Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jackson Quote of the Day...

Jackson has a rapidly expanding vocabulary, and he says something funny or new like every day!
He's a hoot!
Here are some random things Jackson has said to us recently (definitely not an inclusive list!):
* While playing basketball, he hollers "YOU MISSED!" if you don't make the goal!
* While getting in the car to head to school, if you don't move fast enough, he hollers "Go turn the wheel, Mommy! Let's go!"
* While driving he says, "Green means GO! Red means STOP!"
* "Let's go have a hamburger for munch!"
* While stopped due to construction traffic, Jackson said, "Let's go mommy!" and so I said, "We have to wait our turn to go." so he sat there for a minute and then said "We need a green mommy! We need a green means go for our turn!"
* When trying to wake Jackson up in the morning for school, he said, "I'm so s'eepy mommy! I can't do it. I can't wake up. I need to take a nap!"
* When trying to put Jackson to sleep one night, he says, "I can't go to sleep!" and when I asked him why he said, "Because I'm a dinosaur! Rawrrrr!!!!"
* When looking at my red vase in the kitchen, Jackson said, "Hey Mommy! It's a volcano!!!"
* When picking up his toys, he often shows me his "muscles" and says, "I so STRONG! I so MUSCLES!"
* While putting his shoes on one day (and pretending that the shoes and socks are planes and trains, etc), Jackson looked at me and said, "You make thing awesome! I love you mommy!"
* He says, "What's that noise?!" if he hears anything.
* He says, "You go to sleep! You take a nap!" if he wants us to leave him alone.
* The other night when I got him out of the car, he said, "It's so dark outside mommy!" and I said "Yes sir, it's nighttime." So then he looked at me and said, "Are you scared mommy!? Are you scared of the dark?" And when I told him the dark wasn't scary, I asked him was he scared of the dark and he looked at me so offended and yelled, "I'm not afraid of the dark!!!"
* "Let's dance!"
* "Ummmm.....I'll be right back!"
* I'm soooo hungry! Let's get a snack!"
* He says, "Mommy, you so smell! You smell!" and when I asked "Well do I smell good or bad?" He said "You smell delicious! Like strawberries!"
* He also says, "You smell my stinky feet!? So STINKY!!"
* He said the other morning, first thing in the morning, "Mommy, I like your hair. It's so pretty. You so pretty!" (He's a charmer!)
And so much more...I'm going to try to post more "Jackson says..." in the future! It's so hard to remember them all when you sit down to blog!
He also described something as "amazing" the other day.
Other words he uses regularly now include:
thank you
yes ma'am
no sir
....and so much more!

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