Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gulf Shores, Alabama Beach Vacation - 2013

I know I am SO late posting these pictures, but there were so many to sort through (and I really did just post the best ones) and then we have had Internet issues at the house for like the last month! Grrr...y'all know how I feel about Comcast! All my other posting has been with my mobile hotspot, but this post was just too big for all that. Thankfully, it's finally working again...for now!
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We took a trip to the beach in April...
...and Jackson was pretty excited! He's always ready to ride! He did so good too. As long as there are snacks and movies, my boy could ride anywhere! :)

We like to play games on the ride too...
One of our favorites is "Where's Jackson!"

And Jackson took him some good naps with "Dog" along the way...

Like I said...snacks!! :)
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We didn't drive directly to the beach...we made a pitstop for the night in Selma and visited with family for Megan's (and Baby Jonah's) baby shower, my uncle Charles' retirement party, and we got to visit with Paisley and Alexa (my cousin Chase and Kirby's new twins) for the first time. We spent the night with my grandmother, then headed for the beach the next day!
**Stay tuned for more details on Jonah in a future post! And here's my post about the twins! So sweet!**
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We got checked into the hotel and set out to start the fun!

We stayed in Foley (just a few miles from Gulf Shores) and they have a huge outlet mall WITH a playground! Jackson did some good playing before supper that night. We figured he'd want to run off a little steam after being cooped up in the car all day!

Next was supper at Lambert's! Delicious as always!
Jackson caught a roll as big as he is! :)
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Early the next morning....we hit the beach!!!

My boys.

Jackson LOVES the sand. Loves it!

And I built a sand turtle!

 My little beach bum!
He has so much fun in the sand!

Last year he loved the water, but this year since we went a little earlier, the water was a tad bit too cold for us. He liked watching the waves, but he ran from them this time!
It felt great on the beach, but the water was not in the cards for us this time.

Just chillin'!

Building a sand castle? Maybe?

Maybe not! He liked to knock them down as soon as his daddy tried to build one!
And...I don't even want to talk about what happened to my turtle after I was done! :)

Throwing sand into the ocean!

Still playing in the sand!


Mama and Daddy!

Running on the beach is for the birds...or maybe just toddlers! Jackson wanted to run after the seagulls and Jason and I got in our exercise trying to chase him!!

Building sand castles with mama in the sand!


I love that sweet face! And his hair is so red in the sun!! :) Love it!

Sweet boy!

Toes in the sand! Doesn't get much better than that!

Fun times! My boy is a regular ole beach bum!
Thank goodness for SPF 110!

Love that smile!!

Random lady on the beach asked if we wanted a family picture! Um...yeah! Thanks! :)

More chasing of the seagulls! :)

And then Jackson wanted to bury his mama in the sand!
He did a pretty good job (with just a little help from his daddy)! :)

Gazing at the ocean! He loves it!

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After all that playing and running in the sand, we all needed a nap!

Is that the most beautiful baby boy you have ever seen or what?!

Then we had supper at Doc's Seafood Shack on recommendation from my uncle Charles and aunt Dianne. It is touted as having "the best fried shrimp in the entire civilized world", and let me tell you, It. Was. Delicious!!

After supper, we went to the pier. Our plan was to walk all the way down the pier, and look at the ocean and watch the fishermen. That was the plan, but Jackson showed his behind about halfway down the pier and refused to not try to run plans changed, unfortunately.

Jackson and mama on the pier

Really cool pelicans we saw on the pier!
So after a trip to the bathroom, and time out, and fussing at Jackson for a while to behave, we said goodbye to the trip down the pier, and opted for more running around on the beach.

The beach was very pretty that night, and Jackson still had a blast playing in the sand!

Jackson on the sea turtle at the pier entrance!

Ready to run!!

Footprints in the sand!

Beautiful night on the beach.
Too bad Jackson refused to mind. As I was getting on to him as we were getting in the car (because he was soooo NOT being a good listener), he put his hand on my face and said, "It's okay mama. It's okay!" it's not buddy! :)
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The next morning, we started the day with a little breakfast, then hit the beach again!

Milk - it does a body good!!

Second day on the beach was really windy! And a little chilly too.

Jackson still had a good time in the sand, and even made a friend on the beach and helped him pick up seashells! :)

Last day on the beach was red AND purple flags. Red means it's too dangerous to be in the water, and purple is the warning for dangerous marine life! No thank you to the sharks! :)

So...unfortunately, all good things must come to an end...and Jackson was NOT happy about leaving the beach! There is always next year buddy!!

After the beach, we had lunch and Jackson showed us his famous "silly face" they always talk about from daycare! That little ham!

And...thank goodness for the portable DVD player! It is a life-saver! Hours of entertainment!!

Ice cream at Shake's! So good! :)

Mmmmm! Yummy!

A little sightseeing was next! I love this wall! :)

Watch out Jackson and mama! There's a big shark behind you!! :)

And this is proof that life is so different after you have kids, because our next stop was the Foley Kid's Park! :) And Jackson got to run, and jump, and swing, and slide!


And over our weekend....we watched the movie Toy Story like a thousand times!! Like over and over and over! He would cry when it started playing the credits and ask us to turn it back on! I had the song lyrics "You've got a friend in me..." and "Strange things are happening to me....ain't no doubt about it!" running though my mind for a while after that trip! :)
Only because it's vacation, buddy! Don't get used to all that TV....back to normal when we get back home! :)

One of Jackson's favorite things was pushing the elevator buttons! But when it didn't open the doors immediately, he had to use daddy's finger to push it too!

Snoozing on the ride home! Is he a cool kid or what?! :)
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What a difference a year makes!! Check out the 2012 vs 2013 pictures from last year's beach trip in May! boy is trying to grow up on me!


Look at those long legs!

Fun times!

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