Mom's!

Boudreaux's Butt Paste

So...I was talking with my mama on the phone on Tuesday and Jackson went missing. He sees "mama on the phone" time as his opportunity to get into things he knows he's not supposed to be doing. After I realized the house was way too quiet...I went looking for him. You can ask my mama, I started yelling and screaming "I have to call you back!" and didn't even take the time to explain why!

I walked into his bedroom and my boy had pulled the tub of Boudreaux's Butt Paste diaper rash ointment off his dresser and...well see for yourself what he did with it!!!!!

He started wiping it on his shirt when he saw me coming because he KNEW he was in trouble! He had it (literally) from head to toe. He ate a little bit, smeared a lot on his shirt, and even got some on his toes (and my carpet)!

Needless to say I was livid! Not to mention, he broke the top off my jar or diaper ointment!


This situation required a lot of cleaning and a while in time-out!!

Oh boy....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gyro bowl...

So the "Gyro Bowl" is quite smart. It's a bowl that makes it difficult for your small child to pour out his/her food on the floor. It has a system that twists around where the food is always pointing right? seems that Cheerios taste better off the floor than in this bowl! Jackson gets frustrated with the bowl (you know...because he WANTS to pour his food on the floor) and has learned how to make that happen! He either holds the inside bowl still and commences to pouring the contents of the bowl on the floor OR he bounces the bowl up and down until the full contents of the bowl makes its way onto my rug!

That means he's smart, right? Well...I'm referring to the figuring the bowl part out not the eating off the floor part! :)


Animal crackers taste better off the floor too!

Lazy Sunday...

Now that is stretched out...relaxing in your PJ's!! :) the bathroom sink??

So...I come home from work on Sunday afternoon and this is what I found! Hmmm....

We keep the door to the hall bathroom closed at all times (for obvious reasons), so needless to say I was surprised when I walked in and found this!

I have since then quizzed Jackson (and his daddy) and this is the story I was given....

Seems as if Jason went to the bathroom and (like always) Jackson followed (will there ever be a point when we can go to the restroom without company again?). Jason said Jackson was just playing in the floor (innocent enough right?), until the very second Jason flushed the toilet. Then for some reason, Jackson moved like lightning and shoved his fist into the toilet water!! Gross! So (those of you who know Jason know he freaked out!), Jason grabbed him up and took him to the sink to wash his hands. He washed one hand without a fight, but said he had his other fist balled up tight and wouldn't let him wash it. Seemed he had a fist full of goldfish this entire time! He said it took a fight to get him to drop the goldfish (and not eat then), and wash that hand too!

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall with that one!! :) Ha!

Boys.... :)

Not a morning person...

...unless he wakes himself up.

But on work days, Mama gets the (not so fun) task of waking the sleeping angel to get ready for school. First I have to pick his 30+ pound self out of his baby bed, which let me tell you in a chore! He's so big and it requires leaning all the way into the bed and trying to get a good grip on a fussy boy then picking him up. I think every time I pick him up out of that bed that I am not using proper technique to lift heavy loads (Kroger has trained me on proper lifting...."lift with your knees; not your back!). Then he grunts and cries and kicks and flops and fusses until I finally wrestle a new diaper and some clothes on him for the day! It's proof how strong I really am because let me tell you...that big boy puts up a fight! He is STRONG! :)

He usually gets in a better mood by the time was make it into his carseat (morning hugs help a lot!), but this day he was especially sleepy/grumpy and did not want me to talk to him in the car! Everything I said he responded with "NO!". Didn't matter what it was, his response was that he didn't want to hear it!

The pictures are from when I said, "I sure do love you!" and he said, "NO!"!! :) Oh buddy...I feel your pain! :)

That boy. I can't honestly blame him. I act about the same when I have to wake up for work too (glad no one blogs about me in the mornings) At least he gets to play all day, take a 2 hour nap, and gets a lunch break!! Wish I could go to daycare... :)

Hot and sweaty!

My boy plays hard! So hard his cheeks get so red and he gets so sweaty, but you can't convince him to come inside to cool off (without a fight!!). He is ALL boy! :)

Chillin' with my shades on! :)

Just cruising around on a bright sun-shining day with my new shades on! :)