Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Toddler Bed Time!

Toddler Bed Time!

Monday, July 9th we upgraded Jackson to a toddler bed (because he learned to get out of the baby bed you know...)

He was so excited! (We put a bed rail up so he doesn't end up sleeping on the floor a little while later...)

He was so excited about his bed...until it was actually time to go to sleep! Let's just say it did not go well! It took about 2 hours and many, many, many attempts to get him to go to sleep! Seriously it was 11:45pm before he finally gave up and went to sleep. I sat on the floor and tried to get him to sleep for HOURS! It wasn't that he didn't like his bed; he just couldn't seem to fall asleep (this has been a problem for about a week now - Jason thinks he may be going through a growth spurt or something).

So...about 2:00am, Jackson woke me up running through the kitchen crying and screaming "Maaaaammmmmaaaaa!!" Then he slept the rest of the night with his mama and daddy. When I say the phrase "slept with his mama and daddy" you should just assume that HE slept. It seems that Jackson wiggles as much in his sleep as he does when he's awake! It is impossible to sleep with that wiggle worm doing the "helicopter" and practicing his "ninja moves" all night long!

At least HE looks rested! This is how I found him after the first night of "Operation Toddler Bed".
I'd also like to say that I blame that night on my daddy, because he jinxed us the night before when he said "toddler bed just means that he's going to sleep that night in your bed"! Thanks Daddy! Thanks a lot!

Day 2 however went a little better. Still tough to fall asleep (only took until 10:45pm the second night), and he stayed in his bed all night! Thank goodness!

Here's the second morning! Good job buddy! was a "stay home day", so we got a little snuggling in after he finally woke up!

But...unfortunately, the 3rd night was not as good as the night before. Jackson went to sleep at 10:45pm after HOURS of coaxing, but then woke me up at 3:00am when he walked (very quietly) into our bedroom, reached out and touched me on the face, and said "HEY MAMA!" Scared the mess out of me! And...unfortunately, he NEVER went back to sleep! He had the "wide awakes" as his daddy would say! Very long night!

He tried to doze off about the time we had to leave to go to school, but I didn't let that happen! We sleep at night in this house, buddy! You would think that he would have been super grumpy and would have wanted to go to sleep early that night, but you would be wrong! He was full speed ahead all day and didn't go to sleep until well after 9:00pm that night! I thought kids were supposed to need sleep!? Well I know I do!

He is learning the toddler bed and has done much better the past few night...

...but as I typed this post, he was having trouble falling asleep, so I went in his room to give him hugs and get him back on track and I somehow ended up sitting in the floor in a HEAD-LOCK for over 20 minutes before he would let go of his grip around my neck long enough for me to move! I am still not sure how I got myself in that predicament!

Wish us luck....

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