Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dreaming baby....

The very first thing Jackson said to me when he opened his eyes this morning was, "Mommy? Do you LOVE kites?!" all while smiling from ear to ear! I would just love to know what he was dreaming about! Makes me want to sit and just watch him sleep!
That sweet boy!
He makes my heart happy!
And he looks like the most precious angel in the world when he's asleep!

We have ROOMS!

Walls and roof are all done and now we are in the process of framing out the bedrooms and bathroom in our shop/house!
Progress is exciting, but we have a LOT of finishing to do before we can move in.

Got One!

Jackson loves fishing these days!! And he catches some pretty nice ones too!
He's always very proud of his catch, but he's not even going to think about touching that thing! :)

Smart or lazy??? :)

Jackson invented this contraption with his straw so that he didn't have to move his cup around when he wanted a sip of his lemonade! I can't decide if it's smart or just a little bit lazy! Haha! Either way, it's still impressive at 4 years old. I love watching the way his brain works and how he figures things out. He's pretty bright!

Movie time!

What better way to watch a movie, than ON TOP of your daddy!?
And the best part is, this has become so fairly normal that Jason is still just texting away like nothing is happening! Hahaha! I love it! And Jason is such a good sport, because that little dude is heavy!

Pilgrams and Indians Day at 4K!

The boys in Jackson's class were the Indians and the girls were the Pilgrams (even though Mrs. Brooke didn't send me pictures of the girls).
My wild little Indian! the bed with Jackson!

Sleeping with Jackson is always an adventure!
Jackson always went to sleep in his bed at our house in Hernando, but after we moved he got really upset when it got to be bedtime, so we agreed to let him go to sleep with us while we are in the rent house. He had a little bit of a rough time adjusting to the move, but he loves snuggling with mama and daddy!

Bed Head!

Check out that bed head! That's impressive! Hahahaha!

That's a good daddy! And a good seat?


Work day at the land!

Ready to help!



Putting in the water lines.....



Does he look mischievous or what?!


And we have insulation and some of the walls going up too!
It's starting to look like a shop now!


He always needs to share when it's from mama and daddy's bowl! Maybe not so much if it was his in the first place! Hahaha!

It's COLD!!

So....this rent house is old and COLD!! Jackson said he was "Freeeezzzziiiinnnngggg"! and if you look at the room temp on top of the heater, you might agree he is right! :)
It's warm in the room where the heater is on, but it is not warm anywhere else! We are so happy to have found this house to stay in for a few months, but we are having to adjust to these temperatures!

Kisses for mommy!



How???????  :)

Happy Boy!

I just love getting sweet pictures of my happy boy via text message from Jackson's 4K teacher! We love Mrs. Brooke and it makes me smile to get to see that sweet face while I'm working!

"Rain, Rain, Go Away...."

Jackson's version:
"Rain, Rain, Go Away....
Come back on Mother's Day!"
Makes me giggle every single time! I love him so much! :)

Well played....

Well played Wal-Mart. Well played...
We NEVER go to Wal-Mart because I hate it. But, occasionally it is necessary to venture into the store. On this particular day, the sweet little lady door greeter handed JACKSON the Wal-Mart toy magazine on our way into the store. Gave it straight to Jackson! Ahhhhhh!!!!!
He has read that thing and read that thing and even read that thing while sitting on the potty! And he has asked for juuuuussstttt about everything in it! Hahaha!
That Wal-Mart....they've got that thing figured out! :)

Hunting with daddy!


I don't think they saw any actual deer, but they had a lot of fun and ate some good snacks!
Sweet memories!

Jackson/Mommy Day!

Donuts before school!

Praising the Lord for chicken and French fries!!

I love spending the afternoon with that smile!

And I took him to "check on" the building of the shop! He was only slightly impressed with the building, but he LOVES all of their equipment!

It's going up!!

It's still a skeleton and has a LONG way to go before we can move in, but it's starting to look like a house! Very exciting day!


Baby brother is growing! 24-28 weeks

Ready to go....

All dressed up warm and ready to get into something outside!

"Snuggling" with mommy....

Best seat in the house, right!? :)

Is THAT our house!?

So....our house has been delivered!???? THAT is our future house/shop!? I will have to wait and see, bc that sure doesn't look like enough materials to me! :)

This guy....

....I feel you buddy! But, it's time to rise and shine!

Halloween Party - 4K North Delta - 2014

Rivals! Jackson and Tanner



My sweet boy! I wish I could keep him this age forever!

My little football player!

This dude LOVES his "bones" shirt! If it were up to him, he would wear it everyday! :)

Halloween at Kroger! 2014

We had a community event at Kroger for Halloween to give the kiddos a safe place to trick-or-treat, and the entire store dressed up for the event!
It was a lot of fun, but you do get a couple crazy looks when people come to get their medicine and see the pharmacist is dressed like a pregnant hillbilly! Hahaha! :)
Keshia, Sara, me, and Jessica

Me and Sarah

Me and Jessica

And we had some cute little trick-or-treaters!

Me and the cutest Bama football player!

Rylee was the cutest crayon ever!

Victoria and Keshia!