Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vacation 2011

Jackson turned ONE on Tuesday; Jason and I went on vacation on Wednesday. It's been a big week for our family! Birthday party on Sunday, birthday/first haircut on Tuesday, leave for vacation for Mama and Daddy on Wednesday, back from vacation on Saturday. Whew...I'm exhausted! :)

Jason and I decided to take a trip without Jackson this year, because to be honest, we couldn't come up with anything we thought Jackson would enjoy too. (I can see some fun vacations in the very near future though!) Now most of you may already know, but this means I was going to have to leave my baby with grandparents for 4 days and 3 nights! It has been one entire year, and I have not spent one single, solitary day away from my little man! Not one. Seriously. There have only been 3 nights in his entire first year of life that I did not put him to bed myself...2 of which I was violently ill! Needless to say, it was a huge step for me to agree to leave him with anyone! After I twisted some grandparent's arms, they all agreed to take turns keeping my man for a few days while Jason and I went out of town. :) Actually....they were ecstatic!!

Jason and I flew out of Memphis to Phoenix, where we rented a car and drove for the night to Sedona, Arizona. The next morning, we drove to the Grand Canyon and through the Hoover Dam on the way to Las Vegas.We spent 2 nights at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas. (Very nice room with view of the mountains and the city lights!). We saw a ton of beautiful scenery, took lots of pictures, walked the "Vegas Strip", and saw an awesome Las Vegas Show (KA by Cirque du soleil) and "The Bodies" Exhibit (I know. I know. I'm a nerd; I cannot help it)!

Here are a few of the hundreds of pictures we took on our travels...

Beautiful sunset and amazing, rocky cliff in Sedona, Arizona

Grand Canyon and mountains in Arizona

My favorite shot from Las Vegas...the ceiling in Caesars Palace and the Hoover Dam

We had a very good trip: both planes left on time, landed on time (the flight home actually landed 30 minutes early!), car rental got excellent gas mileage, hotels were very nice! The only issue we had was when we went to pick up the rental car, we walked all the way across the very hot parking garage (dragging our luggage) to space A18 (where our rental car was supposed to be located) only to find an empty spot! Luckily, they located our car soon after and the trip was back on track! :)

Jason was a little worried! :)

Jason and I in front of the Redrocks in Sedona

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Now...enough about what Jason and I did on's a little of what Jackson did while we were on vacation!

He spent the first few days with Mimi and Pawpaw (Jason's parents)! I think they played pretty hard from what I hear! :) Later that week, Jackson went to spend a couple of days with my parents! Here are a few shots from his weekend with Grannie and Poppa!

He got to pick some tomatoes! :)

He learned how to change the oil in the car! :)

He helped weed some flowerbeds! :)

Pushed the wheel barrow for a while! (He looks like he's trying to talk Barkley into getting in for a ride!)

Instead, he decided he would ride! :)
(NOTE: y'all are so lucky that he didn't hit your car with those wrenches or pull up your flowers!) :)

From the "Grandparent's Report", Jackson also had a full filled vacation week! I bet they were missing my boy at daycare last week! Well...back to reality this week!

Jackson (and his parents) want to say a big THANKS to his grandparents for taking such good care of him while we were gone! :)  There is no way I could have agreed to take a (much needed) vacation without knowing my precious baby boy was well taken care of. We love y'all!

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Although we did go on vacation without Jackson, we did bring him back some souvenirs! His very own "Welcome to Las Vegas" t-shirt and a "Grand Canyon mule"! :)

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NOTE: Since Jason likes to point out what a huge pharmacy nerd I am on a daily basis (I am. I admit it.), I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I am not the only nerd in our family! Here is the picture of the surveying point he found at the Grand Canyon. Pretty cool actually!  

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