Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Growing up WAY too fast!!!

When did my baby turn into such a big boy?

These pictures were all taken the first weekend in October (at the Moorman Family Reunion).
Who can believe how big he has gotten!?

Slow down buddy!

My baby is growing up WAY too fast!

Moorman Family Reunion - 2013

Moorman Family Reunion - 2013
We didn't get as many pictures of everyone this year, because - well, Jackson said he needed to home and take a nap. Seriously. He told his daddy he needed a nap (which he has NEVER done before) and considering his mood was breaking down, we decided we should grant his wish!
But here is what I got before naptime!
Say "cheese"!

That's a crew!!

Marlie and her PawPaw! They are best buds!

My silly boy!

Jackson was so excited when his cousin Abe showed up! He spotted Abe's daddy's truck before we did and started yelling "Abe is here! Abe is here!" They have so much fun when they are together!

Mama and Jackson!

Off on an adventure!

They took a little walk! and a little run! and found a little dirt to play in! :)

Jackson and his daddy! (and Woody of course!)

He didn't want to wake up from his nap either! We had to bribe him with promises of popsicles to get him to wake up! :)
* * * * * * * * * *
And the best parts about family reunions? When the old pictures come out! :)

Who are those handsome fellas?
(Hint: it's Jackson's PawPaw and Uncle Charie!)
And PawPaw was something else in that black leather vest! :)

Look at that crew!
(From left to right: PawPaw, Uncle Mac, Uncle John, and Uncle T!)
PawPaw was stylin' in those striped pants! :)

Memphis Zoo - October 2013

Finally the weather is so nice, we decided to take a trip to the Memphis Zoo! Jackson was genuinely excited about all the "naminals" this trip! He would say "Woaahhhh! Look. At. That!" and "Check it out!" among other things! And he really knows his animals too! We were pretty darn impressed with all the animal names he knew - some of them we have never heard him say! He is one smart boy! :)
Jackson and mama! We love the "nelephants"! :)

Jackson and the alligator!

Having a little photo shoot while daddy waits in line to buy us tickets!
Jackson was saying, "Get the tick-ets daddy!"


"Look. At. That!!!
We found LOTS of interesting things this trip!!

Jackson and his daddy!
"Check it out!"

We chose not to pet the stingrays on this trip, but we still posed with one! :)

Kimono dragons! It looks like Jackson is getting a kiss from that "dragon"! Jackson thought they were pretty cool; I, on the other hand, think they are creepy!

And who can believe that he rode in the wagon at least half of the time? We couldn't believe it! He was glad we had it toward the end too because he got tired! Was dozing off sitting straight up in the wagon as we were getting ready to leave!

My big boy!

My two handsome boys!

When did he turn into such a big boy!?

"Panda! It's a Panda bear!!!"

Jackson and his daddy!

I don't think this is how you are intended to pose in this spot, but I think it is pretty darn cute! :)

I love walking and holding this little guys hand! He really is the sweetest thing!

And we got to feed the giraffes! I was so excited! :)


Look at that tongue!

We had so much fun feeding the giraffes! It was AWESOME! I totally recommend you feed them if you visit the Memphis Zoo. So fun!!!
And one of them licked me! Gross. :)

And moments after getting in the car, you guessed it! He was out like a light!!

And he had a hard time waking up - he was wore out!
But mama got to snuggle a little, so I didn't mind too much! :)
* * * * * * * * * *
Look how big my boy is getting!
Oh my.
Slow down buddy!
St. Louis Zoo - April 2012 vs. Memphis Zoo - October 2013

Where's Jackson? :)

So...Jackson went missing. I started looking for him when I realized he was a little too quiet! And this is what I found! :)

He's pretty good at hiding! :)

Oh no!! happened.
Just like the scene from the movie.
Buzz lost an arm.
And surprisingly, Jackson doesn't seem to care! :)


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Huh? :)

"What'd you say mommy?"

Sleeping with a toddler - take 2!

 When Jackson finds his way into our bed in the middle of the night, there is not a bed big enough for the two of us - much less if daddy is still in bed too!

He wiggles up just as close to you as possible! And you try to get away and he gets closer - until you are just about to fall off the bed.

This morning is a prime example. When I got up (moments before I took this picture), I was on the small side of the bed by where Jackson is laying...under my pillow might I add! Hello! We have a king sized bed! No reason we should be that crowded!

Makes getting some rest extremely difficult! For me at least - it doesn't seem to bother Jackson one bit! :)

Challenging Day!

My off day last week, Jackson was...well, lets just say...challenging! He didn't listen to a word I said and he was in to everything!! Usually, if I have errands to run (ever since he was an infant), I just pack him up and take him with me...well, as long as there is a shopping cart involved. This day he was just so ornery that I refused to leave the house with him. Problem was he needed some supplies for school the next day, so after his daddy got home from work, I went to town without them. Not long after I left, Jackson's daddy sends me these pictures!!

I've been there daddy! I have - but you can't tie him up!  :)

But for real - it was Jackson's idea of fun until it happened, then of course it wasn't as fun as he thought it would be! :) Jackson claims that is HIS rope and he plays with it every chance he can get. He wants to ties things up to the rope and drag you around with it and play tug-of-war!

And a little while later, I get this one!

I asked his daddy was this accident related to the previous incident he sent me pictures of, but he swears they are unrelated.

I left the house for one hour. One hour. Jason ties my boy up and there is bloodshed! I just don't know what I am going to do with both of them!! Hahaha!

"To infinity...and beyond!"

"To infinity...and beyond!!"

I love watching his imagination!!
He thinks he is Buzz Lightyear these days.... :)

Puddle Stomping!

Doing a little puddle stomping and playing in the rain on a rainy Sunday afternoon!

Food plot planting....

It's that time of year again folk....hunting season! And before you start the real hunting, you've got to get your food plots planted (or at least that's what I am told!). And of course, Jackson was a huge help!

Jackson likes to ride!!

Big helper!

Reasons to never take a toddler shopping...

And here is reason number 4,792 why you should NEVER take a toddler shopping with you. Even if it is for him. Just don't do it. I know, I know - you might think "It'll be okay and I NEED to bring him with  me to make sure what size he wears", but don't do it. Just guess at the size and return it to the store another day if it is wrong! Learned this lesson the hard way!

He was so entertained by the displays in the store! I, however, not so entertained! I stopped him from crawling under a display one time and held him still while I threatened him with everything I could think of and what did he do? He hollered out "You're hurting me mommy!!" for the entire store to hear! Oh boy!

Thankfully we both made it out of this shopping trip alive!
Never again!
Someone remind me of this day if I ever attempt it again, please!!


 "Loooookkkk Mommy! NUMBERS!!" :)

I swear I just turned my head for a second and...this happened.

He's a mess and he can make a big ole mess!!

You'll be happy to know that I got him to pick them all up too! Took about 3 hours, but we made it happen!

I love this silly boy!

Stay home days are so fun! I am so glad that I have at least one weekday (sometimes two depending on my schedule each week) where I get to spend the whole day with this little guy!

We like to snuggle. Watch Toy Story repeatedly. Play airplanes. And so much more!

He's a hoot I tell you! And sometimes a handful too! :)

My smiling boy! :)

Jackson's "silly face"!

Fun morning with my silly boy!