Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Monday, August 15, 2011

12 month check-up

Today was Jackson's 12 month check-up with Dr. Narayanan. We talked all morning about what was going to happen at the appointment (because he's a big kid now), but he didn't seem to really care. :)

Here is the big smile I got after Jackson woke up from his morning nap! Doesn't he have the most beautiful smile?! Glad he was in a good mood at least before his doctor's visit. :)

We got to the doctor's office a little early (they are closed for lunch until right before his appointment at 1:00pm), and Jackson had his first driving lesson! He had a ball turning the steering wheel and flashing the lights!

Jackson and his dad...waiting.

Jackson had to have his finger pricked (totally routine...they check for anemia at one-year and again at five-years)....and he was very unhappy about it! It was more that he didn't want the nurse to hold his finger still while collecting the blood. It took all three of us to keep his hand still enough for her to get enough blood to do the test. When the blood collection part was over, the nurse put two Wile E. Coyote bandaids on his poor little thumb. This made him even madder! He was not going to rest until he found a way to get that bandaid off his finger! After about 30 seconds, he accomplished his task. Only problem was...the finger was still bleeding! I tried to hold gauze on it, but this made him even madder! Poor guy had blood all over the place! It was just terrible. He felt much better once I was able to hold him and we left that poor, bleeding thumb alone!

After the whole "finger prick incident", Jackson still had to get two shots! He was very not pleased to be held down a second time, and was even more furious when he got his injections. Poor guy was so not happy...that is, until he got his cookies! It is amazing how much better my man felt when he got a cookie in each hand! :) Praise the Lord for cookies! :)

Jackson's 12-month stats:
  • weight: 26 pounds and 8 ounces...90th percentile
  • height: 30 and 3/4 inches...80th percentile
  • head circumference: 20 inches (only a little bit bigger than the last check-up. Yeah!)...still 100th percentile. Oh well....lots of brains in there I suppose. That's what Dr. Narayanan says! He actually said he should have a large brain and he wants to hear he went to Harvard, or Yale, or some other really smart school...on scholarship! :)
Dr. Narayanan quote of the day:
"Ma'am. That boy is solid! He should grow up to be linebacker. A smart linebacker!" :) 

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