Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alivia Weekend!

So...It was Alivia's turn to spend the weekend with us! And we had a blast! Here's the recap...


Silly boy! Sillier hair! :)

Liv and Jax...getting ready for a bite to eat!

"Got my I need some food!"

First bite of tomato!
Not sure if he liked the taste, but he definitely liked to squish it between his fingers!

Friday night's supper got pretty messy! Not one minute after Alivia said Jackson's food looked like "diarrhea", he knocked it on the floor, the rug, the tile, and a little bit on Alivia! GROSS. :)

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Saturday was our crafty day. Alivia was such a huge help making *top secret* stuff for Jackson's upcoming birthday party. We painted, sewed, made t-shirts (see below).

A(livia) K(ay) D(rewery)! :)

While Alivia and I worked on craft stuff, our little Superbaby took a much needed nap!
Don't you wish you could nap that good?!

Alivia and Jackson - eating lunch.

Playing a song on the air vent! One of Jackson's new favorite things to do...

Jackson and Alivia chased each other around all weekend! They had such a good time! Jackson loves to wrestle, and play chase, and love on Alivia! (I think she likes it too!) :)

This is the face Jackson makes when Alivia says "I'm gonna get you!" :)

Saturday afteroon Jason went outside to water my thirsty plants, but Alivia and Jackson had other ideas in mind! They had so much fun playing in the waterhose!

Jackson in his very first pair of swimming trunks! Too cute!

Jason watered the plants, Alivia, and Jackson!

Soaking wet. And loving it!

Racing up the hill!

My boy loves the water! I need to invest in some SPF100 for the future! :)

Grassy, grassy baby!

Both Jackson and Alivia rolled down the hill a couple of times. Alivia rolled intentionally; Jackson unintentionally, but they both seemed to enjoy it!
They were covered (seriously from head to toe) in grass! I had to clean the bathtub and bathroom floor when they were done! Too much fun though! It was worth it!

 Wet kids! Smiling faces!

Note: see Jackson's stance (above). The on-one-knee stance is Jackson's newest favorite position. He does it all the time. He stands that way playing with his toys, while crawling, etc. I think we are getting so close to walking. He stands up and plays all the time now, but not too sure about the walking thing just yet.
"Mom? Why would I walk when I could just crawl or you could just carry me?!" :)

Jackson was so cold playing in the waterhose his chin was quivering! Poor guy. It hurt our feelings, but he cried when I had finally had enough. Got him a warm bath and some clean pj's and we were ready to get into something else!

Some of my favorite people....snuggled up and ready to watch a movie!

Before bed....I know I have told you about Jackson learning how to crawl up on things. Well...he tries a lot of times but just can't seem to make it. Last night, my smart little man (intentionally) pushed his toy over to the recliner and proceeded to use it as a step to get in the chair! We could not believe it! He's so smart and learning things so fast!

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Messy baby. How is it possible you make this much mess when you are fed your lunch? I'll tell you pull all the food back out of your mouth and then rub it on your face, belly, diaper, highchair, table, etc. Amazing.

Jackson is learning to play catch. He loves when his daddy throws him the ball and he laughs and throws it back. He is already one heck of an athlete!

His daddy is so proud!

Then. Jackson was playing with his ball and crawled over to his bumbo chair and "dunked it"! He kept throwing the ball at the chair like it was a basketball goal! :)

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Had a blast with you this weekend Alivia! Glad you came to see us! It is just unbelievable how fast Alivia is growing up! It seems like just yesterday she was the she is SEVEN (and a half)! :)

Love you girls! I may be a tad partial, but I have got to have the best nieces ever! :)

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