Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Merry Christmas - 2013

Merry Christmas!
Usually I get all of the Christmas decorations up by myself while Jason is working, but not this year!
I had one cute little helper! He liked to put the snowflake ornaments on the tree!

We also helped Granny and Poppa put up their trees too! But Jackson got himself in a sticky situation! :)

Jackson loved the Christmas trees! He said they were "Beautibul"!
He also enjoyed the view from under the tree! But he just could not keep his hands off those snowflake ornaments! :)


And Pepper came to visit this year too! It's a good thing for Jackson too! Because after the way he acted in front of Santa, he better be glad Pepper gave Santa good reports most days!
That Pepper is silly! You never know where he's going to show up!

And Jackson made an awesome Gingerbread house at school!
His teacher said he did it all by himself and that he was very good at it too! How cool is that??! :)


And I did a good portion of my shopping online this year, and Jackson got so excited when we got more boxes in the mail! If I had known how much he loved the empty boxes, I wouldn't have bought him any presents! When boxes were delivered, he's yell "More boxes!!!" and run around the house! Hilarious!

But the few times we did venture into the stores to shop, my boy had to find some way to entertain himself! This particular day, we were shopping and I hear Jackson yell "Ahoy Matey!" and see him using the wrapping paper as a spy glass! Sometimes that boy thinks he is Captain Hook! :) I just love his imagination!

Got to school to pick him up one afternoon and caught him in the middle of craft time!
Look at the concentration on his face while working with that glue!
But seriously, who lets 3 year olds use glitter? Haha! It was everywhere! He has a fabulous teacher!

And he made me this beautiful ornament with is favorite color yarn!
And my boy LOVED opening presents this year too! He would come running through the house holding a present (usually not his) and yell "More present!!!!" He didn't care who they belonged to, but he thoroughly enjoyed opening them!
We had to wrap up a couple stocking stuffers and let him open them along the way to get him not to unwrap other people's presents after we wrapped them!
He was so much fun this year!

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Stone Family Christmas!
We always try to get a family picture at Christmas...which is not always the easiest thing to do!
Here are a few takes...
Take one - Jackson is blurry
Take five - Daddy is not looking
Take twelve or so...a little blurry!
Got it! Best family picture to date!! I love it! And it captures reality so well! :)

And to keep Jackson off the presents, Granny entertained Jackson with games on the iPad!
Present time!!
He not only opened his presents, but he "helped" everyone else open their presents too!
(And that proved to be a trend throughout all the Christmas season!)

Still "helping" Uncle Patrick and Aunt Candi open their gifts!

Love the box daddy! :)

Woah! What is that Poppa!? It has bubbles! :)

What's better than the presents? The paper! He loved the mess!!! I mean really? How many times a year is it acceptable to tear paper up that throw it all over the house!? :)

Trying out Poppa's new welding mask!

And my two favorite presents of the night?
My Rolando bracelet (Thanks Patrick and Candi) and my new watch (Thanks Mama and Daddy)!
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Moorman Family Christmas

Jackson got to watch A Christmas Story for the first time and he thought the "tongue stuck to the pole" scene was hilarious! He laughed and giggled and stuck his tongue out! So cute!

Santa's Little Helper!

Snuggles with mommy!!
Present time!!

Slinky Dog and Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head! How awesome!

Silly boy!

Opening presents!

The entire crew (well....minus Jason who took this aerial shot)!

And after the presents - the wrestling began!
Jackson's face in the top picture makes me laugh every time I look at it!
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Christmas Eve at Uncle T's house
We spend every Christmas Eve with the Moorman crew at Uncle T's house - and this year I was a little late because I had to work until 6 - but Jason got some fun pictures of Jackson playing with his cousin Abe! Those two always have a blast when they are together!


Under the table!

Hey there Abe! Nice hat! :)

When I got there it was present time! And Jackson had slap wore himself out! After opening every present in sight, he asked me to hold him. A few seconds later, my big guy was out like a light! He just might be too big for mommy to hold like that by this time next year!
Good gracious he got heavy fast!

And then he snoozed a while on Mimi and PawPaw's couch before we headed home!
He slept all the way home in the car, but then tried to wake up after we got home. We hung out and watched the Polar Express for a while before bed, and his daddy was snoozing, but not Jackson!

Later that night, only one of my boys was snoozing! Just not the one I needed it to be! He looks pretty sleepy though! We had our fingers crossed that Santa didn't pass our house because Jackson was still awake so late! :)
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Santa came!!!

Thank goodness Jackson was good (mostly) this year! Santa brought him some goodies!
Jackson had to check out his presents from Santa - and play with every single thing! He'd find a present and immediately say, "Open it daddy! Open it!!" :)

He also left Santa a plate of cookies, but Santa didn't eat them all - so Jackson helped out!

Yum yum yummy!!

Christmas morning pancakes! Dewishes!
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After Santa and breakfast, we headed off on our Alabama Christmas adventure!

Jackson rode in his Christmas jammies and ate his "nack" off the top of his daddy's travel coffee mug because we didn't have a bowl like he asked for! We had to make due, but Jackson loved it! Hey....whatever works while traveling for 5 hours with a 3-year-old!!
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My Aunt Patsy's house!

Mommy and Daddy picture - Jackson declined taking a picture with us!
Too many presents to open and cousins to play with! :)

Look how handsome my big boy is!

Cousins! (Minus Asher who had to leave a little earlier)
From left-right: Liam, Jackson, Logan, Ariel, Riah, and Jamison

Family picture! (This time taken where Jackson is watching the TV!)
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My Grandmother Stone's House

Check out all of the cousins and our babies!
Taking a picture with that many babies is virtually impossible!
All we could do was laugh!!!

The complete cousin picture! I just love it when we are all together! It's not often either because we live in 4 different states now - glad when we can all get together at our grandmother's house. Good times!

Got to snuggle with this miracle baby too this Christmas  - Meet Jonah!! He lives in North Carolina so this is our first face to face meeting, and I have to tell you, he is just the sweetest thing ever! I absolutely love his facial expressions and he and I had a very serious discussion about how I was his mommy's favorite cousin so therefore I would (obviously) be his favorite cousin as well! He seemed to agree because he giggled a lot and seemed to enjoy chewing on my scarf!

Jackson also taught my uncle Dennis how to play with his new LeapPad - that we call his iPad (because he loves his Granny's iPad so much!)

So many presents! Got to rest up....

Now THAT is what Uncle Patrick is good for! Wrestling the toddler! He has been waiting on Jackson to be big enough for this kind of stuff since the day I told him we were having a baby! This picture makes me think about when we were little and my cousin Brian used to do this to us! He would shake us upside-down and say he was trying to get all the change out of our pockets! :) Hahaha!

Now that is a room full of family! Except we are missing Granny and Poppa because my mama ended up catching the flu only days before Christmas and she was way too sick (and contagious) to make the trip to Alabama. Very sad too, because this was the first Christmas ever I didn't get to spend with my parents. With that said, get your flu shots people! Do it. The flu SUCKS! If you don't believe me, just ask Granny!! :)

Jonah liked opening presents too! But I think he liked the paper and string more than the presents!
Jonah says, "This string is delicious!!" :)

Jackson "helped" my grandmother open her presents too! He is a big "helper"! :)

Opening presents!

Big helper!

My grandmother Stone! :)

And I just love all the babies! So much fun...
From top-bottom/left-right: Jonah, Drew, Jackson, Paisley and Alexa

Drew is silly! And shares in his love of boxes with Jackson! So cute! :)

Serious discussions with my grandmother! Aren't they the sweetest?!

And the best present of the year...the book of stories my grandmother told about her life! Stories about her life growing up, my great grandparents, dating my grandfather, running off to get married, and so much more. Made me smile, laugh out loud, and shed a few tears! Now Jason knows exactly where I get my "spunk" as my Gramps would say! :)
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The day after Christmas....
Jackson spent the morning playing with is presents (he loves his little puppy - which he thinks is so cute that he makes everyone give it a hug all the time!) and we rested up for the long ride back home! (We would have loved to stay longer, but off to work for mama tomorrow).

Well...daddy tried to rest, but in true Jackson form, he needed to ON top of his daddy at all times!
That's one lucky daddy! and one silly boy!
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Then it was time to head back home!

Christmas sure did come and go awfully fast this year!
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But in all the hustle and bustle and craziness of the season, let be sure not to forget what the Christmas season is all about!
Luke 2: 1-20 Tells the story of Jesus' birth...which is the Reason for the Season!
Happy Birthday Jesus!

"An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord."

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