Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jackson's FIRST Birthday Party!

Sunday, August 7, 2011:

Sunday was Jackson's very first birthday party! We had an airplane themed birthday, and celebrated with tons of family and friends! (Note: I told Jason, I'm not sure what we are going to do when Jackson starts inviting people to his parties....because we had a house-full!)

Made the invitation "tickets" and map envelopes myself...

I seriously cannot wrap my head around the fact that Jackson is (almost) a whole year old!! We had an awesome time at the party, but our (not so) little boy was a little under the weather...those darn teeth! :(

Jackson has his own #1 airplane birthday shirt!

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I have been quoted as saying, "This birthday is as much for me as Jackson" and I had a blast with the decorations! I know that very soon, Jackson will have input on the theme/decorations/foods for his birthday parties (I feel that spongebob/spiderman are in my future), but this year he let me do what I thought would be fun! I think it turned out pretty cute! Here's the decorations for my airline pilot's birthday!

Airplane watermelon!

Is that not the most awesome 1st birthday cake?!?! Thanks Veronica... :)
Jackson's matching "smash cake"...see results below! :)
Napkins :)
Candy airplanes! Wish I could claim the design...learned how to make them here. Love it!

Airplane sugar cookies
"Baggage Check" in old red suitcase!
Airplane food....Peanuts and pretzels :)
Alivia + sugar cookie + Smarties + cream cheese icing = big smiles! :)
What a ham! Love it! :)
Not feeling too good! :(

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Jackson's "First Year" book:
I made a book of Jackson from birth to 11 months...and had each guest sign it for Jackson!

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Present time!!
Jackson would rather PUSH his presents around the room that open them! :)

Jackson and Maddox playing with all his loot!
Looks like they are having a staring contest! :)
 My boy...eating the wrapping paper! :)

He LOVES his "Jackson" chair! He crawls all over it! Too funny!

He had as much fun playing with the paper and bags as he did his toys! :) Kids!

That's right! Red Radio Flyer wagon!! :)

Love it!

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Family picture time! Well....that was the plan! I think Jackson was just ready for CAKE! :)


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Time for CAKE!!

Not in the hair!

Having fun! :)


Maddox enjoyed his cake too! :)

Alivia also seemed to be covered in icing...Jackson gave her a big "icing-covered" smack on the cheek! :) I don't think she minded too much! :)

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Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate Jackson's first birthday! It means a lot that you all love and care for my sweet little boy! Thanks and we love each and everyone one of you!

(Note: Jackson's actual birthday is not until August 9th...)

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