Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

My little Peter Rabbit!

My sweet little bunny! :)

Happy 7th Birthday Ian!

We celebrated our friend Ian's 7th birthday at Chuck-E Cheese!
Jackson wasn't too excited about seeing the Easter Bunny, but the kid just ran right up to the giant rat and gave him a big squeeze! Go figure! Hahaha! :)

And Jackson had a blast "playing" all the games, even if he never used a single token! :) I have a feeling this kind of thing could get a lot more expensive in a few years!
Happy Birthday Ian! :)

Good Friday!

Such a beautiful day!

Cedar Hill Farm and The Easter Bunny - 2014

On Good Friday, we went to spend the day at Cedar Hill Farm and got to see the Easter Bunny! Jackson was not feeling the Easter Bunny at first, he said, "Ummmm....No! Let's just go play!" :)
So we decided to play for a while and then try again!
Jackson didn't care about anything else until he got the chance to play in the dirt!!
What can I say the boy loves the dirt!

And he went down the HUGE slide like a million times! He loves it. He even lost his shoes a couple of times, but just kept on truckin'! He had a blast!

Check out the video! WOAH! :)


And now he is a master at the rock wall!
Seems like just yesterday we had to help him up to the top!

With all of his running and sliding and climbing, Jackson got too hot and had to take off his shirt! :) Thankfully his mama always has a plan B so he still looks cute!:)
Then after he cooled down a little, he went to climb the "mountain"!

Pony ride!

The second attempt at the Easter Bunny went much better!
He sat with him and held his hand while I took his picture!
He also asked the Easter Bunny to bring him some candy on Easter, and he said that he would!
After I got his picture and he got the confirmation that the Easter Bunny would bring him candy, he hopped down, gave the bunny a "fist bump" and looked at me and said, "Okay, that's enough. Let's go play!" So...we did! :)

Easter Egg Hunt!
He was not thrilled to stop for pictures by this point in our trip!
He is literally saying, "No more pictures!"

Looking for candy in his Easter eggs!

He found a bunch of eggs!

Then we took a hay ride back to the farm! He took turns sitting with mommy and daddy!

Such a pretty day outside and so good to spend the whole day with my two boys!

Mr. Attitude!

This arm-crossing, fit-pitching, smart-mouthed kid is not the Jackson I am used to! He better get that under control! :)
Can't you just see the attitude from that body language and those squinted eyes!?
Oh boy! Oh boy!

Now that's some good sleep! :)

For some reason, Mommy and Daddy's bed just sleeps better than his bed! :)

Baby Chickens!!

The week of Easter the daycare had baby chickens in the lobby for all the kids to look at; they called them "chicken nuggets"!
Jackson loved looking at the babies. He would say, "We got to look at the chick-ins! They're so CUTE!" :) I even got to watch one of the them hatch out of its egg in the incubator (not pictured) was pretty awesome!

PawPaw Love!

Jackson sure loves his PawPaw, and I think PawPaw is pretty fond of him too! :)


Jackson sure is good at eating with chopsticks! He just holds both of them in his hand and then stabs his chicken with one of them! Good thinking buddy! I might could eat with them if I used that technique! :)

"We're having a PICNIC!"

Jackson loves to have a picnic lately! It started when we had a picnic in my car one day because the Chic-fil-a was way too busy to find a seat inside! Don't you just love listening to him talk! :)
"We're having a PIC-NIC!"

Sweet Kisses!

I love kisses from this sweet, little guy!

Bed Head!!

Best bed-head EVER! :)

Where are your socks!?!?

For some reason, my child NEEDS to take his socks and shoes off almost every time we get in the car to go anywhere. Almost every single time. We can be in the car for less than a minute, and the socks and shoes come off. Seriously, if we have multiple errands to run, then I put his shoes on a dozen times a day. It is exhausting and very frustrating to me, but I think Jackson thinks it is a game. He just smile and giggles every time. *Sigh*
One afternoon a few weeks ago, Jackson took his socks and shoes off like normal, but then decided to THROW HIS SOCKS OUT THE WINDOW AT SONIC! I was hollering the whole time, and he looked directly at me when he did it! He just giggled and thought it was hilarious. I however did not find it as funny when I had to get out of the car to go retrieve them! That kid!
Sadly, he has attempted that "trick" more than once, but I caught his arm just in time last attempt!
I just don't know what to do with him!!! :)

Blog books!

I finally got my 2013 Blog books in this month! I love them!
Such a good way to store all our memories of the year!

Spring School Picture Time - 2014

Oh. My. Goodness! How stinking cute are Jackson's school pictures this spring!?
I mean seriously, he thinks someone is hilarious! And I would love to be a fly on the wall to see how they get him to sit still like that long enough to get this many good pictures! I'm impressed, as usual!
He has the best smile! I just love them all!

Best Seat in the House!

Jackson always seems to get the best seat in the house! This time it was snuggled up with his cousin Alivia! She's such a good sport with Jackson! They both look pretty comfy to me! :)

"Gun Show!"

Jackson likes to show off his muscles lately!
Jackson likes to say, "Hey! Wook at my musckles! I'm so strong!!" :)

Fishing trip!

Fishing trip at Uncle Charlie's pond!
He reeled in a "big one" with PawPaw! Do you see it?! :)
He wanted nothing to do with touching it though! (Which is surprising to me since he doesn't seem to mind being dirty or getting in to everything!!)
He did like to explore the back of PawPaw's truck and wear PawPaw's fishing hat though!

"Sucker Time!"

Jackson loves going to the bank (too bad for him we have most everything on direct deposit)! He just yelled out "YES! It's SUCKER TIME!"
He's hilarious!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jackson Quote of the Day...

Jackson has a rapidly expanding vocabulary, and he says something funny or new like every day!
He's a hoot!
Here are some random things Jackson has said to us recently (definitely not an inclusive list!):
* While playing basketball, he hollers "YOU MISSED!" if you don't make the goal!
* While getting in the car to head to school, if you don't move fast enough, he hollers "Go turn the wheel, Mommy! Let's go!"
* While driving he says, "Green means GO! Red means STOP!"
* "Let's go have a hamburger for munch!"
* While stopped due to construction traffic, Jackson said, "Let's go mommy!" and so I said, "We have to wait our turn to go." so he sat there for a minute and then said "We need a green mommy! We need a green means go for our turn!"
* When trying to wake Jackson up in the morning for school, he said, "I'm so s'eepy mommy! I can't do it. I can't wake up. I need to take a nap!"
* When trying to put Jackson to sleep one night, he says, "I can't go to sleep!" and when I asked him why he said, "Because I'm a dinosaur! Rawrrrr!!!!"
* When looking at my red vase in the kitchen, Jackson said, "Hey Mommy! It's a volcano!!!"
* When picking up his toys, he often shows me his "muscles" and says, "I so STRONG! I so MUSCLES!"
* While putting his shoes on one day (and pretending that the shoes and socks are planes and trains, etc), Jackson looked at me and said, "You make thing awesome! I love you mommy!"
* He says, "What's that noise?!" if he hears anything.
* He says, "You go to sleep! You take a nap!" if he wants us to leave him alone.
* The other night when I got him out of the car, he said, "It's so dark outside mommy!" and I said "Yes sir, it's nighttime." So then he looked at me and said, "Are you scared mommy!? Are you scared of the dark?" And when I told him the dark wasn't scary, I asked him was he scared of the dark and he looked at me so offended and yelled, "I'm not afraid of the dark!!!"
* "Let's dance!"
* "Ummmm.....I'll be right back!"
* I'm soooo hungry! Let's get a snack!"
* He says, "Mommy, you so smell! You smell!" and when I asked "Well do I smell good or bad?" He said "You smell delicious! Like strawberries!"
* He also says, "You smell my stinky feet!? So STINKY!!"
* He said the other morning, first thing in the morning, "Mommy, I like your hair. It's so pretty. You so pretty!" (He's a charmer!)
And so much more...I'm going to try to post more "Jackson says..." in the future! It's so hard to remember them all when you sit down to blog!
He also described something as "amazing" the other day.
Other words he uses regularly now include:
thank you
yes ma'am
no sir
....and so much more!


Ahhh....naps with the baby boy! Good stuff.

iPhone finds....

Another random picture I found on my iPhone! Nice one! :)

Riding with the windows rolled down!

That is the face of pure joy to be riding around on a warm day with the windows rolled down! We love the spring! I just love that boy! And there's nothing better than that smile! :)

Spring. Stay-home day. Dirt!

One day last week, the weather was beautiful (even I wasn't cold), so we spent most of the day playing outside in the dirt! Earlier that morning, Jackson dug through all of his toys in the house and I finally said, "What are you looking for, buddy?" He looked at me with his hands in the air and said, "I can't find it. I can't find it anywhere! I can't find any DIRT!" Hahahaha! Well....I was glad he couldn't find any INSIDE (although he probably could if he looked hard enough! Haha!), so we headed outside in search of some dirt.
He dug and drove tractors and made roads for HOURS! He needed to put his toes in the dirt too! No shoes outside today! He had a blast...well, we both did! :)
We love spring. And we love stay-home days!! And Jackson loves the dirt!


I snuggle with this busy little boy every second that I get! I love it!

Shopping with a toddler...again!

I need a nap! :)
He really was pretty good, but boy he makes me tired. He just needs to investigate everything, while I am on the defensive trying to make sure he doesn't pull down any displays or get abducted in the process! All while attempting to buy the kid some summer clothes (because he grows too fast!). Can you believe my 3 year old in wearing 4T to 5T clothes and a size 12 shoe! What??!!

But we were both wore out by the time the day was over! Haha! He shops like his daddy!! :)

Red Eyelashes!

Have you ever seen more beautiful RED eyelashes???
I just love them!


Jackson is VERY good at hiding these days. Sometimes he gets inside things that I wouldn't think he could fit in (like the toy box or a cooler or a suitcase) and then he just jumps out as you when you pass by! He thinks it's hilarious! He also likes to hide under blankets and behind doors... He's always hiding somewhere. :)
That smile is worth it! So cute!!


Fun times swinging on the neighbor's swing set!
My boy is so happy for the spring weather! He loves to be outside!!

Rosebloom fun!

Now that's a crew! Fun times with PawPaw and Uncle T!

Oh Boy!

Building roads, moving dirt, no pants! My boy is in Heaven!

He's SUPER!!

Super Jackson!
He runs around the house saying, "I'm SUPER! I'm SUPER JACKSON!!"

Just like daddy!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Duck, Duck, Goose!!

Jackson's new favorite game is Duck, Duck, Goose! and let me tell you we have some heated games at our house these days. A game consists of "picking the goose" then basically running around the house squealing for a while. He LOVES it!
And his face is priceless when we are picking the goose. He gets so excited! And often he hollers out "Goose!" if you hesitate too long. It is hilarious! He keeps us laughing!!