Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Double High-Five!!

Jackson has been learning to give you "Five" for a while now...but we just mastered the "Double High Five"!! Pretty awesome huh??

Sorry Uncle Patrick...we are still working on the knuckle-bump...just not there yet! We'll keep working on it!


Chocolate Donuts!!

Gave Jackson a chocolate donut for breakfast the other morning...and he L-O-V-E loved it! He was so funny...he just grinned! And when I was chipping it up on his tray, he would lean over and grunt and try to get me to put it in his mouth! He looked like a chocolate-crazed baby bird! Look at the smile...

Look at that face! You just can't help but grin when you see that toothy smile! :)


B-A-D...that's all you can say! Now...if he'd only put them back! :) He sure does have a good time playing with them though...


Jackson says, "What do you mean I can't pull all of the stuff out of the bathroom cabinets?! Maybe the puppy dog face will help...." :)

Sorry bud. Not gonna work this time. :)

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

So dramatic!

He wants what he wants. And...he wants it right now! :)  

I think he gets that from Jason! :)

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All suds up!

My big boy loves a bath! Only thing is...very often the second you remove his diaper, Jackson feels the need to relieve himself in the bathroom floor! :)

You can't help but smile with that sweet face! :)  

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Looks can be deceiving...

Woke up early on Monday (July 25th), showered, got dressed, even ate breakfast before Jackson made a peep. Seemed like the making of a good morning...oh how looks can be deceiving!

Jackson slept until 845 (or so I thought) and I was waiting on him at the first noise from his room.  I walked in the room, peeked in the crib expecting to find a smiling, sleepy-eyed baby with bed head...but no! What I found was a baby who (at what point during the night/morning I have no idea) had somehow ripped open the lining to his super absorbant diaper (urine filled might I add)! There was a gooey, sticky, glue-like, urine soaked substance EVERYWHERE! I...unfortunately...did not realize this fact until I had picked him up out of bed. I mean it was everywhere...the sheets, bumpers, blankets, his Mickey, on his legs, inside his diaper, inside his shirt, on his arms, under his neck, in his hair....and now it was on me too (note I said earlier I was fully dressed and ready to go to work)!  

So naturally...I had a fit! I undressed my baby at the speed of light, threw him in the bathtub, put the sheets, etc. in the washer, changed clothes and cleaned myself up at warp speed. All this keeping in mind I need to leave my house by no later than 915 to get Jackson to daycare and make it to work on time.

Oh how looks can be deceiving...

I made it to work on time, but not before the daycare called to say Jax was running a 101 degree fever. Boo to baby fever! Jason took care of him the rest of the day. The remainder of my day was filled with rude patients, over worked staff, expansion meetings (yeah they are about to rip my pharmacy in half), and ended with calling 911 at 8pm for the lady having a heart attack in my waiting room (just to name a few of the things from my Monday)!

What a day...what seemed to be the start to a good day...oh how looks can be deceiving... :)

On a side note: this picture of Jackson was taken within minutes of getting out of the bath after what I am now referring to as "the diaper incident of 2011"! He looks pretty sweet doesn't he?? :)

I cannot fully describe to you what a sticky, gross mess that diaper was. G-R-O-S-S.  

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alivia Weekend!

So...It was Alivia's turn to spend the weekend with us! And we had a blast! Here's the recap...


Silly boy! Sillier hair! :)

Liv and Jax...getting ready for a bite to eat!

"Got my I need some food!"

First bite of tomato!
Not sure if he liked the taste, but he definitely liked to squish it between his fingers!

Friday night's supper got pretty messy! Not one minute after Alivia said Jackson's food looked like "diarrhea", he knocked it on the floor, the rug, the tile, and a little bit on Alivia! GROSS. :)

* * * * * * * * * *


Saturday was our crafty day. Alivia was such a huge help making *top secret* stuff for Jackson's upcoming birthday party. We painted, sewed, made t-shirts (see below).

A(livia) K(ay) D(rewery)! :)

While Alivia and I worked on craft stuff, our little Superbaby took a much needed nap!
Don't you wish you could nap that good?!

Alivia and Jackson - eating lunch.

Playing a song on the air vent! One of Jackson's new favorite things to do...

Jackson and Alivia chased each other around all weekend! They had such a good time! Jackson loves to wrestle, and play chase, and love on Alivia! (I think she likes it too!) :)

This is the face Jackson makes when Alivia says "I'm gonna get you!" :)

Saturday afteroon Jason went outside to water my thirsty plants, but Alivia and Jackson had other ideas in mind! They had so much fun playing in the waterhose!

Jackson in his very first pair of swimming trunks! Too cute!

Jason watered the plants, Alivia, and Jackson!

Soaking wet. And loving it!

Racing up the hill!

My boy loves the water! I need to invest in some SPF100 for the future! :)

Grassy, grassy baby!

Both Jackson and Alivia rolled down the hill a couple of times. Alivia rolled intentionally; Jackson unintentionally, but they both seemed to enjoy it!
They were covered (seriously from head to toe) in grass! I had to clean the bathtub and bathroom floor when they were done! Too much fun though! It was worth it!

 Wet kids! Smiling faces!

Note: see Jackson's stance (above). The on-one-knee stance is Jackson's newest favorite position. He does it all the time. He stands that way playing with his toys, while crawling, etc. I think we are getting so close to walking. He stands up and plays all the time now, but not too sure about the walking thing just yet.
"Mom? Why would I walk when I could just crawl or you could just carry me?!" :)

Jackson was so cold playing in the waterhose his chin was quivering! Poor guy. It hurt our feelings, but he cried when I had finally had enough. Got him a warm bath and some clean pj's and we were ready to get into something else!

Some of my favorite people....snuggled up and ready to watch a movie!

Before bed....I know I have told you about Jackson learning how to crawl up on things. Well...he tries a lot of times but just can't seem to make it. Last night, my smart little man (intentionally) pushed his toy over to the recliner and proceeded to use it as a step to get in the chair! We could not believe it! He's so smart and learning things so fast!

* * * * * * * * * *


Messy baby. How is it possible you make this much mess when you are fed your lunch? I'll tell you pull all the food back out of your mouth and then rub it on your face, belly, diaper, highchair, table, etc. Amazing.

Jackson is learning to play catch. He loves when his daddy throws him the ball and he laughs and throws it back. He is already one heck of an athlete!

His daddy is so proud!

Then. Jackson was playing with his ball and crawled over to his bumbo chair and "dunked it"! He kept throwing the ball at the chair like it was a basketball goal! :)

* * * * * * * * * *

Had a blast with you this weekend Alivia! Glad you came to see us! It is just unbelievable how fast Alivia is growing up! It seems like just yesterday she was the she is SEVEN (and a half)! :)

Love you girls! I may be a tad partial, but I have got to have the best nieces ever! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cheesin' and playing with my toes...

...that's how I roll! :) I don't think it gets much better than that! Love him!

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Sacked out...

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Up, up, and in to everything!

Yep. It finally happened. Jackson figured out how to crawl UP on things! He just scaled that ottoman (without any assistance from either parent) in like two seconds flat. It was impressive. But then....he decided to do a little computing of his own. :)

That boy of mine is figuring stuff out so fast now! I swear he grows up a little more each day. Up until yesterday, we could hide anything we didn't want slobber on under the pillows on the couch. Not any more! He just pulled up on the couch yesterday morning, slung pillows, and grabbed the remote and commenced to slobbering on it!

It's just amazing how fast they grow and learn!

We are so in trouble! :)

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh my....

....I turn my head for one second, and this is what I find! :)

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby of Steel!

It's a bird.
It's a plane.

Faster than a speeding bullet...
Stronger than a locomotive...
able to jump tall buildings in a single bound!

Jackson's cryptonite?? Being tickled!! :) It gets him every time!

Baby of steel!!


Check out his cape!

Who needs toys to have a good time?

Jackson has toys for days. I honestly don't know how he possibly has so many toys. Sometimes I think his toys multiply during the night. There are toys covering the living room floor, there are toys in the kitchen, toys under the dining room table, toys in my bedroom floor, toys in the bathroom, toys in the bathtub, toys in the toy basket in the living room, toys in the toy box in his bedroom, toys in the play pen, toys in his bed....get the picture? So...with all the toys at his disposable, you'd think he's chose to play with any one of them. But...nope. He wants to play with plastic bowls! Plastic bowls!? He is pretty fun with them though! :) And...yes, in case you were wondering...he got them out of the drawer in the kitchen all by himself. Nice new trick, huh? :)

Look at me Mom!

Playing it like a drum!