Meet Jackson and Stone:

Our boys are the light of our lives, and we can't imagine life without them! They are so blessed to have so many people in their lives who love them unconditionally and we are just as blessed to be given the privilege to be their parents!

This blog is a chronicle of our boys lives. All the milestones, all the fun times, all the silly things they do, and all of their messes!

This blog is to keep everyone up to date and to document all of those memories of our lives together that we never want to forget!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Moorman Family Reunion - 2013

Moorman Family Reunion - 2013
We didn't get as many pictures of everyone this year, because - well, Jackson said he needed to home and take a nap. Seriously. He told his daddy he needed a nap (which he has NEVER done before) and considering his mood was breaking down, we decided we should grant his wish!
But here is what I got before naptime!
Say "cheese"!

That's a crew!!

Marlie and her PawPaw! They are best buds!

My silly boy!

Jackson was so excited when his cousin Abe showed up! He spotted Abe's daddy's truck before we did and started yelling "Abe is here! Abe is here!" They have so much fun when they are together!

Mama and Jackson!

Off on an adventure!

They took a little walk! and a little run! and found a little dirt to play in! :)

Jackson and his daddy! (and Woody of course!)

He didn't want to wake up from his nap either! We had to bribe him with promises of popsicles to get him to wake up! :)
* * * * * * * * * *
And the best parts about family reunions? When the old pictures come out! :)

Who are those handsome fellas?
(Hint: it's Jackson's PawPaw and Uncle Charie!)
And PawPaw was something else in that black leather vest! :)

Look at that crew!
(From left to right: PawPaw, Uncle Mac, Uncle John, and Uncle T!)
PawPaw was stylin' in those striped pants! :)

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