Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where is Jackson??

Where is Jackson??

There he is!!

Oh wait! Where did he go? Where is my Jackson!?

Oh good! There he is!! I thought I'd lost him!! :)

And...then he rolls in the floor!

He's so much fun! :)

He can't be trusted!

This is why he can't be trusted!
I think it might be time to start talking about potty training!

My handsome boys!

I'm one lucky girl! 

Lasagna is delicious!

Thanks for supper! It was so good, I think I'll wear it too! (Right after I took this picture, he took a handful of sauce and rubbed it into his belly! Yuck. Can you say "BATHTIME!"?)



Pouty Face!

Mr. Pouty Face

Wish I were still sleeping... to work I go!

Accidental Pool Time!

Nothing better than spontaneous pool time! Jackson was not properly dressed to get in the pool the other afternoon, but he had other ideas! That pool was just calling his name! :)


Good times!

Toys, toys, and more toys!

This is what it looks like approximately 3 minutes after I pick up every toy in the floor in my house!


Sleepy Head!

This NEVER happens! My kid never shows signs that he is tired. Ever. Even at 10:00 at night after he's played hard all day long! This only happens after Jackson wakes up at 3am and doesn't go back to sleep until he finishes his lunch at 11:45am the next day!

He has to have gotten this from his daddy! Jason doesn't require even close to as much sleep as I do and it seems Jackson doesn't either! Both of my boys can live on 4-5 hours of sleep at night and be fine the next day; not this girl! :)

Silly boy!

:) My silly Mr. Bowl Head!

Good Morning Mama!

Why is the "Big Green Ball" in MY bed?
Well that's because that's how my boy woke me up the other morning! Good times! :)

The next morning...I woke up just seconds before he hit me in the head with a huge, remote-controlled monster truck! I'll take the "Big Green Ball" anyday! :)

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You See?

Jackson loves to read. And...he loves to read the same book over and over and OVER again! And I'm not talking he wants to read it every night, I'm saying he wants to read it 10 times in a row! We get to the end of the book and he says, "read?"  You can try to get him to pay attention to a new book, but it usually isn't going to work (unless it's one of his other favorites that we read over and over and over again) so he just hands you the same book again!

"Green sea turtle, green sea turtle, what do you see? I see a macaroni penguin strutting by me!"

Rare treat!

It's a rare treat to get to hold my sleeping baby boy these days! I'll take it any time I can get it!

Donuts are delicous!


My two favorite boys!

I just love those two boys!

(And who can believe how big Jackson has gotten? Amazing how fast he has grown.)

Drum Solo!!

I think he has talent! :)

Lego TIme!!

Jackson loves his Lego's these days and they make for good entertainment on car rides!

He's always looking at them like he's figuring something out!

But all that building and concentrating got the best of him!
Snuggling with his Lego! So stinkin' sweet!

Interesting Combination...

Interesting combination: Bumbo seat + big boy chair + puppy pillow pet = Jackson's idea of lounging! :)

Hilarious! He got himself in that situation all by himself and he somehow got himself out too! His legs have been too fat for that Bumbo chair since he was like 6 months old! Guess with all that running, he slimming up! :)

Frosty Time!

Jackson loves a Frosty! But then again...who doesn't!?!?

Powdered Donuts!!

Mmmmm mmmmm good!

Hot, sweaty, and chessin'!

It's hot! But that doesn't stop my boy from having a good time!

There is no way to not smile when you look at that precious face! :)

Milk: It does a body GOOD!

Milk: It does a body GOOD! :)

Jackson's Artwork!

Jackson's footprint parrot!

Jason asked the teacher was that the biggest foot she'd ever seen and she said it was definitely the biggest foot in his class!! :)


There's not a whole lot worse in this world to know you're baby is hurting and not being able to "fix it"! Jackson had his first big tumble on the concrete a few days ago and had some pretty big bumps and scratches to prove it. It seems my daredevil of a child climbed up into his jogging stroller in the garage by himself and had a little trouble getting turned around to sit down and fell head first onto the concrete. Jason was there when it happened (I was still at work...not a call you like to get!) and said he saw it all happen in what seemed like slow motion!

He bumped his noggin on the concrete but also tried to stop himself with the one hand he could get down and tore his thumb all the pieces. He was more worried about his thumb that he was his head.

Jason called me at work and told me about the "incident" and all I could here in the background was my hurt baby boy crying out "Maammmmaaa, Maaammaaaaa!" It was so sad! Needless to say, I told my partner bye and jumped in the car!

My "Knot-Head"!

Poor guy...

Is that the saddest thing you have ever seen? That was the only way he would let us out ice on his head! And his thumb was very sore; he kept it stuck in the air for the rest of the night!

Concrete print :(

Jackson's daddy did such a good job bandaging this wounds until I got home with the fingertip bandaids!

But...that's one tough boy! He was fine by the next morning! I think it hurt mine and Jason's feelings more than it hurt him! He gave us a scare for sure.

Playing at the park!

Get ready; set...

...and SLIDE!

Jackson LOVES the ducks at the park! He gets so excited when he sees them...

....he gets so excited he tries the chase them down; all the time hollering, "Du du du du du!!!"
Those poor ducks! :)

And of course, he would be my boy if he didn't find himself a good stick to play with!

One of his favs! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Granny Kisses!

Granny is trying to steal all Jackson's kisses! :)

Ha ha ha! :)

Looks like Jackson may have had one too many margarita's at the mexican resteraunt tonight! :)
He thought it was so funny to wear his bowl on his head! :)

Jackson has a "chip on his shoulder"!

Jackson has a "chip on his shoulder"! I mean literally! :)
(Sounds like a joke my daddy would make doesn't it!! Ha!)